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Author Topic: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni  (Read 20609 times)

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Offline nicole_1234

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Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« on: January 03, 2015, 03:16:33 pm »
Hey guys and gals. Happy New Year to you all. I don't know if it was a holiday blues or something but I have been going down the rabbit hole the last couple days. I started taking Ativan for anxiety two weeks in to treatment and I feel like it's just making everything worse. But I'm so edgy at night and have trouble sleeping I tried not to take one last night and it 2 o'clock in the morning I gave in just so I could relax and get some sleep. I feel like I'm a bit prone to these kind of things anyway but over the years it's been hard to tell what's from the HepC, what's from treatment related issues, and what's just my god given struggles related to depression (runs in the family). I work very hard to naturally keep myself in check and have not relied on pharmaceuticals for 2 years, but since I've been on these drugs I feel like I'm losing a bit of control. I've had a couple bouts of crying where I just couldn't stop but had no idea why I was crying.

Anyway, it's nothing I can't handle or haven't dealt with before but it's exhausting, and no fun and I don't really know what to do other than just keep going for 2 more months and hope that I even out after the tx stops (and hopefully hepc is gone!). I'm scared now because I have to go back to work and I'll have a lot on my plate. I hope I can handle it all.

Any advice or just pep talks or anyone experiencing similar sx please feel free to comment!
Genotype 1a
TX interferon/riba 2007 (relapsed)

TX Harvoni 12 week start Dec 3 2014
Starting vl 650,000  ALT 55 AST 63
2 week  vl <15
4 week vl UND
8 week vl UND
12 week EOT ALT 11 AST 18
6 week post tx UND ALT 15 AST 20
12 week post tx UND (CURED!!!!) ALT 11 AST 20
24 week post tx UND ALT 11 AST 18

Offline lporterrn

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2015, 03:29:02 pm »
Oh Nicole, this sounds awful. I heard this from someone else, but she felt it was related to her work, and not the med. What do you think?

If it is Harvoni, it should be reported (you or your doc can do this when you are done). In the meantime, some things to try (if you aren't already)
1) remind yourself this is temporary
2) be sure you have "me time"
3) Let some stuff go
4) Talk to your doc about other medication
5) Meditation or stress reduction

Hang out here when you are having a hard time. Wish I could give you a hug.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline nicole_1234

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2015, 04:02:49 pm »
Well I know I was pretty happy and not having uncontrollable bouts of crying or panic attacks before I started the meds so I can't help but think it's related. I do meditate 20 min 2 x a day and yes I have to let some things go that are adding unnecessary stress.

My doc knows and she said to discontinue the Ativan (I think that's more responsible for the depression and crying) but now I will have to find a way to cope with the anxiety. It's just a domino effect because normally sleeping well and exercise keep me healthy and happy and it's difficult to manage right now. I'd rather not take any psychoactive drugs if I can, I have no luck with them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one experiencing this on Harvoni, because they asked me a series of questions about my state of mind emotionally before I started, which makes me think there must be some mental sx for people. My nurse told me the side effects were similar to ribavirin which really caused me a lot of emotional distress when I was on it.

Thanks for the support and the virtual hug, it helps :)
Genotype 1a
TX interferon/riba 2007 (relapsed)

TX Harvoni 12 week start Dec 3 2014
Starting vl 650,000  ALT 55 AST 63
2 week  vl <15
4 week vl UND
8 week vl UND
12 week EOT ALT 11 AST 18
6 week post tx UND ALT 15 AST 20
12 week post tx UND (CURED!!!!) ALT 11 AST 20
24 week post tx UND ALT 11 AST 18

Offline audreywald

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2015, 04:18:50 pm »
Well I know I was pretty happy and not having uncontrollable bouts of crying or panic attacks before I started the meds so I can't help but think it's related. I do meditate 20 min 2 x a day and yes I have to let some things go that are adding unnecessary stress.

My doc knows and she said to discontinue the Ativan (I think that's more responsible for the depression and crying) but now I will have to find a way to cope with the anxiety. It's just a domino effect because normally sleeping well and exercise keep me healthy and happy and it's difficult to manage right now. I'd rather not take any psychoactive drugs if I can, I have no luck with them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one experiencing this on Harvoni, because they asked me a series of questions about my state of mind emotionally before I started, which makes me think there must be some mental sx for people. My nurse told me the side effects were similar to ribavirin which really caused me a lot of emotional distress when I was on it.

