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Author Topic: Day 16 and I feel weird  (Read 8178 times)

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Offline DesertGuy

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Day 16 and I feel weird
« on: July 16, 2014, 05:38:07 pm »
I'm on SOl RIB combo for 24 weeks
Back in the 70's I did some illict drugs,  and today I feel like I have taken one and am waiting for the rest of it to kick in.
Mind has been in a semi swirl--can't really focus on getting anything done--started to leave the house and it took twenty minutes to get out the door by the time I realized I was doing other things.
Maybe after tonight dose--I'll get a few hallucination's, for a $1000 a pill I should. L.O.L.

Offline patsy

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Re: Day 16 and I feel weird
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 06:33:49 pm »
Hi DesertGuy. I was on 12 week Sovaldi/Rib/Interferon. Today is my last day. My mental side-effects have also been interesting. I have a history of depression and drug use. I had to be cleared by a psychiatrist to take these. Mine started about halfway through and are climbing each day. I am glad that this is the last day and plan to drink a lot of water hoping to get the bad part out of my system. Mine was different than yours. I got extremely anxious and irritable, also paranoid. I knew right away that it was the side effects and have to keep telling myself not to make any important decisions at this time. I really do feel that I am handling it pretty well despite what the mind can do to you as far as getting through a day! Now, this is gonna sound questionable but some of what I've been thinking has been positive. Seriously. I have always been kind of a doormat and vulnerable and easy to manipulate. People pleaser. I've had all this time to contemplate some changes. Along with that is the facing of my mortality. I think I have been properly assertive to some people who needed to hear certain things. And I am looking down the road at some changes I can make in my life to make myself happier and gain some self-esteem. But.... I know better than to act on any of it until I am back to being myself. Yours sounds more like confusion mostly. My advice to you would be to just prepare and think your actions through ahead of time until this subsides. Oh, and this is the worst part for me, I became so obsessive about not being able to stop thinking about things that have been bugging me. I have had to read a lot and watch a lot of movies and basically just keep busy. I can't fall asleep without a book or TV show going on. But I've always had a tape playing in my head at bedtime, have never been an easy sleeper. But this obsessive thinking is going on all day long. I will get through it and so will you. Hang in there!

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 06:36:06 pm by patsy »

Offline amocuatli

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Re: Day 16 and I feel weird
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 06:37:17 pm »
Desert Guy,
I hope you feel better. Mike I've been reading some of your postings--thank you for bringing your wisdom to this forum, and for answering me when I was feeling so anxious. It turns out at my blood tests were fine, it was me that misread them.
AND I misunderstood my doc on the phone...
She said my viral load was <15 detectable ;  not 1.5million, I guess my mind just couldn't believe it --I had to see it. I picked up my blood work results yesterday.
It seems that a lot of you had a test at week 1; I did blood but didn't do viral load with that test --the test I am referring to was week 4 blood work
Yeah I started June 2 and this test was done July 1
The highest test before this was 15,000,000 and the lowest test was 4,400,000
So this is what it's like to feel normal? I like it! Of course I realize that I am still detectable :( but hey I'm not complaining! Also even after being undetectable, I guess it takes awhile for the virus to come out of the tissues.
I haven't had any more side effects-except panic when I thought I had forgotten my meds at home and I was 30 miles away and in the middle of a class!!

Offline zeena

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Re: Day 16 and I feel weird
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2014, 03:16:15 pm »
desert guy,
           The initial side effects for me were also a lot of strange mental experiences. echoing , my head felt as if it were in a water balloon, could not process information,immediate memory loss, it was scary... on top of that exhaustion beyond anything i ever felt before, a relentless fever landed me in the er. but was attributed to a uti.now at week  or 6 or7 , (always been bad with time) i feel more even keel.lots of afternoon coffee needed to get me thru chores, because after taking meds i often feel sleepy or weak.i have stopped drinking recreationally to help in the healing process, and at week 5 i had a 0 viral load and normal liver function.i am back at work, and seem ok. though with time i hope the saturation of riba does not create a problem with my red and white cell count.hopefully after the next round of tests i can stop the thousand a day and go to 600. good luck and hang in there. this is really a miracle cure!!


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