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Author Topic: Started Treatment this week  (Read 61073 times)

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Offline RedFoxJean

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Just received approval from Insurance
« Reply #100 on: November 10, 2015, 02:01:31 pm »
I just received approval from my insurance company. I am hoping to get started next week with Harvoni. I was paralyzed with fear until I began reading some of the posts. For the most part I am very positive and a strong person. I truly feel all will go well and I will be cured with minimal side affects. I don't know my stats yet except that I am F1-F2. Will find all that out later.
Contracted 1980 blood transfusion
Diagnosed 2013
Genotype 1A
Fibrosure F1-F2

Offline csolisnfl

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #101 on: November 10, 2015, 02:08:13 pm »
Congrats RedFoxJean on getting approved.  I hope you will find side effects minimal and the outcome positive.  Just wait, all the energy you will have will astound you!
Infected 1973/military
Diagnosed 2004/ Genotype 1a
01/08/2015: VL 4,268,689; AST 71/ALT 78
Treatment started 09/02/2015
09/25/2015: VL <15 Log 1.18  AST 20/ALT 11
10/27/2015: VL Not Detected, AST 18/ALT 13
Harvoni: 12 Weeks

Offline Scoutdoy

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #102 on: November 10, 2015, 03:13:56 pm »
Redfox, I hope you get the energy boost that I did. The first couple of days I had a slight headache but after that I felt great the rest of the treatment. Drink lots of water, I took my pill at noon everyday on an empty stomach. Everyone does it their own times. I started out taking it in the morning with food, but I didn't like how I felt. Once I switched I did great the rest of the treatment.

Genotype 1a
infected 1987-tatoo/military?
Diagnosed 2007
Biopsy F-0
vl 13,900,000
AST 23
ALT 19
Harvoni Treatment 7/27/2015
4 week lab --<12 negative...AST 23 ALT 15
6 week lab -- Undetected.....AST 17 ALT 10
8 week lab---undetected.......AST15 Alt 10
12 week lab---UNDETECTED....AST 15 ALT 9
12 week EOT--1/13/2016----UNDETECTED!
24 week EOT ----UNDETECTED  --AST 18 ALT 12

Offline RedFoxJean

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #103 on: November 10, 2015, 04:34:03 pm »
Scout, thanks for the information. Yes I will have to see what works best for me. Congratulations on being free of this dreadful thing.

Contracted 1980 blood transfusion
Diagnosed 2013
Genotype 1A
Fibrosure F1-F2

Offline dobreaux

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #104 on: November 10, 2015, 08:25:11 pm »
It's only taken 9 months and multiple insurance rejection letters, but that is an entirely different topic on how uncaring that they are. I must say that I really had hoped for Harvoni and the one pill a day. I am thankful for the chance that I have been given. Today I received my Viekira and getting ready to start the journey.
Diagnosed 1993
Viral Load- 5.2 million
Genotype 1a, Stage 2
Interferon/ Ribaviron 1997 non-responder
Start Viekira tx 11/16/15

Offline RedFoxJean

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #105 on: November 13, 2015, 01:22:42 pm »
I just received my Harvoni. I am stressing over when to begin taking this. I have an appointment at 4pm drive for an hour and then come back home. Wondering if I take this a 3 pm today like I had planned if it will affect me before I get back home at about 7pm.

I am thinking I should wait until I get back and take it at bedtime. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to work.

Really, really stressing over this.

The more I talk about Hep C with acquaintances the more I am finding out so many folks have this disease. My sister-in-laws brother began treatment about 2 weeks ago. My brother has it but his doctors want to wait before giving him treatment. They both contracted in the armed services.

