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Author Topic: Paranoia or actual risk? Help!  (Read 8685 times)

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Offline lana8900

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Paranoia or actual risk? Help!
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:38:59 pm »
I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and at 20 weeks pregnant I had an exposure to blood but all testing was negative from that incident.

I had a new scare. I feel I'm being ridiculous but because of my initial exposure at 20 weeks I have had bad HIV and Hep C fears.

On Monday I went to labcorp for a Glucose test that would require me to be there for 3 and a half hours And get my blood drawn 4 times. First blood draw I notice a small red speck on the arm of the chair and pointed it out to the Tech. She cleaned it with Alcohol pads and took my blood immediately after without changing her gloves. I did have dry cracked skin that came in contact with the chair arm where the speck was as she was taking my blood.

Second blood drawn I went to sit in a chair and noticed blood on the other arm. Told her and she sprayed some cleaning solution and wiped it off right away, not letting it sit to properly disinfect. She also cleaned the other arm which had nothing on it. She changed her gloves and got a paper towel I could rest my arm on as I was obviously anxious about it. She changed her gloves again but didn't wash her hands between glove changes.

I also believe that on my third blood draw a tornequet was reused on me but I am not positive.

So my concerns are that even though I never had visible blood on me I read that Hep C doesn't have to be visible. So maybe there was small amount of virus on their gloves that would get into my system from guaze used before and after, or even feeling for a vein, then sticking the needle in which would provide direct access to my blood stream. Or even small amount of virus entering through my cracked skin.

I am just really concerned and like I said am probably being ridiculous but it would help me of someone could put my mind at ease. I am more worried about my unborn baby than myself.

So was there a risk of Hep C at all?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 02:32:54 pm by lana8900 »

Offline Mike

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Re: Paranoia or actual risk? Help!
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2015, 04:19:21 pm »
I would say that your chance of contracting either HCV or HIV from what you've explained, is about the same odds you'd have winning the mega million and power ball lotteries in the same week.

I don't think you should spend anymore time worrying about this. Spend your time thinking about the wonderful times you're going to have being a mother! :)

Best wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
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Cured July 2014

Offline lana8900

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Re: Paranoia or actual risk? Help!
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2015, 10:23:26 pm »
Thank you for your response Mike!
I knew I was being silly but I've become a major germaphobe since my first exposure and being anywhere around blood makes me very fearful.

Again, I appreciate the response!


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