Thanks for the support and the virtual hug, it helps :)
Oh Nicole, this sounds awful. I heard this from someone else, but she felt it was related to her work, and not the med. What do you think?

If it is Harvoni, it should be reported (you or your doc can do this when you are done). In the meantime, some things to try (if you aren't already)
1) remind yourself this is temporary
2) be sure you have "me time"
3) Let some stuff go
4) Talk to your doc about other medication
5) Meditation or stress reduction

Hang out here when you are having a hard time. Wish I could give you a hug.

Offline lporterrn

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2015, 04:42:40 pm »
I just saw someone else reported anxiety. http://forums.hepmag.com/index.php?topic=1950.msg10347#msg10347 I am really getting that this is an issue. Now, we have to figure out what to do about it. I will ask around.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Rubye

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2015, 07:00:46 pm »
I was taking Ativan about a year ago and found that after about a week or so they were making me more depressed than when I started them. I think maybe they can build up in your system and wreak more havoc than any good they can might accomplish. That being said, I've also had periods of serious depression on the S/O that I feel very strongly is related to the Sovaldi. Just remember it passes.

Offline omeco

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2015, 03:25:25 am »
Hello, I'm 4 weeks on a trial from Gilead now, with solvadi and sf-5816. I take my meds during breakfast and get more and more depressed. Especially in the early mornings when I wake up, round six. I have a high blood pressure as well then. I start thinking in circles and get anxious. Find it difficult to raise my two daughters from 9&7.
I are really heavy times. I try to survive. Two months to go.....
on Sofosbuvir & GS-5816 trial since 8 dec '14
gen 4 fibr 3

Offline kate0b1

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2015, 07:14:31 am »
Good morning, that seems so sad that you are feeling so badly during a time we are trying to feel good. I have not had any problems with harvoni but was pretty irritable on the triple therapy. Anxiety does run in my family though and my daughter had some rough times after she totaled her car last year, she was having pretty bad panic attacks away at school. I really did not want her on meds if we could help it, some things that really helped were the gym, yoga and taking passion flower. I don't know if we can take that while on meds but it may be something to talk to your doctor about, she only takes it once a day at bed time because it made her tired. 

Offline diana

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2015, 11:42:16 pm »
I finished Harvoni 3 months ago.  It cleared the virus.  i have been miserable ever since.  I have terrible fatigue, super achy joints.  I have lost my interest in many things, no motivation.  I had some of this during treatment,  but nothing like this. I am 66.  Are there any others in this age range suffering like this?

Offline Mr. Bob

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2015, 01:38:22 pm »
Yes Diana, there are many others who I hear reporting some of the same things.Some friends who treated.  I am at 13 weeks and have lost my ZEST for life also..... had depression/mild before with the HCV but this seems different....The medicine effected  something in us and I sure wish the would figure it out or admit it..........hopefully it will get better but I am not sure it will........... it  reports like this that make me think of stopping the medicine before something irreversible happen if it has not already... yikes

sharing the good and the bad..... the upside and the downside.."as my Doc says

« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 02:10:46 pm by Mr. Bob »

Offline lporterrn

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2015, 04:01:26 pm »
I'd love to know what makes some people have a hard time and others feel better than they had before treatment with Harvoni. One thing I know is that ribavirin tends to be hard on everyone, but Harvoni without ribavirin is unpredictable.

In the old days when I worked at Stanford, I had 2 patients who loved ribavirin - said it improved their libido. Seriously! I was astonished since that is usually the first thing to go. 
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Mr. Bob

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2015, 06:22:58 pm »
It could be  the ability to detoxify, I did a 23 and Me genetic profile and a lot of my genome pathways for detoxification are not optimal....plus lots of mercury fillings as a child now out, many toxic root canals now out and God forbid EMF 'electro magnetic fields,,, diet etc etc.... in other work  who the heck know exactly..... i would still bet on the genetic pathways for detoxification...

Offline SZTahoe

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2015, 06:38:43 pm »
has anyone been on antidepressants during treatment? I have not started yet . waiting for insurance to go thru and several other tests. feeling very blue,fatigued. wondering if wellbutrin can be taken with harvoni?

