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Welcome to the Hep Forums, a round-the-clock discussion area for people who have Fatty Liver Disease, Hepatitis B, C or a co-infection, their friends and family and others with questions about hepatitis and liver health. Check in frequently to read what others have to say, post your comments, and hopefully learn more about how you can reach your own health goals.

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Author Topic: hi my is jess1323  (Read 11792 times)

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Offline jess1323

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hi my is jess1323
« on: March 30, 2014, 01:26:44 am »
hey just found out i have   hep c.i am married we have been together 7 yr but he got check and he does not. hes been there for me but i dont fell like. he know what i am felling i am 22 yr old liven in a small Town in mountions USA. Just need good friends. I have not told many people i am scared to because of how people r mean. I have a 2 Dr apt one for GI on the 7Th of April and one on the 11Th . Hep form is a great sight lot of good people i have been read it for a week love y'all thanks

Offline Mike

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Re: hi my is jess1323
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 02:42:33 pm »
Hi Jess,

Although this may sound ironic, there's never been a better time to be diagnosed wit Hep-C. The treatment options are so much better then even a few years ago. And the cure rate is off the table.

Hep-C is difficult to talk about, as there is a lot of stigmata associated with the diagnosis

This is a great place to start and there are a lot of helpful, knowlegable folks here.

Remember: It is not really that important to know how you got Hep-C - what's important is you can now get rid of it!

Best wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline Mike

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Re: hi my is jess1323
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 02:42:51 pm »
Hi Jess,

Although this may sound ironic, there's never been a better time to be diagnosed wit Hep-C. The treatment options are so much better then even a few years ago. And the cure rate is off the table.

Hep-C is difficult to talk about, as there is a lot of stigmata associated with the diagnosis

This is a great place to start and there are a lot of helpful, knowlegable folks here.

Remember: It is not really that important to know how you got Hep-C - what's important is you can now get rid of it!

Best wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline jberlin

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Re: hi my is jess1323
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 04:47:34 pm »
Hi Jess,  as always I am glad to meet you and sorry to welcome you to the Hep C club.  Mike is right, options abound, treatments are 1/4 as long and much easier, and cure rates have doubled to close to 90%.  When you get your blood test you will want to know about your liver functions and what genotype Hep C you are.  Hep C is typically a slow progressing disease (I had it 36 years before cured), but the liver panel will indicate any liver distress. Nothing beats a biopsy, but assuming you recently contracted, your liver should be just fine.

Do you know how you contracted Hep C, and if so have you adjusted your lifestyle to take that risk away?  This forum wants to see you get cured and stay cured!

Let us know and don't sweat it!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 11:47:50 pm by jberlin »

Offline codaflip

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Re: hi my is jess1323
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2014, 02:37:47 pm »
Hey jess1323,

As everyone is telling you, you are very fortunate to have just gotten Hep C now,so many great drug here to cure you and even better ones come by next year.I myself caught it when I was your age went  thur treatment that were not very successful back then failed twice now that Im 50 I have just started treatment March 9 with Pegasus,Ribavirin and the great new drug Sovaldi. My viral load was 66775 when I start 1 wk later it was 600 and last wk it was 15 take another blood test Friday and I have all confidence I will be undetected on that one.  You are not alone and have alot of friends here going thur what you are so keep us posted, and you can always find anwser here.  :}


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