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Author Topic: Side Effects post Epclusa  (Read 7702 times)

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Offline christy pepper

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Side Effects post Epclusa
« on: August 31, 2018, 01:45:29 pm »
Has anyone experienced bad side effects after being treated with Epclusa? All my symptoms sound like the side effects people have had after taking Harvoni. I have been to every Dr u can think of all blood work etc.. is normal. Joints, nerve pain, spots coming up on skin muscles in back are horrible. I have never had any of these issues before treatment.

Offline andrew j

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Re: Side Effects post Epclusa
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2018, 06:56:29 pm »
Hi Christy,

I've read of the sorts of side-effects you're describing many times.

Unfortunately, some people do experience adverse reactions to these drugs (all of them are broadly similar in their action / side-effects etc.).

My Tx went relatively smoothly, except that I got a rash of skin cancers (probably latent) soon after finishing Tx.

I'm not particularly scientific - but it seems that our immune systems go through a profound change ... a 're-setting' - during and after Tx - and this can take some time to settle down and normalise.

There are posts around yours in this section dealing with similar concerns. Have a look.

Eric ('Mugwump') often chimes in (e.g. lavilla1970's thread).
He seems to have a reasonably sophisticated understanding of some of the possible mechanisms involved.

Are you eating healthily, and drinking plenty of water?
(I'm assuming you've finished Tx?) ...

Hoping you feel better soon, and

Best wishes,



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