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Author Topic: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared  (Read 11532 times)

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Offline HepBird1

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Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« on: July 14, 2016, 09:52:34 pm »

Just joined this forum and would like to introduce myself. In 2004 I was diagnosed with Geno 1B Stage 4, Grade 1 Cirrhosis. My end of treatment was December 16, 2005 after 4 + 48 weeks. The ribavirin and I didn't get along well so that 4 weeks on 1000mg Riba caused a drop in my Hemoglobin. I was taken off of treatment for 3 months and used a rescue med to build my RBC up. :)
Geno 1B using Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin.
Starting Viral Load, less than 1 million.
Liver Biopsy, Stage 4, Grade 1.
Started Treatment September 2004, October 2004. Stopped Treatment and on Aranesp for 3 months due to drop in Hemoglobin form 14.1 to 8.1.
2 Log drop after 4 weeks, recorded in November 2004.
Started Treatment with reduced Ribavirin January 2005. Undetectable recorded March 2005.
End of Treatment December 16, 2005.
Continued to request V/L testing for 5 years.

Offline AussieRosa

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2016, 10:36:16 pm »
And you're hep C free? That's wonderful news. I always got the impression it was only a few who were successful on the old treatments. Have you had any significant improvement in the condition of your liver since your cure?
Gt 1a
contracted 1983
Fibroscan 6.1
Treatment naive
VL 2.97M
ALT 38
AST 47
Started Viekira Pak + Ribavirin Tues 19th Jan 2016
Week 4: VL Undetected!
March 5th Ribavirin dose reduction to 800mg from 1000mg
EOT April 11th 2016. VL Not Detected
12 Weeks post EOT: SVR12. Cured with a capital C!!
6 months post EOT: Undetected :-)

Offline HepBird1

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2016, 01:18:56 am »
Hi AussieRosa,
Congratulations on finally clearing the virus!   :)
Yes, my viral load dropped 2 logs after the 4th week. When I started treating again with the same regiment but a lower dose of ribavirin, I showed non-detectable after my 8th week. I still kept treating to make sure no "Buggies" weren't hiding.
The date this all started: September 2004 until October 2005. Started up again January 2005 and my EOT was December 16, 2005. It's been 10 years and 6 months since my end date. All my LFT's are normal and have been since. Personally feel my Liver has healed. I feel going thru another liver Biopsy just out of curiousity would be foolish and having a Fibroscan a waste of money.
Geno 1B using Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin.
Starting Viral Load, less than 1 million.
Liver Biopsy, Stage 4, Grade 1.
Started Treatment September 2004, October 2004. Stopped Treatment and on Aranesp for 3 months due to drop in Hemoglobin form 14.1 to 8.1.
2 Log drop after 4 weeks, recorded in November 2004.
Started Treatment with reduced Ribavirin January 2005. Undetectable recorded March 2005.
End of Treatment December 16, 2005.
Continued to request V/L testing for 5 years.

Offline HepBird1

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2016, 01:19:58 am »
And you're hep C free? That's wonderful news. I always got the impression it was only a few who were successful on the old treatments. Have you had any significant improvement in the condition of your liver since your cure?
Hi AussieRosa,
Congratulations on finally clearing the virus!   :)
Yes, my viral load dropped 2 logs after the 4th week. When I started treating again with the same regiment but a lower dose of ribavirin, I showed non-detectable after my 8th week. I still kept treating to make sure no "Buggies" weren't hiding.
The date this all started: September 2004 until October 2005. Started up again January 2005 and my EOT was December 16, 2005. It's been 10 years and 6 months since my end date. All my LFT's are normal and have been since. Personally feel my Liver has healed. I feel going thru another liver Biopsy just out of curiousity would be foolish and having a Fibroscan a waste of money.

Geno 1B using Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin.
Starting Viral Load, less than 1 million.
Liver Biopsy, Stage 4, Grade 1.
Started Treatment September 2004, October 2004. Stopped Treatment and on Aranesp for 3 months due to drop in Hemoglobin form 14.1 to 8.1.
2 Log drop after 4 weeks, recorded in November 2004.
Started Treatment with reduced Ribavirin January 2005. Undetectable recorded March 2005.
End of Treatment December 16, 2005.
Continued to request V/L testing for 5 years.

