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Author Topic: Everything has changed but things are still the same  (Read 10154 times)

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Offline grnseamonkey

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Everything has changed but things are still the same
« on: February 25, 2015, 08:43:08 am »
I just joined this forum last night because somehow everything is different, but nothing has changed.

Hi,I tested positive for Hep C 3 weeks ago, and the last weeks have been surreal. When the doctor called I didn't know what to say. I maintained maybe I could be one the spontaneous healers. I wasn't. I have a lower VL in the 2 mil but it's a still a load right?
An active replicating Hep infection and i honestly don't know how I feel about that, right now it's all so overwhelming.
There have been times in the last 20 years that I have suspected that have had this,my behavior in my 20s was so risky, honestly the fact that I don't have more diseases is a miracle, so I feel like this should be easier but it's not. I never checked perhaps i didn't want to know and honestly assumed that a Hep test was standard so if I had it I would have known by now.I have 3 children all born in my 30s so they all need to be tested as i was more than likely positive when I conceived them. Tough to get my head around all this.

             Had a meltdown the other day brought on by 1/2 a drink. I know I can't drink anymore, but i just wanted to feel like it was all ok still. It scared me hit me like a ton of bricks, perhaps it always did but now i was more aware of the fact it took me 1/4  of what others drank and i was 10xx more tore up. Not the best liver functions. I am scattered right now, its all so new and until I see the GI i have no idea whats going on with my body or my health and that's terrifying. I have been told I gave myself a year to live when I melted down so ya, the less I know the worse my fears, see my doctor today because I need answers, I need to get this ball rolling I need to do something other than sit and think.
            In Nov, I turned 40 my year of transition I call it. Determined to become more healthy, lose weight, be more active instead of laying around ( never connected my chronic fatigue to hep till now) this is my goal today as it was on my birthday. In a way, I guess this diagnosis is helping to make all that a reality.
 (couldn't leave on a sad note!! A bright side is always there)

Well, thanks for listening

Offline Mike

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Re: Everything has changed but things are still the same
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2015, 09:30:46 am »
Hi Sea,

I remember when I was diagnosed with HCV. I was scared and felt like I had 1 foot in the ground. AT that time, the chance of a cure was about 25% and involved 48 months of grueling daily pills and weekly shots.

That was in 2000.

Things have changed quite a bit! The treatments are very short, well tolerated and 90%+ chance of a cure. This will only get better in the near future.

I have an idea what you're going through: "Why me?" "If I'd wouldn't have done that when I was young.." "My life is over."

These are normal reactions that we all go/went through.

Take a step back, get your perspective and understand that you will get through this and that HCV can be cured in most, if not all of us.

Spend sometime educating yourself about HCV. This forum is a great place to start, and there is a lot of wisdom, knowledge and support available.

Please feel free to ask any questions you might have and hang in there - this will work out.

Best wishes, Mike

Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline grnseamonkey

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Re: Everything has changed but things are still the same
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2015, 09:46:43 am »
 Thank YOU for the encouragement.

 I have been snooping around this forum since I first found out, and have found it to be a wealth of information.

Admittedly impressed by the fact that are here as well the strength

Offline Picnic

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Re: Everything has changed but things are still the same
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2015, 11:09:26 am »
I know it is depressing but if you have to get Hep c there is no better time to get treatment compared to the old days when you had hell to look forward to. The treatment was worse than the cure! Go forward and get treated now! take it from someone that had Hep C was treated 3 times and failed. Had liver cancer and then got a liver transplant (10 yrs ago) . I was treated with Sovaldi and Olysio and now an 4 weeks post treatment undetected. Hopefully on my way to being cured. My motto! NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!! Good Luck!

Offline Red Hen

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Re: Everything has changed but things are still the same
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2015, 11:11:59 am »
Sea, welcome to the forum. I love the title of your post. Very well expressed. Best wishes that things change for the better for you.
genotype 1a
completed 12 weeks Viekira pak and ribavirin
final results due around the end of April
Undetected 12 weeks post treatment!


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