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Author Topic: ***Harvoni prices *** need help  (Read 10878 times)

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Offline BuRRy

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***Harvoni prices *** need help
« on: December 22, 2014, 06:25:13 pm »
Hi everyone , i am very new to this forum and very happy to find it.
I am 37 year old woman from turkey , i learned i have hcv on 2011. I must have got hcv between 2009 and 2011  during medical operations ( in 2008 and 2009 i had anti hcv tests negative)  my geno 1b , with hcv rna less than 600,000. My liver enzymes are high ( alt and ast around 100 ) i am planning to start harvoni treatment although its not yet available in turkey. I wonder whether there is anyone from turkey and as i will have the treatment in turkey , most doctors dont know yet bout harvoni. Would you pls advice me about which blood tests should be followed before and during treatment other than liver panel and viral load. And one more question i learned that 1 box harvoni 28 tb is 22600 euro in germany. Is there any other country that its cheaper? As i am geno 1b and having viral load less than a million and treatmnent naive 2 box meaning 8 weeks treatment will be ok for me i hope. 
Do you know whether the price in france for ex is said to be 13,000 euro. available only for french citizens or can i fly to france with valid prescr. And buy 2 boxes of harvoni for 26.000 euro and turn back??
some ideas thanks everyone and hope all of us will get rid of hcv as soon as possible .

Offline lisapodolsky

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Re: ***Harvoni prices *** need help
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2014, 07:52:22 am »
You might fing this helpful.

In addition try working with Gilead's patient assistance program. 

I'm not quite sure regarding tests needed prior to Harvoni treatment, maybe Gilead's assistance program could help you with that:)


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