How wild is this?
Contracted 1980 blood transfusion
Diagnosed 2013
Genotype 1A
Fibrosure F1-F2

Offline Scoutdoy

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #106 on: November 13, 2015, 01:37:34 pm »
Redfox...you will be fine...just decide what time of day you wish to take it and try to stay on that schedule. You can ultimately change your schedule if you find a better time I started out in the morning with food in it did not work well with me so I took it at noon on an empty stomach and that's what I did the rest of my treatment. I found if I took it past noon it kept me up at night everyone is different just pick a time

Genotype 1a
infected 1987-tatoo/military?
Diagnosed 2007
Biopsy F-0
vl 13,900,000
AST 23
ALT 19
Harvoni Treatment 7/27/2015
4 week lab --<12 negative...AST 23 ALT 15
6 week lab -- Undetected.....AST 17 ALT 10
8 week lab---undetected.......AST15 Alt 10
12 week lab---UNDETECTED....AST 15 ALT 9
12 week EOT--1/13/2016----UNDETECTED!
24 week EOT ----UNDETECTED  --AST 18 ALT 12

Offline csolisnfl

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #107 on: November 13, 2015, 02:28:56 pm »
It's only taken 9 months and multiple insurance rejection letters, but that is an entirely different topic on how uncaring that they are. I must say that I really had hoped for Harvoni and the one pill a day. I am thankful for the chance that I have been given. Today I received my Viekira and getting ready to start the journey.

Congrats dobreaux!!  I wish you smooth sailing and a bright outcome!
Infected 1973/military
Diagnosed 2004/ Genotype 1a
01/08/2015: VL 4,268,689; AST 71/ALT 78
Treatment started 09/02/2015
09/25/2015: VL <15 Log 1.18  AST 20/ALT 11
10/27/2015: VL Not Detected, AST 18/ALT 13
Harvoni: 12 Weeks

Offline csolisnfl

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #108 on: November 13, 2015, 02:31:43 pm »
I just received my Harvoni. I am stressing over when to begin taking this. I have an appointment at 4pm drive for an hour and then come back home. Wondering if I take this a 3 pm today like I had planned if it will affect me before I get back home at about 7pm.

First of all stop stressing or even thinking about it. You will more than likely have negligible side effects like the rest of us.  I take mine in the morning along with my Thyroxin, and a cuppa joe.  I eat when I get ready.  Some mornings I wake up at 4 am. other mornings at 6 am.  The idea is, I take it when I wake up and that is that.
Infected 1973/military
Diagnosed 2004/ Genotype 1a
01/08/2015: VL 4,268,689; AST 71/ALT 78
Treatment started 09/02/2015
09/25/2015: VL <15 Log 1.18  AST 20/ALT 11
10/27/2015: VL Not Detected, AST 18/ALT 13
Harvoni: 12 Weeks

Offline RedFoxJean

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #109 on: November 13, 2015, 02:41:28 pm »
No more stressing. I made up my mind. I will be taking mine at 8 am every morning starting tomorrow since it is Saturday.

Will keep you posted!!

Thanks for all the feedback.
Contracted 1980 blood transfusion
Diagnosed 2013
Genotype 1A
Fibrosure F1-F2

Offline csolisnfl

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #110 on: November 13, 2015, 02:45:03 pm »
WTG RedFox!!  Stressing adds nothing to the situation, and may complicate it even more.  Decide to have a good treatment and good outcome.  Better having a positive attitude than anything else.
Infected 1973/military
Diagnosed 2004/ Genotype 1a
01/08/2015: VL 4,268,689; AST 71/ALT 78
Treatment started 09/02/2015
09/25/2015: VL <15 Log 1.18  AST 20/ALT 11
10/27/2015: VL Not Detected, AST 18/ALT 13
Harvoni: 12 Weeks

Offline Madelief

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #111 on: November 14, 2015, 04:11:13 am »
Glad for you that you can start the treatment!
I also just started (02-11-2015) and have the same stress thoughts as you though  I know why I am doing this. Good that you post here, there are so many nice people and my feeling is we are doing it together and that makes it so much more better.
Most people have littel site effects so I hope that will be for you also!
Wish you all the best and a good journey!
start Harvoni 11-02-2015 (november)
Bloodtest 11-09-2015 alt 45 (before treatment 145)
8 weeks treatment
Bloodworks 11-23-2015
HCV not detectable!!!
Rest of the numers in a normal range : ))))

