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Author Topic: ex husband  (Read 13766 times)

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Offline worriedwoman1

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ex husband
« on: July 14, 2013, 09:13:20 pm »
I have an Ex that has "high risk" behavior. I found out he was on drugs in the later part of our marriage. We have been divorced almost 3 years. If he caught hep c while we were married, should i be freaking out? My new husband was tested about a month ago because of elevated liver enzymes due to his gall bladder and is negative. My ex has not been tested, but his behavior suggests iv drug use....and i know that is a very easy way to contract it. I never used drugs at all and we never shared razors or anything like that. We did have plenty of sex though..

Offline worriedwoman1

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Re: ex husband
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2013, 09:15:47 am »
I guess my question is since my new husband don't have it from us having sex, does that mean i didn't catch it from the ex? Maybe he didn't have it. I never used protection because i had my tubes tied and couldn't get pregnant. My new husband and i have never used protection. We have lives together almost 2 years. Thanks so much!

Offline iana5252

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Re: ex husband
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2013, 09:20:14 am »
Hi Worried,

Welcome to the forums.

You should get tested for hepatitis C for your own peace of mind.

With that said, hepatitis C is most easily spread through direct blood-to-blood contact. The risk of contracting it via sex is low.

If your ex was using needles, he was also putting himself at risk for HIV. HIV can be transmitted via sex, especially if condoms were not being used, so you should also test for it.

Both Hep C and HIV can be managed so if you test positive for either take a deep breath and know you will be ok. There is lots of help available for both. Hep can get you started for living with hepatitis C and POZ (http://www.poz.com) for HIV.

Offline worriedwoman1

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Re: ex husband
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 09:43:17 am »
He denies ever using needles. I never saw evidence of needles. Just straws and pills. We were married 12 years and he was always scared to have blood draws or anything due to fear of being stuck.  He got worse in the last few months we were married and even worse after we split so i don't know. I guess the possibility is there. He went as far a robbery and went to jail trying to get money for drugs... a girlfriend of his is about to have a baby and she has been tested for HIV. So, I'm not really worried about that .

Offline jberlin

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Re: ex husband
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2013, 11:33:03 am »
Yes, get tested.  It is easy and will put your mind at rest.  I had Hep C before I got married, and have been married 27 years, have 2 kids, etc... and my wife does not have Hep C.  You can get Hep C from rough sex if blood is involved, from tattoos, perhaps a shaving razor...  Seems having him as an 'ex' is a good thing!  Good luck, jack

Offline worriedwoman1

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Re: ex husband
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2013, 11:42:36 am »
Very much a good thing. I think i worry too much. He has never been diagnosed with it and i never thought about it until we were at the doctor with my husband and they started asking questions about his past because of his liver function. Everything was fine with him, had to have gallbladder removed but i guess that made me start worrying. I asked my ex if he had ever used needles and he denied but i wouldn't expect him to admit it either. We have 2 kids together and he only has supervised visits so.....


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