Offline AussieRosa

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2016, 05:44:43 am »
What did your original biopsy show about your liver condition?
Gt 1a
contracted 1983
Fibroscan 6.1
Treatment naive
VL 2.97M
ALT 38
AST 47
Started Viekira Pak + Ribavirin Tues 19th Jan 2016
Week 4: VL Undetected!
March 5th Ribavirin dose reduction to 800mg from 1000mg
EOT April 11th 2016. VL Not Detected
12 Weeks post EOT: SVR12. Cured with a capital C!!
6 months post EOT: Undetected :-)

Offline KimInTheForest

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2016, 11:57:16 am »
Welcome HepBird. And congrats on being cured back in the day when treatment options were harder to tolerate and had poorer outcomes. Glad you were able to clear the virus! :)

Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/

Offline HepBird1

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2016, 10:44:59 pm »
Welcome HepBird. And congrats on being cured back in the day when treatment options were harder to tolerate and had poorer outcomes. Glad you were able to clear the virus! :)


Geno 1B using Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin.
Starting Viral Load, less than 1 million.
Liver Biopsy, Stage 4, Grade 1.
Started Treatment September 2004, October 2004. Stopped Treatment and on Aranesp for 3 months due to drop in Hemoglobin form 14.1 to 8.1.
2 Log drop after 4 weeks, recorded in November 2004.
Started Treatment with reduced Ribavirin January 2005. Undetectable recorded March 2005.
End of Treatment December 16, 2005.
Continued to request V/L testing for 5 years.

Offline HepBird1

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2016, 10:52:40 pm »
What did your original biopsy show about your liver condition?

My LFT was in the 200's before I was told I have HCV.  My Biopsy showed Stage 4, Grade 1

My Last LFT showed AST: 21 ALT: 13
These numbers must mean the Cirrhosis was minor, perhaps the Liver has healed somewhat?
 My PLT count is at 254.
Geno 1B using Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin.
Starting Viral Load, less than 1 million.
Liver Biopsy, Stage 4, Grade 1.
Started Treatment September 2004, October 2004. Stopped Treatment and on Aranesp for 3 months due to drop in Hemoglobin form 14.1 to 8.1.
2 Log drop after 4 weeks, recorded in November 2004.
Started Treatment with reduced Ribavirin January 2005. Undetectable recorded March 2005.
End of Treatment December 16, 2005.
Continued to request V/L testing for 5 years.

Offline AussieRosa

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2016, 11:48:44 pm »
Stage 4 is pretty serious. A lot of people are finding a reversal of damage and fibrosis after successful treatment. Your LFTs are looking great, so we can assume a well compensated liver. It might be a good idea to get a fibroscan just to check whether your cirrhosis has reversed itself over the years, and to what extent. It's a completely non-invasive test. Very quick and painless. Do you get yearly checks for varices and HCC?
Gt 1a
contracted 1983
Fibroscan 6.1
Treatment naive
VL 2.97M
ALT 38
AST 47
Started Viekira Pak + Ribavirin Tues 19th Jan 2016
Week 4: VL Undetected!
March 5th Ribavirin dose reduction to 800mg from 1000mg
EOT April 11th 2016. VL Not Detected
12 Weeks post EOT: SVR12. Cured with a capital C!!
6 months post EOT: Undetected :-)

Offline Lynn K

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2016, 01:39:50 am »
ALT and AST tests only show your liver is being injured they do not indicate extent of liver damage. Before I was cured with Harvoni my LFT's were only slightly elevated in the 60's but I was diagnosed with level 4 fibrosis aka liver cirrhosis in Jan 08. My ALT and AST are both now in normal range really since I started treatment but I still have liver cirrhosis. The only test I have that is not in normal range is my platelet count which has climbed to 110 when last checked. Still below 150 normal but better than what it had been in the 80 to 90 range.

Anyway having normal ALT and AST does not mean you don't have liver damage.

I will need to have an AFP blood testing and abdominal ultrasound testing every six months probably for the rest of my life to watch for liver cancer as having cirrhosis puts me at higher risk of HCC. I also have been having annual upper endoscopies to monitor for re occurance of esophageal varicies that I developed that required banding back in 2012.

