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Author Topic: Studying New Hepatitis C Treatments Among Prison Populations  (Read 10033 times)

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Studying New Hepatitis C Treatments Among Prison Populations
« on: September 26, 2014, 03:54:03 pm »
Australia has just launched a new study that will investigate whether a "treatment as prevention" policy for hepatitis C will actually help reduce new infections:


The five-year study is interesting because it will recruit more than 1,000 inmates at both maximum- and medium-security prisons to find out.

Do you think that's a good idea or bad idea? Let us know.

Offline willie g

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Re: Studying New Hepatitis C Treatments Among Prison Populations
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 10:40:08 pm »
it seems like a good idea as far as mankind goes but I feel if they have the cash [not taking from regular citizens by uping taxes etc.  which is unlikely, taxpayers always get stuck]if THEY  are financing it help yourself,, but folks out here have done no crime, so they shouldn't have to do no time[another words meds should be available to all non prisoners before going that route. everything else is getting paid for in prisons by taxpayers and there are folks out here who have trouble getting them as well as costs  they have to pick up. if I was doing time and say I knew somebody out there in real world who had hcv and they couldn't get the combo that would better meet their needs and I as an inmate can get them easier and faster than that's a crock of shit!  lets start with putting prisoners in war zones fighting isis, icecicyle or whatever those mongrels are. I AM REALLY PISSED that they don't do that! I fought for this country and I also did a little time and if it wasn't because my head was messed up from my service to this country I know I would not have been where I was to get in the predicament of doing time.SO FRIG EM, PUT THIER MAX OUT, RAPISTS, KILLERS ,PEDIFILES, ETC. ON THE FRONT LINES AND THEN THEY CAN HAVE ALL THE SOLVADI AND WHATEVER TILL ITS COMING OUT THIER ASS!  yes I was hollering and you asked me, and theres no COMEDY TODAY!  ''JUST'' WILLIE G  YOU SHOULD RIP THAT QUESTION UP AND SHRED THE SHIT OUT OF IT AND FEED IT TOO THE PIGS!  whats this world coming too!!! let em have SHOWTIME,BLOWTIME,HBO, UP THE BUNHOLE , CINEMAX TILL THERE PACKED,, hell lets give them sirloin steaks with lobster twice a week! you ASKED !

Offline willie g

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Re: Studying New Hepatitis C Treatments Among Prison Populations
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2014, 01:36:53 am »
there are times I wish I had never pushed the SEND BUTTON,, when the internet first started and email was first presented I had  to work thru the gizmo thing to learn. well I learned alright,, my family used it as a dart board, and boy some of the things that were SENT were some powerful darts. to this day I do not email any of my family members due to much dysfunction, which the internet was a big negative for us. I left home when I was seventeen and my dad had to sign papers so I could go into the military. it was my only way out, so ihave never been REALLY back home. I would go and then due to mostly meanness on all individuals involved[family] but that is not what iam trying to get at this am,, person to person people know what people truly mean but on this internet, texting ,facebook etc. it has become a ASSUMABLE WORLD,, we assume this and we assume that and in so many cases lives have been changed or ruined due to assumptions. well it is quite obvious I had a hair up my butt on previous post,, if only it HAD been a face to face talk I wouldn't be posting this or the previous post.no one knows my life story as well as I don't know yours, yes we know pieces but of course that is the way it should be especially on a forum such as this. I had very good reasons I feel to give my feelings on the editors prison question but the way I did it was inappropriate and for that I am sorry[if only there was an erase button we could use at times eh folks? ,but there isn't. once you hit that FRIGIN SEND  button you either have a good feeling, a sad feeling or a PANIC feeling. I always tried to instill in my daughter and others to SLEEP ON IT [if something is on your mind and that way the morning could bring a whole different feeling or decision you had the previuos day, I hope you understand] nobody's perfect in life, of course and never will be and some peoples nature in life [paths you took or paths your on] is also much different.  my old behaviors snuck up on me today when I read that and due to my past life [desions I made, nobody else to blame] I struck like a rattlesnake! and that is who I do not want to be today,, so with that said  I DO HUMBLY ask for you too over look my ignorance of the way I responded.man that send button can be like the nuclear button our country's have and I think I am going to fingernail polish that send button RED tomorrow so with that I think I should GIDDY UP MY ASS ALONG,,,  [only one good thing came out of this,, you kinda know how I feel about that question,, smile,,,good nite  ''just Willie g

Offline rainbowray

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Re: Studying New Hepatitis C Treatments Among Prison Populations
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2014, 02:35:26 pm »
Hey Willie G,

At least your honest, you deserve respect for that. Maybe Gilead is giving the medicine to Australia very cheap, like in India and those places. Most likely the taxpayers in the U.S. are the only ones that get the shaft, as the charge is $1000.00 a pill or whatever, over here. I think the FDA has some pull on that, but who am I to speculate. Were run by Socialists in this country that despise the American, and American Way. Count your blessings your not getting censored yet for speaking out.
Gilead is helping some over here, so give them some credit.
I have some mixed feelings myself. I have a friend with beginning liver failure
symptoms, using Kaiser as his heathcare. They keep delaying him treatment and give him run around tests, and then say he has to test for alcohol now for 3 more months. He has coverage but are treating him like a low-end citizen because he has hepc. My opinion is it is cheaper to die then to treat, and that is a nasty accusation to make, but I see no other reason why he is denied for the last 8 months. He has not had a drink in over a year. Willie, there is reason to rant, and a lot of time justified.

