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Author Topic: Started Harvoni 2 weeks ago, anyone else having side effects  (Read 52526 times)

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Offline mrlhudson

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Re: Started Harvoni 2 weeks ago, anyone else having side effects
« Reply #100 on: September 10, 2016, 01:14:05 pm »
Hi Patty:

My husband just finished Harvoni. I can tell you - and he is OK with me sharing this- that he had more side effects in the beginning with an upset stomach and then after the first couple of weeks the main two side effects were an intense tiredness- he said it was as if he was getting an xray and he had a lead blanket over him. The first entire weekend he was on Harvoni he napped through the day. Back at work he took Harvoni at night right before going to bed with a snack. This way he made it until the afternoon when tiredness would overcome him, by 8 pm most nights he was done for the day. 

The other side effect we both found alarming was his mood swings. My husband is an even keeled, steady guy- he's good humored, rarely ruffled, positive and compassionate, loving father and husband. The first weekend on Harvoni I had my sister take the kids. He was angry, callous, and then terribly depressed. He never behaved like that in the 18 years I have known him. I pushed calling his doctor but he worried the dr would take him off the drug. I did not leave his side and we talked through it - he was aware he was not acting like himself and wanted time to see if his mood would lift. It did after 2 days. That was Memorial Day weekend.

For the first few weeks I noticed bursts of energy where he was chatty, upbeat. He came across amped up which was so out of the ordinary for this guy.

Over a 12 week course of treatment he had 3 periods of intense sadness but none like the first. His "up" moods evened out as well after the first month. He described it to me as feeling like whatever he felt became amplified a million times. This was the most surprising side effect. For us we realized how important it is to have a friend/partner/family member who knows you well and can validate your experiences.

He has been off Harvoni for a month and has not experienced any further mood swings. The only side effect post treatment has been frequent head aches.

I hope your body acclimates to the medication so the side effects lessen. The people on this forum were such a help to us, rooting for us as I am now for you-- to find success and peace. 

Offline Mila

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Re: Started Harvoni 2 weeks ago, anyone else having side effects
« Reply #101 on: September 11, 2016, 01:43:46 pm »
mrlhudson is correct. I stopped 2 weeks ago tomorrow and after 48 hours it was so clear that I was off the drug. I woke up that morning and the first thing I thought was "OH! This is how I normally feel! I'm myself again!" It was that drastic of a change. The lingering headache is still happening but I think it will fade away.

You can do this and you will come out the other side feeling better. Its not forever, even though I know now is pretty awful.

Infected probably 1977/78
1st diagnosed: 2009
UN-diagnosed: 2012
RE-diagnosed by new Dr 2015
naive treament
genome type: 1a
Viral count at start of Harvoni treatment: 8,090,000
AST/SG: 51
ALT: 71

4 Week:
AST/SG: 31
ALT: 44

8 Week:
AST: 33
ALT: 45

Week 12:
No HepC detected repeat in 3 months

2 years:
non detected

Offline Rickta53

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Re: Started Harvoni 2 weeks ago, anyone else having side effects
« Reply #102 on: October 06, 2016, 10:34:50 am »
Hello Patty,

New to forum but not to C. I'm now on day seven and wanted to wait a few days before chiming in on my own experience with Harvoni. So far I have been able to function normally with minimal side effects. I figure that it may take some additional time before I experience all possible side effects. The one that has been present during my treatment is the increase in my Tinnitus (ringing in the ears). I really haven't had any headaches but maybe experiencing some minor body aching the last couple of days but that could be from a dirt bike ride I did on day 4. I've tried to be super positive while on treatment and willing to take on whatever comes with the ride to rid myself of this disease. I can't wait to be at the EOT and move on the post treatment posts (11 weeks to go).
Hang in there Patty and hopefully whatever we all experience during and shortly after treatment will eventually return to normal as our bodies expel this powerful medication as well as this dreaded disease.


Offline CHepCFree

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Re: Started Harvoni 2 weeks ago, anyone else having side effects
« Reply #103 on: October 13, 2016, 12:33:48 pm »
Please be aware they have now shown Harvoni can reactivate Hep B.  Your doctor should be testing for Hep B before treatment of Hep C.

Also, taking Harvoni can result in permanent side effects that can result in decreased quality of life.  I know because it happened to me. 

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« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 07:28:38 pm by Hep Forum Moderators »


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