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Author Topic: I need help, please. (Reaching out for advice)  (Read 8283 times)

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Offline sm95

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I need help, please. (Reaching out for advice)
« on: October 20, 2017, 12:55:31 am »
Hello, I want to keep my story as short as possible.
July 9th and August 9th I had unprotected Coitus with the same girl. I found out later that she sleeps around a lot, and her ex-bf is a heroin-addict.

August 12th, I started developing symptoms. I have many symptoms, and it is just too much to tell you guys, and make you read. But my main symptoms I have now are pain in hands (THE PAIN IN HAND HURTS ALL DAY) and knees, and sometimes feet. And Stiffness in neck and right above collarbone. Also develop petichae on stomach and buttox.

Test results:
August 14th: HIV RNA-- Negative.
August 16th: Hiv antibody--negative.

September 6th test: CHlaydmia, syphillis, gono, hiv 1 and 2 duo 4th gen., hep A, B, C antibody tests, Herpes 1 and 2 test.-- All Negative.

October 7th Test: (repeat) CHlaydmia, syphillis, gono, hiv 1 and 2 duo 4th gen., hep A, B, C antibody tests, Herpes 1 and 2 test.-- All Negative.

October 16th: mononucleosis qualitative test: negative.

I have been all over the forums, and I am seeking help to know if anyone can help me or guide me what to do. I am negating cancer, lymphoma, etc.  because this thing happened after unprotected sex.

On august 16th, my CBC showed that I had 14.0 WBC, and 9.3 Neutrophilis, which are both indicative infections. I aslo seldom develop white patches on my right tonsil, then they go away in a day.

Mind you: all of these symptoms I am experiencing-- I have never experienced in my life.

 I have been on many other forums, and no one answers me. I am a 21 year-old college student that does not drink, do drugs, and I am an math major. I am in the worst pain on my life. I am on medicare, as my family does not have a lot of money for private insurance. My doctor thinks I am making this stuff up and having a placebo effect. This is the most irrational bs shit I have ever heard. I am not looking for attention or sympathy-- I just want to know what is wrong with me, and if I can cure the infection or atleast manage it.

Questions for you guys:

1) What other tests should I run?
2) Given my test results what is the probability of me might having Hepatitis, still?
3) I was thinking tests for:
Lyme Disease
EBV-- itself versus monospot.
4) Should I switch doctors? Because I feel my doctor is very inept. and I feel he does not use objectivity well, and that he does not care about what I tell him.
5) I was thinking of switching doctors, and getting referred to an infectious disease specialist-- I am certain with their expertise, they would be able to diagnose what I have, and go from there. Is this common for Medicare to get a referral like this? I have the best medicare option, basically, I get all medicine for free, appointments for free, etc.


Hope you all have a good day.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 12:57:31 am by sm95 »

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: I need help, please. (Reaching out for advice)
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2017, 08:26:38 am »
sm95, going to a different doctor is a wise thing to do. Since you are 21, you must have a different Medicare than the USA Medicare that is for people 65 and older. I have no idea what country you live in or what your medical insurance policy says about whether you need authorization in order to see an infectious disease specialist. Phone your medical insurance to find out the procedure for seeing another doctor that your insurance will pay for.

We aren't doctors; we're just people who have or had hepatitis and can share our experience with that. It will take a good doctor to figure out which diagnosis fits all your symptoms. Because you are considering Lyme Disease, you already know that there might not be a connection between your symptoms and the unprotected coitus.

Best wishes,

9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85

Offline andrew j

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Re: I need help, please. (Reaching out for advice)
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2017, 10:18:12 pm »
FWIW, I got a staph. infection a couple of years ago, and the pain associated with it was just unbelievable.

Apparently the bacteria had been coursing around my system unbeknown to me - but when I strained my neck one day, the thing went berserk, creating a whole lot of yuk in my neck, and also in my groin (where there was a pre-existing groin strain).
The pain in those areas was (again), unbelievable.

The infection almost killed me - and even though I survived (obviously enough!), I've been left with some damage.

So yes - do please follow this up.
You might be on the right track exploring infectious diseases?

Hoping that you get some light shone on this soon - and

Best wishes,
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 05:10:49 pm by andrew j »


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