Offline willie g

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Re: Studying New Hepatitis C Treatments Among Prison Populations
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2014, 10:36:27 pm »
RAY, your not speculating one bit and GILEIAD ,isn't and has never helped anyone but themselves. AT least your honest who YOU are and what really counts in life IS THAT, and ya your FRIEND is being chastised not because they want to call him a low class citizen[they don't have to say it, you can try to hide truth, but scumsuckers ALWAYS get thiers in the end. BECAUSE of their ONE blindess they never really seeit coming and when it comes they just pass it around still thinking their under the radar,,,real educated [pencilnecks] idiots and that's where they make their mistakes. they are just a piece of paper just like the ones they shuffle around  but know body can hide or live with themselves especially when theirs no warning because all their warning is 'A THIEF IN THE NIGHT' and no scum can hide from that RAY.THE researchers the technicians etc. who go home at night[if there not up all night for the goodness of mankind] are the only ones who can truly walk and not RUN,,,, but they end up kinda losing too cause that moment, special moment is sucked from them too  from the other INVESTORS, who say KNOW WAY, KNOW WAY would we ever do that and because of their time and dedication they don't mistrust the''' KNOW WAYERS'' until the day it is brawed cast as they tuck their children in bed,,, only to hang their heads but only because they are the real humans that still JUST WANT TO do GOOD ,they pickup the pieces and move on to whats next for the good of their true neighbors whom they love and TRULY  believe their efforts know matter what, triumph in the end. even though their hearts get in the way of vision that's OK because there are people like you , like ''just'' Willie g and your dear friend and so many others that know THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE, no longer applies in most parts of the cesspools we live in and our next generation is sleeping because we stupidly and innocently put them there.  one thing I TRULY do believe, thru all the truly ugliness I have seen and see[sometimes I think its a curse but some have been given a gift to be messengers and some have the gift to be WARRIORS and some the gift to see]we need to teach them show them ,but not in a toxic way ,, we have to keep them positive so we have to walk our talk and stay the same but by know means do we keep showing them HOW TO SLEEP, goodness will ALWAYS prevail over evil, its just the folks on the frontlines HAVE TO SUFFER,, it Will and is worth it because the evil will be destroyed by the GOODNESS who have to come ''like a thief in the night''  hang tight brother and I am praying for your friend ,his friends and you ''right now''  FOLKS just have to start KNOCKING,and the door will open and so will their eyes and hearts.    ,  ''just Willie g

Offline willie g

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Re: Studying New Hepatitis C Treatments Among Prison Populations
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2014, 11:14:04 pm »
PS   oh I AM  being CENSORED, trust me on that one,,, front lines RAY,  whataya gonna do?  'just Willie g  hey by the way this is a hep c forum and with that guess what? I thought I had another batch coming the 1st or so of October,, I wasn't keeping track,, I was just making it to the appts. the blood draws that were on calendar,,,spontaneous, air head of a guy when it comes to that..  but ya one thing I do and suggest to others is to call place where they get their meds[mail especially] ahead of time each month  no less than when they have 5 pills left,, because I had to to wait today's without the second month due to order not being filled on their end and this last batch I got on the night when I had none and was sitting till 8 o'clock ,when I hard a knock on door , ups had arrived but my 630 dosage didn't get in me till813,, that was no biggie,, and yes I had called 5 days ahead!but that time I got a TRACKING number which they will give you as soon as your meds are packed, they tell you they will call you the next day to give it to you but uh uh, PEOPLE OUT THERE you call and get that TRACKING number that way you can go online and see just where it is ,time, and what day.... ya I KNOW there are the ones out there who say 'I NEVER had any problems,, well bless their souls but when your dealing with your life ''think for the worst'' better to be paranoid , then sitting with your finger up your butt waiting for that knock on the door or whatever when it pertains to your or other love ones life,,, the whole world is moving too fast,, doing too many malty skills or they just don't care, their great over the phone,''yes sir, yes mam, but when they hang up their back to texting and eating their 20 inch subs lol[not all of course are like that but my luck is always not only do they have to finish that sub and text every 3 minutes,,, they also have to finish their big deserts,,,HAPPY MEALS,, LOL  ''JUST'' Willie g  oh ya, so what I was trying to get at is I ONLY HAVE 10 DAYS LEFT,, AS OUR COPARTNER SAYS ON THIS SITE  YAY... 10 DAYS TILL BLASTOFF! and hopefully that frigin snake will be out of my woodpile!


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