Congrats on curing with the old meds. I treated 3 times with interferon based treatments but was a null responder my viral load actually increased on treatment.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2016, 01:45:30 am by Lynn K »
Genotype 1a
1978 contracted, 1990 Dx
1995 Intron A failed
2001 Interferon Riba null response
2003 Pegintron Riba trial med null response
2008 F4 Cirrhosis Bx
2014 12 week Sov/Oly relapse
10/14 fibroscan 27 PLT 96
2014 24 weeks Harvoni 15 weeks Riba
5/4/15 EOT not detected, ALT 21, AST 20
4 week post not detected, ALT 26, AST 28
12 week post NOT DETECTED (07/27/15)
ALT 29, AST 27 PLT 92
24 week post NOT DETECTED! (10/19/15)
44 weeks (3/11/16)  fibroscan 33, PLT 111, HCV NOT DETECTED!

Offline BillT

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2016, 09:27:33 am »
Hi HepBird and welcome,
                                 Congratulations on being hep c free,and more so for surviving the interferon treatment.That was some kind of ugly.I survived it once and I can't believe Lynn did that 3 times.I bow down to the strongest person in the world. :) Instead of having a biopsy done see if you can get a Fibrosure or Fibroscan done.I just had another Fibroscan done on Friday(6 month post treatment)and it showed a dramatic improvement.I don't know if it was just dumb luck or what but I'm on top of the world.One thing I have been doing since EOT is taking Milk Thistle,500 mg in the AM and 500 at night.I don't know if it helps but I'll continue.Congratulations again.

Rosa,My doctor at the VA told me there was only a 30% cure rate on the interferon treatment.I can honestly say those were the worst 11 months of my life.
Contracted 1973 Military
Diagnosed 1980
Pegintron treatment 2004 unsucessful
Genotype 1b
FibroScan 10 (F2)
Start Viekira 10.17.2015

AST 40 ALT 69
VL 440k
10.31.2015/Week 2 Labs : AST 14/ALT 17
No VL done
10.14.2015/Week 4 labs : AST 14/ALT 14
12.11.2015/Week 8 Labs : AST 12/ALT 13
No VL done
01.05.2016/EOT labs : AST 15/ALT 13



Fibroscan 6Mo. Post Treatment 7.15.2016-5.3(F1)

Offline HepBird1

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Re: Treated in 2004 with Peg/Riba - Cleared
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2016, 10:45:58 am »
Stage 4 is pretty serious. A lot of people are finding a reversal of damage and fibrosis after successful treatment. Your LFTs are looking great, so we can assume a well compensated liver. It might be a good idea to get a fibroscan just to check whether your cirrhosis has reversed itself over the years, and to what extent. It's a completely non-invasive test. Very quick and painless. Do you get yearly checks for varices and HCC?
Hi Rose,
I was tested for varices before treatment in 2004, all was perfect. They saw a small tumor growing & did an AFP with a number of 4. My latest AFP was a 5 (still within normal range) Having a Fibroscan after clearing and EOT December 2005 I see no reason to spend the time nor money on a curiosity test. Don't trust the medical facilities in the State of Arkansas. I was treated by Dr. Shiffman and Sarah Hubbard in Richmond Virginia. Before diagnosis, I was declared a Type 1 Diabetic with Hypothyroidism. My control is good. Synthroid keeps my thyroid hormone level, My last A1C was 6.3, plan on lowering it to a 5.7 my next test.
My estimation of contracting this virus was probably in the 70's. Diagnosed in 2004 so the virus was causing damage without me knowing it. Never had any problems, it was a lucky decision to check for the virus. My Grade of cirrhosis then would have been dire if not been tested. So many are still a walking time bomb with no idea, fatigue was just written off as not resting or eating right or something.
Geno 1B using Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin.
Starting Viral Load, less than 1 million.
Liver Biopsy, Stage 4, Grade 1.
Started Treatment September 2004, October 2004. Stopped Treatment and on Aranesp for 3 months due to drop in Hemoglobin form 14.1 to 8.1.
2 Log drop after 4 weeks, recorded in November 2004.
Started Treatment with reduced Ribavirin January 2005. Undetectable recorded March 2005.
End of Treatment December 16, 2005.
Continued to request V/L testing for 5 years.


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