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Author Topic: start my 9th week tomorrow on Incivek  (Read 12498 times)

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Offline Marilyn666

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start my 9th week tomorrow on Incivek
« on: November 04, 2013, 09:35:24 pm »
hey everybody i have been reading this forum for quite sometime and finally decided to join in.  I start my 9th week tomorrow on Incivek and of course the other lovely drugs that go with it.  the beginning was pure hell but now i think its gotten better or im just getting used to it.  this is my second time on treatment i didn't respond the first time on dual therapy.  I feel sad and irritated sometimes and other times im OK.  Mostly, i just wanted to say that reading this helps me, just knowing there are other people going through what im going through.

Offline jberlin

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Re: start my 9th week tomorrow on Incivek
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 06:02:04 pm »
Hi Marilyn, as you can see from my profile, I too was a relapser, then I did the Incivek triple therapy (12 weeks, dual 12 weeks), and was declared cured this past May after 36 years with Hep C. Incivek made me very moody, depressed and angry a lot, and I hated the schedule.  What was your viral load at 4 weeks?  Your life gets much better after the Incivek, I found the rashes better, the lows not as low, and finally not on the damn schedule and fat grams!  This is my favorite Incivek video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QokLEMqSvXc Enjoy!
Cheering for you!

Offline Marilyn666

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Re: start my 9th week tomorrow on Incivek
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2013, 07:44:20 pm »
i just watched the video and i loved it lol.  I love that she still had a sense of humor in the really bad times because boy do i ever need mine at times lol  When i hear that you are cured and the lady in the video, it gives me hope.  My viral load went from 5 million to 84 week 4.  I haven't had it retested yet, not sure when they will be doing that.  I wanted it to be lower, i wanted it to be undetectable and somehow felt ripped off when it wasn't.  im over that now though, i have just never cleared the virus and i wonder what that feels like!! Anyway Jack thanks for responding and can I ask what your viral load was at week4??


Offline jberlin

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Re: start my 9th week tomorrow on Incivek
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2013, 05:20:21 pm »
Nearly 5 logs, still very good, have you been religious about the schedule? That is crucial because of the half life of Incivek. Every 8 hours!  You should have been tested at 8 weeks, and should now be UD.  The next big test is at 12 weeks, just as you stop the Incivek.  That will be UD and if not, they should stop your treatment.  Are you scheduled for 12 additional weeks of dual therapy, or more than that?  Keep it up, you can beat this crappy virus! -jack

Offline Marilyn666

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35 weeks and counting
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2014, 08:00:16 pm »
Hello all of my fellow dragon slayers, I just wanted to touch base with everybody since i haven't been on here in a long time. I was in a really bad place the last time i posted but since then, have been doing a lot better.  If you would have asked me at the beginning of this journey if i would have made this far, I would have not really believed it because i never thought i would ever be undetectable ever.  Im still undetectable and just plugging along, fighting the good fight. Im in the home stretch and can only pray that it stays away but knowing that i have done everything i can to help myself, i shall rest easy whatever the outcome, but of course i want to be cured!!!!

Sending hope and healing thoughts,


Offline Mike

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Re: start my 9th week tomorrow on Incivek
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2014, 08:46:36 pm »
Hi Marilyn,

Your in the home stretch and virus free!! Man, great job! I did 48 weeks of INTF+RIBV, and know what it is like.

One more dragon slayed!

Best thoughts and wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline jberlin

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Re: start my 9th week tomorrow on Incivek
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2014, 09:00:02 pm »
Thanks for coming back and filling us in.  I had wondered about you a couple of times. 

Glad to see you stuck with it! Life got better after the Incivek, didn't it.  And, you got UD which was huge!  Now it is the dual therapy until you finish, and the virus can't come back during treatment, so the big test is the 12 week post treatment blood draw - which I know will still be UD!  So proud of you, because I know how tough it is.  Do keep us informed and keep counting down! 



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