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Author Topic: Diagnosed with HBV and after Ultrasound report shocked me  (Read 8253 times)

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Offline shakeelrehman80

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Diagnosed with HBV and after Ultrasound report shocked me
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:28:22 am »
Dear Bucky,

Very good NEWS from your side and it gives all new hope. I also diagnosed with HBV and after Ultrasound report shocked me (Report is under with liver sketch). The doctor has said that I have Cirrhosis, Portal Hypertension, HBeAG negative. This bad NEWS give a shock to me and my family. The Dr. Started Entecavir (0.5 mg) which I take for last one month.

With your experience and see my following report whats my condition and your suggestion along with above medicine (Entecavir 0.5mg). My reports are as under  for your snapshot. Especially My Ultrasound report (US).

My Reports:

Ultrasound 1:
Liver: reduced in size (9.9 ml in MCL). Irregular margin, moderately coarse (Moderate F2 to F3 fibrosis) parenchyma __________CLD. No focal defect. integrate biliary channels are not dilated. Spectral pattern of hepatic vein shows loss of W pattern.
PORTAL VASCULATURE: Portal vein (13mm Luminal dia) is of increased caliber with hepatopetal flow.
Repeat Ultrasound 2:
Liver: Liver measures 120 mm in cranio caudal dimension. The contours are irregular. Its tecture appears inhomogeneous. No intra hepatic biliary dlitaion noted. CBD measures 3.6 mm at porta hepatis. PV measures 10.3 mm and is clear. Portal vein as well as hepatic veins are seen tortuous at porta hepatis

ESR: 05
HBsAG: 3571.51
HBVDNA: 74394 IU/ml
1. Billubirin: 0.7
2. ALT: 79
3. AST: 35
4. Alkaline Phosphate: 148
5. Gamma GT: 83

Another repeat Test:
1. Billiburin: 0.80 mg/dL
2. Albumin Serum: 4.56 mg/dL
Prothrombine Time:
1. Patient: 11.0 Seconds
2. Control: 10.6
3. INR: 1.0
1. HB Surface Antibody: Non reactive (patient value: 0.00 mIU/ml)
2. Hepatitis Be Antigen: Non reactive (patient value: 0.350)
3. Hepatitis Be Ab: Reactive (Patient S/CO value:0.01)

Offline lporterrn

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  • LucindaPorterRN
    • LucindaPorterRN
Re: Diagnosed with HBV and after Ultrasound report shocked me
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 11:43:32 am »
Welcome Shakeel,
Your post from the hep C forum was moved here because it's related to hep B. It sounds like you already know what the reports mean, since your doc has given you a diagnosis that is consistent with the report. Entecavir has been around a long time. A new drug is in the works (if approved, it will be announced), and many experts that like hep C, we will eventually cure hep B (3 to 5 years is one prediction I heard).

In the meantime, learn how to manage your cirrhosis, eat a healthy diet, and your doc should help you manage your condition. Once the news wears off, it will get easier to live life, and yes, enjoy it.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)


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