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Author Topic: Reduced viral load of 14 mill to 2.5 mill in year with IV glutathione , CBD OiL  (Read 9931 times)

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Offline Xm9980

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Reduced viral load of 14 mill to 2.5 mill in year with IV glutathione , CBD OiL (actual medical grade , NOT the stuff thats legal in all states. Blood work to prove!  Also used Gaia Liquid milk thistle proffesional grade . If anybody is ninterested in more info and how to do and or attain supply in your state lmk! I just took my last harvoni (60 day treatment)

Cleared at 2 weeks no VR detectable , normal liver enzymes!!!

Offline lporterrn

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  • LucindaPorterRN
    • LucindaPorterRN
Viral loads bounce up and down and there is no evidence that the measures you took had any positive effect on hep C. There are many other explanations as well. However, looks like you are off to a good start with Harvoni. 
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Xm9980

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I did have VL test done very frequently and yes VL jumps around but i had a steady decline. So either it worked or or i was very lucky because it was the only variable i changed.  CBD oil has been proven to enhance immune system strength  as well as it reduces cortisol  which also aids the immune system so between either therapies id have to say the CBD did it because the liver enzymes stayed normal before during and after. The glutathione at 6 grams IV a week really reduced overall inflammation throughout body as I also had blood work showing severe Candida infestation as well as SIBO.  Both these therapies would be helpful to anyone hep c or otherwise.WARNING  DO NOT USE CBD OIL WITHOUT PROPER MEDICAL SUPERVISION AS IF YOU ARE ALREADY CORTISOL DEFIECIENT IT WILL CAUSE SEVERE ISSUES WITH YOUR ADRENAL SYSTEM . SO ATLEAST FIND AN ND, (naturopath)  AND HAVE A 4 STAGE SALIVA CORTISOL TEST DONE BEFORE TRYING CBD OTHERWISE YOU COULD WRECK YOUR LIFE!!


Offline lporterrn

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  • LucindaPorterRN
    • LucindaPorterRN
VL declines with advanced liver disease. In some cases, people with decompensated cirrhosis who are awaiting transplantation have been known to have very low viral loads. It indicates a declining immune system. Since you have stage 4, the steady VL decline was likely due to cirrhosis. 
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 09:45:57 am by lporterrn »
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)


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