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Author Topic: Just founf out  (Read 8439 times)

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Offline Tdutcher

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Just founf out
« on: March 23, 2015, 08:36:32 pm »
I just found out about 5 months ago that I'm pos for hep c.  Now, I just had surgery on my neck and was given vicoden based with Tylenol because ibuprofen slows the growth of bone so my neck will fuse together.  Confused on what I can take and what I cant.  I see my Dr. on Friday so maybe they can explain. 

Offline Mike

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Re: Just founf out
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2015, 10:35:24 pm »
Vicodin, which contains the opioid "Hydrocodone", is an effective pain medication for managing moderate post-operative and/or chronic pain. It is worthy to note that:

"Opioids are rare causes of drug induced liver disease and are not mentioned in large case series of clinically apparent liver injury caused by medications.  In physiological, pain relieving doses, opioids have not been implicated in causing clinically apparent liver injury, acute liver failure, chronic hepatitis or vanishing bile duct syndrome."

However, Vicodin contains "Acetaminophen", which can, in large doses, damage the liver. In the short term, Vicodin should be fine, as long as the maximum daily dose of Acetaminophen is not exceeded.

Vicodin dosages are usually 5/300 (5 mg of Hydrocodone and 300 mg Acetaminophen) or 7.5/300 (7.5 mg of Hydrocodone and 300 mg of Acetaminophen).

Generally, 1500-2000 mg of Acetaminophen is considered safe for daily intake with minimal hepatotoxicity in the short term. This becomes more complicated if taken long term to manage chronic pain or if liver disease is present.

Oxycontin (Oxycodone),  may be a better choice for  pain management as it does not contain Acetaminophen, and carries the same minimum risk of liver damage associated with all opiods.

Talk to your doctor about it. Let him/her know you are concerned about the impact Acetaminophen may have on your liver. Indicate that you want your pain managed with an analgesic that will address moderate pain and doesn't have the risk of liver damage.

There are many to choose from.

Best wishes, Mike

Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014


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