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Author Topic: Lou Reed Dead at 71  (Read 15384 times)

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Offline flower-child-68

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Lou Reed Dead at 71
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:21:47 am »
I just saw the news that Lou Reed has passed. RIP.

Outsider Whose Dark, Lyrical Vision Helped Shape Rock ā€™nā€™ Roll

In reading the various reports, I didn't see anywhere that he was suffering from hepatitis C. It talks about him undergoing a liver transplant and the NYT quoted a doctor as saying he died of "end-stage liver disease."

So did he have hepatitis C? I'm guessing he did based on his admitted history of heavy drug use and the telltale signs of a failing liver. I even saw some older news pieces saying he had hepatitis although with no proof given.

Cleveland Clinic confirms rock legend Lou Reed underwent liver transplant at hospital

Its so frustrating that we continue to miss these opportunities to spread the word on the risks of hepatitis and that it is completely curable with even better treatment options coming soon.

Baby boomers need to get tested ASAP or we are going to start seeing these obits piling up even though they can be prevented. Grrh!!

Offline diannastarr

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Re: Lou Reed Dead at 71
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 01:54:43 pm »
An amazingly poignant farewell written by his wife Laurie Anderson in Nov issue of Rolling Stone.

Laurie Anderson's Farewell to Lou Reed: A Rolling Stone Exclusive
'For 21 years we tangled our minds and hearts together'

I have never seen an expression as full of wonder as Lou's as he died. His hands were doing the water-flowing 21-form of tai chi. His eyes were wide open. I was holding in my arms the person I loved the most in the world, and talking to him as he died. His heart stopped. He wasn't afraid. I had gotten to walk with him to the end of the world. Life ā€“ so beautiful, painful and dazzling ā€“ does not get better than that. And death? I believe that the purpose of death is the release of love.

... and she does confirm he was living with hepatitis C.


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