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Author Topic: Day 44, Epclusa  (Read 5746 times)

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Offline EagleHepType2

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Day 44, Epclusa
« on: December 01, 2016, 04:52:36 pm »
Started Epclusa in October! I had called my doc in July after seeing Epclusa approved and he said it might be January until I started treatment as they were giving higher priority to more at risk patients. Then in October they called and told me to get pre-Tx bloodwork and that they'd see me the next week. Day 1 was Oct 12. Day 29 got blood work done and it's undetected! Halfway through now and I'm happy I'm nearing the end. Was annoyed to not be able to drink the fancy beers I was saving for Xmas, but that can wait till January easy. Worth it for the cure.

I noticed people talking about being sore when they first started. A day before I got my pre-Tx blood work done I had did a LOT of strength and tension stretching and I was pretty damn damn sore when I got my blood drawn. My CK level was high so they raised an eyebrow about that but when I mentioned that it might be from the exercise they thought it was probably that. My blood from Day 29 showed that it was fine.

I was extremely sore, especially legs, the first week or two of treatment. I thought that maybe I had just over did that exercise, because it was pretty intense and I dont do it all that often. I didn't do it again before the Day 29 work because I didn't want to skew results just in case. And I upped my protein intake a bit. But, yeah, perhaps the Epclusa made the recovery time longer?

Other than that, no other side effects that I'm aware of. The doc mentioned the possible energy level rise but since I take daily ADHD medication it didn't worry me.

I have to say, Kaiser Permanente Hawai'i has been fantastic with the treatment. Very responsive and kind, willing to answer all sorts of questions I have. And I'm privileged to have a good job with a prescription plan that makes my co-pay only $40 a bottle. I had been expecting in the thousands and was saving up money and asking family for a potential loan just in case it was super high, so I couldn't believe it. It breaks my heart to be reading the forums and seeing people denied treatment or forking over huge amounts of cash for this cure. Health care is messed up. But at least there is a cure.
Apr 1983 - Total Transfusion at Birth
Aug 2015 - Random Testing shows HCV
Sep 2015 - Ultrasound shows F1-2 scarring, A0-1 inflammation
Jan 2016 - Genotype 2 confirmed, HVL 5mil
Oct 2016 - Pre-Tx blood work: ALT 55, AST 42, HVL 6mil
Oct 12 2016 - Epclusa begins!
Nov 16 2016 - Tx Day 29 - Undetected! ALT 39, AST 26


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