Offline Scoutdoy

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #112 on: November 14, 2015, 11:08:52 am »
Madelief and Redfox, it's good that you two started about the same time so that you can talk together. There is a group of us that talked through my whole treatment...Cal, Philedelphia, Tommy etc....it really is a stress relief just to talk to others that have lived with this nasty illness...others in your life just cannot understand what your going through, but the people on this forum can. Good luck to both of you and welcome to the cure train

Genotype 1a
infected 1987-tatoo/military?
Diagnosed 2007
Biopsy F-0
vl 13,900,000
AST 23
ALT 19
Harvoni Treatment 7/27/2015
4 week lab --<12 negative...AST 23 ALT 15
6 week lab -- Undetected.....AST 17 ALT 10
8 week lab---undetected.......AST15 Alt 10
12 week lab---UNDETECTED....AST 15 ALT 9
12 week EOT--1/13/2016----UNDETECTED!
24 week EOT ----UNDETECTED  --AST 18 ALT 12

Offline Madelief

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #113 on: November 14, 2015, 01:12:44 pm »
Thank you Scoutdoy!
This forum is almost the only place I can feel good these days...Feel understood and togetherness... My whole life is the medication these days, everything has gone to the background. I am not quite myself, I hope it soon will return being myself, I feel so vulnarable and start easily to cry or yell   :-[
The news today from Paris makes me so sad and it scares me more than normal.
Redfox how are you doing?
Thanks all,
start Harvoni 11-02-2015 (november)
Bloodtest 11-09-2015 alt 45 (before treatment 145)
8 weeks treatment
Bloodworks 11-23-2015
HCV not detectable!!!
Rest of the numers in a normal range : ))))

Offline BillT

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #114 on: November 14, 2015, 01:52:11 pm »
Hi Madelief,
                The 2 thing that keep me going are knowing that what we are doing to ourselves right now is not normal but we don't really have a choice if we are going to get better.The other thing is that this isn't going to last forever.I agree with you that everyone here makes it more bearable because we all understand each other.I'm just trying to get to the other side any way I can.You do what you need to for yourself right now and leave everything else until later. :)
Contracted 1973 Military
Diagnosed 1980
Pegintron treatment 2004 unsucessful
Genotype 1b
FibroScan 10 (F2)
Start Viekira 10.17.2015

AST 40 ALT 69
VL 440k
10.31.2015/Week 2 Labs : AST 14/ALT 17
No VL done
10.14.2015/Week 4 labs : AST 14/ALT 14
12.11.2015/Week 8 Labs : AST 12/ALT 13
No VL done
01.05.2016/EOT labs : AST 15/ALT 13



Fibroscan 6Mo. Post Treatment 7.15.2016-5.3(F1)

Offline RedFoxJean

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #115 on: November 16, 2015, 11:59:13 am »
I started my treatment Saturday morning 8 am. It is going into 3rd day. I feel great. No negative side effects. The first night I slept better than I have in a long time. Check this out. For the past 8 years I have had stomach problems. My stomach would quiver (no pain) so bad it would wake me up at night. I had all kinds of test done but the doctors could find nothing.

Since I started taking Harvoni my stomach has not quivered at all. I am wondering if the stomach problem was as a result of Hep C.

Will keep everyone posted. I am so happy.

Contracted 1980 blood transfusion
Diagnosed 2013
Genotype 1A
Fibrosure F1-F2

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #116 on: November 16, 2015, 12:16:49 pm »
RedFoxJean, glad things are going so well. HCV can be at the root of other, seemingly unconnected symptoms, thus the term extrahepatic manifestations (EHMs). Whether your stomach problems are an EHM of HCV is something I cannot answer, but it sure would be wonderful if curing the HCV gets rid of the stomach problems permanently.

Best of luck to you,

9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85

Offline RedFoxJean

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #117 on: November 16, 2015, 12:20:33 pm »

Congratulations on completing your treatment. I am rooting for you on your next labs.

