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Author Topic: A Lesson in Hepatitis C Transmission  (Read 8484 times)

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Offline Hep Editors

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A Lesson in Hepatitis C Transmission
« on: March 16, 2015, 01:30:54 pm »
To cause a new infection, hepatitis C must pass from the blood of an infected person to the blood of an uninfected person. In other words, it’s spread through direct blood-to-blood contact.

Common modes of HCV transmission:

-Sharing needles and other equipment used to inject drugs.
-Needle-stick injuries or exposure of open wounds/mucous membranes to infected blood.
-Blood or blood-product transfusions (especially before 1992).

Less common modes of transmission:

-Sexual transmission
-Unsterilized tattoos, piercings, manicures or pedicures
-Sharing razors, nail clippers, other personal hygiene products with an infected person.
-Mother-to-child transmission
-Medical malpractice (through re-used needles, drug diversion, etc.)

Highly unlikely/no chance of transmission:

-Semen/other genital fluids
-Saliva or mucous
-Physical contact
-Breast milk

For more information: http://www.hepmag.com/articles/2512_18750.shtml

Offline BeWell

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Re: A Lesson in Hepatitis C Transmission
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2015, 06:15:12 pm »
<<-Blood or blood-product transfusions (especially before 1992).>>
Hi, I was diagnosed with HCV 1b in 2005. I realize that it's not really important how I was infected but it still bothers me. I had blood transfusion (2units) in May of 1995. I never shared any needles with anybody or had any situation where I could exchange blood (as far as I know) except for mentioned transfusion in the hospital. I think blood transfusion was the source of my infection but doctor said that it's not possible. After I was diagnosed all members of my family got checked and cleared. Was it really impossible to get hcv via blood transfusion in 1995?
Not sure if this thread is the right one for this question, don't know which one is.
Thanks for support! Because of hcv stigma felt very lonely in outside world until found this forum.

Female 56
HCV 1b
Think I was Infected via blood transfusion in 1995 but cannot be sure.
Interferon/riba/pega in 2010 - responded quickly, relapsed.
Started Harvoni 01/22/2015
4 weeks - virus still detected
Doctor requested extension to 24 weeks; insurance declined; Gilead picked up the bill !!! Battle continues.


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