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Author Topic: A new topic!  (Read 7785 times)

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Offline drummerman

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A new topic!
« on: September 29, 2015, 08:48:11 pm »
Here's a good question:

I have finished tx and wondering .....Should I continue to not take supplements ?

I was thinking to at least wait until after my next vl test in about a week.

But really have no idea and want to get back on my sups.

Felt like crap all day today and just guessing it is because all of sudden my body is no longer getting it "fix".  I guess its a  type of withdrawal.  hmmmm.

Interferon/riba 2008 - non-responder
5/16/15 - AST -34
ALT - 35_ HCV RNA - 10,783,000
 7/6/15 - started viekira/riba
8/11/15  Week 5 <15 vl,  AST 18, ALT 18
9/11/15 Week 9  "HCV NOT DETECTED"!
AST 16, ALT 11.  10/16/16 - 2 weeks post EOT = "HCV NOT DETECTED!   AST - 18,  ALT 14
12/29/15 -12 wk EOT-HCV NOT DETECTED! AST 23, ALT 15
3/26/16 - 24 wk post EOT - HCV NOT DETECTED!! AST 19, ALT 21
1 yr eot - AST 20, ALT 17

Offline sixfttree13

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Re: A new topic!
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2015, 09:03:27 pm »
I was told i was allowed to take certain multivitamin supplements as long as there was no st.johns wort. So i take mine as usual
Contracted 1999 to 2001 ish
Found high levels in 2010 during ins screening
June of 2010, positive for hep c
Started harvoni Sept. 21st,  2015
3.6 mil v/l, ast 23, alt 19
Geno 1a

Offline drummerman

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Re: A new topic!
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 09:25:19 pm »
I was told i was allowed to take certain multivitamin supplements as long as there was no st.johns wort. So i take mine as usual


never took SJW myself,

Interferon/riba 2008 - non-responder
5/16/15 - AST -34
ALT - 35_ HCV RNA - 10,783,000
 7/6/15 - started viekira/riba
8/11/15  Week 5 <15 vl,  AST 18, ALT 18
9/11/15 Week 9  "HCV NOT DETECTED"!
AST 16, ALT 11.  10/16/16 - 2 weeks post EOT = "HCV NOT DETECTED!   AST - 18,  ALT 14
12/29/15 -12 wk EOT-HCV NOT DETECTED! AST 23, ALT 15
3/26/16 - 24 wk post EOT - HCV NOT DETECTED!! AST 19, ALT 21
1 yr eot - AST 20, ALT 17

Offline sixfttree13

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Re: A new topic!
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2015, 09:33:40 pm »
I had to bring in all my meds, in the bottle with the script on it, and the supplements,  so they could cross check them for interactions,  I'm allergic to a few things so i have to be kinda careful what meds i take with other meds
Contracted 1999 to 2001 ish
Found high levels in 2010 during ins screening
June of 2010, positive for hep c
Started harvoni Sept. 21st,  2015
3.6 mil v/l, ast 23, alt 19
Geno 1a

Offline Cal

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Re: A new topic!
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2015, 10:01:03 pm »
Good question DM. I would wait till after V/l personally. I am still taking some of mine . ALA Vit D. I have others but told not to take them. Have to be sooo careful don't we? When do you see your Specialist again?

Yeah your poor body has taken a beating, you'll have a yuk feel for a bit before you feel ok again. Patience in post tx, it's a different headspace to tx DM. You've been here before you know it takes a bit for body to readjust.  But it won't be as bad 8) I think you'll bounce back quickly, coz you did so well on tx, working and all. Cal :)
HCV 30 years. Geno 1A.
Veikira Pak with ribas on Compassionate Access.
Brisbane. Australia. began 21.8.15.
17 weeks.  Previous non responder 2011.
V/L 9 million
2 week V/L 54
12 weeks V/L UND
No 17 week  EOT V/L
EOT Post 4 weeks UND.

Offline Else

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Re: A new topic!
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2015, 10:28:49 pm »
I'd wait too.  But then I've been overly cautious about any supplements.  The less variables, the better I feel about it.
F/53 yr
diagnosed 1995
Genotype 1a
ALT: 58 AST: 39 ALK: 105
Viral load 4,201,950 IU/ml
Fibroscan 6.5 (F1-F2) Fibrosure 0.36 (F1-F2)
After 3 denials, finally approved!
Harvoni 12 wks - start date 9/15/15
4 wk labs 10/14/15
ALT: 12 AST: 16 ALK: 85
HCV Not Detected!!!
8 wk labs 11/10/15
ALT: 13  AST: 15  ALK: 77
12 wk (EOT!) labs 12/8/15
ALT: 11 AST: 15 ALK: 78
HCV Not Detected!!!
10wk posttx labs 2/11/16
ALT: 22 AST: 17 ALK: 61
HCV Not Detected!! SVR10!!!
SVR10 (99.7% Cured!!!)


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