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Author Topic: Hypertension and harvoni  (Read 10200 times)

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Offline debham

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Hypertension and harvoni
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:47:43 pm »
A few weeks before I went on Harvoni my Dr. put me on a diuretic my BP had been creeping up to unhealthy levels over the last year 165/90. The diuretic brought it down to levels that were acceptable but not perfect 135/82. I've been on Harvoni for six weeks now I take my BP daily in the last week it has dropped down to 106/65. Has anyone experience a drop in BP with Harvoni?  My blood pressure was always 115/70 before it started it's upward climb. Deb
Diagnosed 2003
VL 300,000
Geno type 1 a
Start TX 4/01/15
VL 2.3 million
Tx Naive
12 wk Tx
Last Ultra Sound
No presents of fibrosis

Offline mario555

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Re: Hypertension and harvoni
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2015, 05:58:27 pm »
I finished 24 weeks of Harvoni 3 weeks ago. My blood pressure had gone way up on treatment but has now gone back to my lifetime normal of 120/80.
My suggestion is to not worry about an increase during treatment and not take any medication for high blood pressure! It's not worth it for a 12-24 weeks blood pressure problem that will resolve itself.
60 years old. Likely infected 1975. Geno 1a
F4  8 millions VL,  AST 140  ALT 140
Generally in good health except problems are creeping up rapidly!
2 failed attempts Inf 2000 and Inf-riba 2010
Harvoni 24 weeks
Start 11/13/2014   EOT 4/27/2015
VL4 - UND (may 25)
VL12 - UND
VK24 -  UND
Hopefully cured forever!

Offline debham

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Re: Hypertension and harvoni
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2015, 07:23:23 pm »
Thanks for your reply... I hope everything goes back to normal after my tx. I'm sixty one and exercise daily. Heavy workouts. Cycle class three times a week and Zumba or core exercise the other days. I usually bike between 18-20 miles in a 55 minute class. I certainly should have a good BP, my heart rate is great resting usually about 59 or 60 bpm. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and having high hopes this tx works for me. I freak out every time I read about another relapse. I'm glad all is going back to normal for you.
Diagnosed 2003
VL 300,000
Geno type 1 a
Start TX 4/01/15
VL 2.3 million
Tx Naive
12 wk Tx
Last Ultra Sound
No presents of fibrosis

Offline sabre

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Re: Hypertension and harvoni
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2015, 10:01:24 pm »
My BP was high pre-treatment because of kidney disease. It got even higher while on Harvoni, however. The doctor doubled up on the BP medicine and it helped moderately.
Infected 1980 / Diagnosed 2008
GT 1 / Treatment naive / VL 190,000
Biopsy 2008: stage 0 grade 1
Fibroscan 2015: F2 mild fibrosis
Chronic kidney disease (due to HCV) / Proteinuria

12 weeks Harvoni began on 03/28/2015
End of treatment: 06/19/2015
Labs on 06/17/2015: Undetected
Labs on 09/21/2015: Undetected (SVR12)

Offline mario555

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Re: Hypertension and harvoni
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2015, 11:33:54 pm »
If your BP does like mine, I had a real peak during certain periods of my 24 weeks treatment. My doctor (GP) wanted to treat but I told her not to change anything because of a short lived problem. Keep checking it often, it will come down soon on its own (the extra part)
60 years old. Likely infected 1975. Geno 1a
F4  8 millions VL,  AST 140  ALT 140
Generally in good health except problems are creeping up rapidly!
2 failed attempts Inf 2000 and Inf-riba 2010
Harvoni 24 weeks
Start 11/13/2014   EOT 4/27/2015
VL4 - UND (may 25)
VL12 - UND
VK24 -  UND
Hopefully cured forever!


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