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Author Topic: Are you livertransplant and start a Sovaldi and Olysio cure?  (Read 9146 times)

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Offline Anette

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Im livertransplanted 2011-11-11 and start a cure 23 june with Sovaldi and Olysio. Today i wait for the call from hospital after i took the bloodtest this monday=2 weeks after i start.
My virus is 23 milion. I think that is a high number, is there anyone else that also had so much virus and are transplanted?
Im from Sweden so my english isnt so good, i hope you understand me.
Before the surgery i tried 2 times an Interferon Cure, but both times i had to quit, it didnt work on me. But back then my virus was "only" about 2 milion. Why is it so high now?
Genotype 1a

Offline Mike

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Re: Are you livertransplant and start a Sovaldi and Olysio cure?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2014, 12:07:55 pm »
Hi Anette,

They're getting good results with Sovaldi and Olysio in cirrhotic and liver transplant patients. I did 48 weeks of Interferon and Ribivrin and its was horrific. Sovaldi and Olysio is a lot more tolerable and I hope this is true for you.

Having read your other posts, it looks like it is really working for you and has significantly reduced your viral load - and that's with just two weeks of treatment! That is truly amazing! Looks like you're well on your way to a cure!!!! ♪♫♪♫

Best, best, best wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline Anette

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Re: Are you livertransplant and start a Sovaldi and Olysio cure?
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2014, 12:32:21 pm »
Thanks Mike, i feel amazing. This "dizzyness" i have felt all my grownup life is gone?? Hard to explain, instead of wawes i see/think in straight squares...got me?
Im not of a drinker but the feeling now im 100% "sober"
I told the nurse i have this experience and she said...Anette, your not alone, every patient that started this before you explain the same feeling of a clearness in thoughts and mind. Its so amazing.
My liver are ok, i got this medicine in advace because my joint are in bad shape, hurts when i walk. As i write before only 50 here in Sweden started this treatment so im lucky my doctor give me the ok signal to start. The other have a sick liver. I feel blessed. Now i dont have to eat strong painkillers anymore.
Genotype 1a

Offline Mike

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Re: Are you livertransplant and start a Sovaldi and Olysio cure?
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2014, 02:12:44 pm »
That's great news!

I know what you mean about "instead of wawes i see/think in straight squares...got me?"

I finished treatment 12 wees ago, and the fog left after about two weeks of treatment.

The fog is ow gone, and I have clarity of thought - something I haven't experienced in over a decade. It's hard to explain - my brain just seems to work quicker!

I cleared the virus in 4 weeks and was clear after 12. I'l find out if I'm cured a few days (12 week post test viral load). If that's clear, and I'm pretty sure it will be, the dragon is slayed!

Best wishes to you, Anette. This has been a long journey for both of us; but there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline Anette

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Re: Are you livertransplant and start a Sovaldi and Olysio cure?
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2014, 02:23:08 pm »
So so so good to hear!
Genotype 1a


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