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Author Topic: EOT and other meds?  (Read 12283 times)

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Offline Nina Mae

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EOT and other meds?
« on: May 22, 2019, 07:07:34 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Not sure where to post this but here we go:

I've been laying low and just limping to the finish line of treatment which is tomorrow (the 23rd).

Two medications that I was on prior to tx were cut back due to interactions with either Epclusa or Ribaviran.

Lipitor 40 mg was cut to 20 mg during tx.
Nadolol 40mg was cut to 20 mg during tx.

I emailed my nurse today to ask how I should acclimate back to original dosages or what...got an auto-reply that she'll be back on Monday (the 27th) and an emergencies, please go to ER.


I don't know what to do...I suppose 3 days shouldn't make that much of a difference but still...

Thoughts are welcomed (and requested please).


Dx'ed HVC and cirrhosis Nov, 2018
GT: 1a; TN; F4-44
Started Epclusa and Ribavirin on Mar 2019
May 23:  EOT HCV RNA:  Undetected
Aug 15:  SVR 12:  Undetected
Nov 19:  SVR 24:  UNDETECTED!!!

Hep C Free!!!!

Offline lporterrn

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  • LucindaPorterRN
    • LucindaPorterRN
Re: EOT and other meds?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2019, 03:08:38 pm »
First, you are correct - 3 days won't matter.
Second, this will be a process, because your dosages may not need to be as high as they were. One caveat, cholesterol tends to skyrocket quite rapidly post treatment, but can settle down.
Bottom line: your therapeutic med dose may have changed, and may yet change again a few times.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Nina Mae

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Re: EOT and other meds?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2019, 12:26:42 am »
Hi Lucinda,

Thank you so much for your sage advise.  I'm just so happy to be done with this tx.  I am grateful as I know so many others endured so much worse than I did re: side effects.

It should be interesting to see my test results but I will remain cautiously optimistic.

 My birthday is on Tuesday and I'd have to think hearing/seeing 'undetected' would be the very best present ever.

Fingers crossed...

Anyway, thanks again, Lucinda.  That vote of confidence goes a long way for me.

Hope everyone is doing good. 

Best wishes...

Dx'ed HVC and cirrhosis Nov, 2018
GT: 1a; TN; F4-44
Started Epclusa and Ribavirin on Mar 2019
May 23:  EOT HCV RNA:  Undetected
Aug 15:  SVR 12:  Undetected
Nov 19:  SVR 24:  UNDETECTED!!!

Hep C Free!!!!


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