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Author Topic: New, confused, needing to talk.  (Read 11995 times)

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Offline confusedquiet

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New, confused, needing to talk.
« on: October 10, 2014, 11:30:03 pm »
Hello everyone. I am new (31 years old) and trying to keep a positive mind about my situation but, unfortunately, don't have anyone to discuss this with so its nice to get it all out.

Unfortunately, I received the dreaded call/letter after donating plasma last year. I was told I tested positive for HCV through the ELISA test and negative through the HCV NAT test. The nurse assured me I had nothing to worry about since my risk, that I was aware of, was low. I've never done drugs. I have one small tattoo and a few piercings, all done with unopened/sterilized needles. Married for years with no infidelity. I don't get my nails done and quite honestly, hardly even leave the house.

I finally got to my doctor for a follow up just recently. I had an abdominal exam. Everything was normal. I had a blood test as well, which was hardly explained to me by the nurse, only leaving me just as confused as the plasma donation letter. These were there results:

Hepatitis C Antibody: Reactive
Hepatitis C serology is consistent with exposure to hepC.

HCV VIRAL LOG: Not detec

Range of quantitation: 15-100,000,000 IU/ML
Range of detection: 7-100,000,000 IU/ML
Expected result: Not detected

When probing the nurse for explanation/answers, all she could say was that my doctor said I do have the antibodies but currently not infected BUT has referred me to a gastro doctor, that which I will see soon. I am doing my research and trying to calm my anxiety about the situation until then. I'm sure he will be able to explain things further to me but I can't help but worry for more bad news. Could my viral load have been too low to be detected, but still present, with the possibility of rising? If thats the case, could I infect others? Should I continue to keep getting tested throughout my life?

I know I will probably never know exactly where I picked this up at, as most don't, but it worries me when I picked this up.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 01:50:33 am by confusedquiet »

Offline johnsshutts

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Re: New, confused, needing to talk.
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2014, 12:05:33 pm »
It was hard at first, but you learn to live with it. A lot better cures out now! You will be cured, and you will be just fine. I am ready to start Harvoni real soon, appt. on the 28Th. I seen my Doctor in Feb., he advised me to wait. I was on peg and copeg over 10 years ago, for 14 months, not cured. It was a very rough 14 months. I was a supervisor with TSA, that didn't help. I didn't take much time off from work. I am a geno 1a with a viral load around 7 million. I have been keeping my hep c under control, I do have my good days and bad days! I have been taking herbs everyday for around 7 years. Max Milk Thistle, and liver care. I truly believe these herbs have helped keep it under control. I am so thrilled that there is a great chance of being cured. I only had a 40% chance last time, and terrible side effects. This will be a piece of cake, 12 weeks, with mild side affects! I will be cured! I will be starting a new fresh life, and I will retire in January!

Offline lporterrn

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Re: New, confused, needing to talk.
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2014, 10:33:35 pm »
Confused - You don't have hepatitis C - this isn't something that will get activated. All you have is evidence of having been exposed some time in your life. However, although the piercing and tattoos are remote possibilities, you have one possible risk factor that I hate to bring up. Because of you age, I suggest you ask your mother to get tested. If she was hep C+ when pregnant with you, you likely cleared and still have antibodies.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline confusedquiet

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Re: New, confused, needing to talk.
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2014, 11:35:37 am »
Thank you for the reply! My mother was recently tested and she said negative. My father had the same thing happen to him - positive, then negative test after blood donation. I am unsure whether he has it currently but I do know he has been an alcoholic for my entire life and both my parents are high risk (drug use).

The gastro appointment was unsuccessful as my doctor didn't even bother faxing my lab work to them after saying they did. He said he couldn't tell me much until he got the labs. After explaining everything, he was very condescending and even commented, "Why are you even here???" And that it is "very very rare to clear yourself of HCV." He should call me back when he gets the labs.

I will just have myself retested next year to be on the safe side. Maybe overly cautious but I don't see how that can hurt.

Offline rainbowray

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Re: New, confused, needing to talk.
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2014, 12:12:00 pm »
Hi confused,
This website is a good resource for the info your asking. It says up to 25% may cure the virus on their own. You are actually very fortunate.


Offline confusedquiet

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Re: New, confused, needing to talk.
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2014, 01:29:33 am »
Thank you! Any research is helpful and I do feel fortunate to be in that 25%. While shocked to this all in the beginning, I feel so much more informed and have completely changed my initial outlook of HCV. I'm so thankful there are forums like this. While I might be in that 25%, I do want to continue to stay informed with HCV, if anything, to inform others.


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