Offline JAF

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2015, 08:26:58 pm »
Sztahoe - I'm on Sovaldi & Ribavirin. My entire life people would comment on how laid back and unbothered I was. (As long as no one got in my face). I read a lot of books on positive thinking and living in the moment. Not so much anymore. The last year and a half I started to notice things irritating me and I was full of anxiety. I'm only on my 3rd week of treatment so my guess is it's more virus related. Certain meds can worsen it for some. I actually find that the internal jitters have eased since starting treatment but the palpitations and jumbled thoughts are still a problem. I'm on Xanax and pre-treatment I did wonder about anti depressants but decided not to go that route because of all the side effects they have. Everyone responds differently. I would definitely talk it over with your liver specialist. Maybe one of our more experienced members can offer more help. There's lots of great info from this group. Good luck to you and keep us posted.
Female; 56; New York
Infected: mid 70's
Diagnosed: 2000
Treatment naive
Began Sovaldi + riba (1200 mgs) on 10/15/15
GT 2b
VL: 2,412,570
AST: 50
ALT:  52
Fibrospect index: 42

4 wk labs done 11-14. Waiting for results

Offline barb2birds

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2015, 03:27:20 pm »
Hi everyone.   Nice to meet all of you  :)

Hi SZTahoe.  I am taking Generic effexor.  I have taken it since the mid 1990's.  I have had depression since childhood so that is why I have been taking if for so long.  Before the 90's I was on tranquilizers since I was 16 years old on a daily basis.

I just started Harvoni a week ago and Venlefaxine or generic effexor is safe with Harvoni.  My specialty pharmacist when over everything with me before I started taking Harvoni.  After a few days of feeling pretty tired, kind of nauseated I started to get all of this energy and really bad anxiety.  I already have anxiety, but the Harvoni seemed to have enhanced it more and it was hard to make it go away.  Changing you focus really helps.  I am lucky I am at home and don't anywhere for work.  I have an online business, but it's not doing well.  I am using allot of my savings the past year and a half and it's getting scary now.  I don't have hardly any retirement because I didn't work enough in my life.  I have not disability credits.  So things are really scary now.

I took 2 Tylenol to help stop the anxiety and get some rest at night.  I change my focus.  I have 2 little pet cockatiels, Baby who is 19 years old and Beenie who is almost 12 years old.  They really help ease my mind during the anxiety, too.  I have to try and focus on them and forget everything else.

I exercise allot like walking, and I take ballet classes 2 times a week and will try to get back to my yoga class.  I have a friend from ballet class that can drive me there.  I just recently sold my car and the bus does not go where my yoga teacher lives.  She has a studio upstairs in her house.  My sister is really worried about me and money and it causes anxiety, too.  I am working on getting my business in better shape with new partners. 

I have to remember to be grateful for what I have now and not dwell on the negative.  To me lack of sleep helps the anxiety lessen because I don't have the energy to be as anxious.  I tried the anti anxiety medicine once and it didn't work that well so I think I will stay away from it.

Offline barb2birds

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2015, 03:35:54 pm »
Sorry for the mistakes in my post. 

I don't recommend getting a pet bird when you are on treatment.  Birds are very demanding, need allot of care emotionally and physically, like playing with them and attention.  They make allot of messes and need to be cleaned up after constantly.  Birds live very long if well taken care of!  They need to be put in your will.  But a pet of some kind would help. 

All pets need love, attention and clean up but a cat or dog might be easier to start with.  Animals are very healing.

I am 62 years old.  I have genotype 1a and on Harvoni starting 2nd week of 12 weeks.  I have boarder line cirrhosis.  I don't have a real high viral load but allot of scarring.  Some of my scarring the doctor said might be from taking supplements for too long.  She said we will know more after I am done with the treatment and get another fibroscan.

Offline Madelief

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Re: Anxiety/Depression on Harvoni
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2015, 04:15:44 pm »
I read the posts here and that was helping because since 1 or 2 weeks I feel also kind of depressed. I am now in week 4 . Last week got the news undetectable but even that great and happy news didn't make me feel better. I can't find rest and have a bad speedy feeling and feel like crying the whole time which I don' t do because of have a very busy job (2 jobs as social worker and a study). Maybe it is too much with the treament. Tomorrow I have a appointment with the doctor from my job, don't know the name in English. She works for our company and I will speak with her what I van do to get some more rest. I cannot relax in the evening and don't get enough sleep because of the speedy feeling.
31/2 weeks to go and than I hope I will become more myself.
start Harvoni 11-02-2015 (november)
Bloodtest 11-09-2015 alt 45 (before treatment 145)
8 weeks treatment
Bloodworks 11-23-2015
HCV not detectable!!!
Rest of the numers in a normal range : ))))


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