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Author Topic: Done and won!  (Read 7550 times)

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Offline dewey1951

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Done and won!
« on: February 21, 2015, 04:53:43 pm »
Just got back results from 6 week post treatment. alt 17, ast 22, and still undetected (from 6 weeks during treatment to 6 weeks after-all clear!). I have a followup with the liver doc on 3/6. The Bells Palsy episode that hit me at the 5 week post treatment time frame has just about run its course, I'm about 95% recovered (still can't spit straight) and am canceling appts with physical therapy and neurology for evaluations. The only real issues are a lingering rash, and hair loss. My energy level is near normal and I am my cheery self again. So, despite all the doubts, the near quitting treatment, and the lost time laying on the couch, I guess it was worth it. The hair loss pisses me off because after retiring from the Army 6 years ago, I quit getting haircuts every 2 weeks and it is down to about 2 inches from my belt (back to my Haight Ashbury days). I was going to donate it to Locks of Love, but it's thinned out a bunch, and I don't know if it's worth donating. Don't get me wrong, my hair is VERY thick, but at the rate it's thinning, I don't know if there'll be enough by the time I get around to getting it cut. Anyway, all is well for the moment, and I'll be heading out to Monterey to golf next week, so we'll see if being hep c free improves my game.

Offline 575to505

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10 days in with Harvoni....
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2015, 02:01:17 pm »
Hi everyone! I'm new here and new on Harvoni, 10 days to be exact! I take my pill about 9:15 am and I havnt had any side effects! Rather, I've had very minimal ones. I've had 3 slight nose bleeds and that's it. I have heart issues so I'm unable to drink a lot of water. I hope that doesn't hinder getting rid of it.
I eat a lot of fresh and canned fruit. Does anyone know if that will affect negatively? Should I cut back, or cut out completely? What about any other diet changes?
Having no side effects is great but I hope it's working. I guess I'll find out when I take labs at 4 weeks in.
Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Offline sapphire101

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Re: Done and won!
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2015, 06:11:23 pm »
Congrats Dewey for your win.
The final undetected and normal liver labs. Strong work.
My unsolicited hair fashion advice is go ahead and cut it now, donate to locks of love they really need it. Then you can golf without any distractions of wandering hair. Enjoy your new life!

575to505 our well educated forum moderators will jump into assist you soon, but as to your questions- A healthy diet and lifestyle is always good no  matter if you are on treatment or off. Increase fruit, vegies, and exercise and drink plenty of water,
Genotype 1a Fibrosis level 1
Viekira Pak with ribavirin 12 weeks
Pre treatment  VL  1.7 million, AST 45 ALT 65
EOT VL not detected, AST 21 ALT 21
12 week SVR not detected,24 week SVR not detected.
Cured! Class of 2015

Offline Amj1951

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Re: 10 days in with Harvoni....
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2015, 11:53:58 pm »
Hi everyone! I'm new here and new on Harvoni, 10 days to be exact! I take my pill about 9:15 am and I havnt had any side effects! Rather, I've had very minimal ones. I've had 3 slight nose bleeds and that's it. I have heart issues so I'm unable to drink a lot of water. I hope that doesn't hinder getting rid of it.
I eat a lot of fresh and canned fruit. Does anyone know if that will affect negatively? Should I cut back, or cut out completely? What about any other diet changes?
Having no side effects is great but I hope it's working. I guess I'll find out when I take labs at 4 weeks in.
Thanks in advance for your feedback!

575to505 - It sounds like you eat healthier than I do and I came back undetected at 4 weeks.. fingers crossed it lasts!! The water. Drink what you can. There is no limit up or down.. but water is good for you unless you have a medical condition as you mentioned. I have found the water helps stop the headaches though I've not really had anything and I am in my 7th week of 12. I am pretty much symptom free so its truly like a wonder drug  : )

Good luck to you and stay with the forum. It really helps and you can get real answers from real people!



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