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Author Topic: Anyone else having liver discomfort during treatment?  (Read 6073 times)

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Offline slw304

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Anyone else having liver discomfort during treatment?
« on: May 11, 2015, 01:11:23 pm »
Currently 5 weeks into 8 weeks of Harvoni.  Pre-treatment liver status F1, viral load less than 1 mil.  No other apparent side effects of treatment... no tiredness or headaches, sleeping well, exercising regularly.  Most Hep C symptoms disappeared in the first 2 weeks of treatment.  My question is about the sensation I have been having in my right side.  It's different then the pre-treatment discomfort I had.  It's more of an occasional prickly sensation or sometimes a pulling feeling.  I don't believe it is muscular.  I don't notice it when I'm being active or sleeping.  Mostly just when I'm sitting or in the car.  It seems to float around - sometimes in my back, sometimes in my front ribs, sometimes lower and down toward my hip.  Not sure if it could be a result of my liver getting back to normal or possibly a side of the med.  I'm curious if others are having the same experience.  Went for first blood work up today so I don't know current viral load yet. Thanks for any input.

Offline smaugslugger

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Re: Anyone else having liver discomfort during treatment?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2015, 05:28:49 pm »
Yes. I am "aware" of my liver most of the time. It's like I can feel the organ. And, it's a feeling I associate with drinking too much, so it make me think that something is wrong. I feel a little burning and an occasional stabbing pain. Like I said, to me it feels like something isn't right. I reported it to the nurses and they said it's normal. The drugs are working!

Offline koifish54

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Re: Anyone else having liver discomfort during treatment?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2015, 08:11:02 pm »
Pre treatment I felt fullness in liver area couple weeks after starting that went away for the most part was achey on and off but had more energy finish last pill may 4th for 12 week treatment felt a little crappie couple days after today 7 day off harvoni energy good hope stays . liver couple of twang s every once in while just waiting for eot results


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