Contracted 1980 blood transfusion
Diagnosed 2013
Genotype 1A
Fibrosure F1-F2

Offline csolisnfl

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #118 on: November 16, 2015, 01:39:25 pm »
Yeah RedFox!!  So glad you have found the treatment to agree with you.  I am maybe assuming you were stressing over what could happen having HepC and the nerves/stress might have caused the jittery stomach.  Recently I have been able to sleep through the night without having bladder problems.  The body tries to rid itself of 'heat' caused by inflamation via the joints/urinary tract. According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)  arthritis is connected to the liver as well.  That is why when I was first diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, then continually checked for joint inflamation and deformation, the deformation of the joints never appeared.  That was the clue one Nurse Practitioner needed to test me for HepC.

Keep us informed as to your progress and any other 'symptoms' that seem to dissipate/disappear over the course of your treatment.
Infected 1973/military
Diagnosed 2004/ Genotype 1a
01/08/2015: VL 4,268,689; AST 71/ALT 78
Treatment started 09/02/2015
09/25/2015: VL <15 Log 1.18  AST 20/ALT 11
10/27/2015: VL Not Detected, AST 18/ALT 13
Harvoni: 12 Weeks

Offline Scoutdoy

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #119 on: November 16, 2015, 02:05:55 pm »
Hey csolisnfl...I had exactly the same as you with the joints. They were sure I had RA until the hep c doctor said "whoa" bet that it's a false positive because of the hep c...he was right ...I am now negative for RA and negative for hep c

Genotype 1a
infected 1987-tatoo/military?
Diagnosed 2007
Biopsy F-0
vl 13,900,000
AST 23
ALT 19
Harvoni Treatment 7/27/2015
4 week lab --<12 negative...AST 23 ALT 15
6 week lab -- Undetected.....AST 17 ALT 10
8 week lab---undetected.......AST15 Alt 10
12 week lab---UNDETECTED....AST 15 ALT 9
12 week EOT--1/13/2016----UNDETECTED!
24 week EOT ----UNDETECTED  --AST 18 ALT 12

Offline csolisnfl

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #120 on: November 16, 2015, 02:10:25 pm »
Hey csolisnfl...I had exactly the same as you with the joints. They were sure I had RA until the hep c doctor said "whoa" bet that it's a false positive because of the hep c...he was right ...I am now negative for RA and negative for hep c


I was diagnosed with RA back in 1980 and began a series of 'gold shots'.  Danged those hurt, but it was the treatment du jour. Funny how quickly the RA symptoms disappeared when I relaxed on the beach while visiting in-laws down in FL.  I had other bouts of RA symptoms on and off, so I just took Naproxin and they would disappear.  I will be glad to get this done (last week starts tomorrow) then EOT bloodwork and 6 month follow up.  I will be one of the healthiest vets they have at Pensacola VA clinic, since my only complaint was the HepC.  :o :P ;D
Infected 1973/military
Diagnosed 2004/ Genotype 1a
01/08/2015: VL 4,268,689; AST 71/ALT 78
Treatment started 09/02/2015
09/25/2015: VL <15 Log 1.18  AST 20/ALT 11
10/27/2015: VL Not Detected, AST 18/ALT 13
Harvoni: 12 Weeks

Offline Madelief

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Re: Started Treatment this week
« Reply #121 on: November 16, 2015, 03:41:23 pm »
Hallo RedfoxJean,
Good to read that you are feeling fine!  :)
I feel also better , feel very crystal clear during the day , also in the night, that's not so good for my sleep, but I am so glad that during daytime I have so much more energy!
I don't know about your stomach, but I can imagine that it had something to do with the HCV.
Good luck, like to hear how things are going.
start Harvoni 11-02-2015 (november)
Bloodtest 11-09-2015 alt 45 (before treatment 145)
8 weeks treatment
Bloodworks 11-23-2015
HCV not detectable!!!
Rest of the numers in a normal range : ))))


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