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Author Topic: 4Th week on Harvoni  (Read 6346 times)

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Offline chrls50

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4Th week on Harvoni
« on: June 22, 2015, 08:43:36 am »
This is the end of my 4Th wk. I still have all the side effects. Nothing major but its really hard to get up and get motivated in the mornings, and the sun and heat is really taring me up. Seems like the foggy blurry vision is getting Little worse too
I go to get blood work done tomorrow and the next 4 wks of harvoni.
Hopefully everything is working like its suppose
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 08:45:23 am by chrls50 »

Offline Wood stove

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Re: 4Th week on Harvoni
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2015, 10:27:15 pm »
Try and stay positive Chris ,the first few weeks were the hardest for me but there is definitely light at the middle and near the end of this treatment tunnel. I'm starting week 9 of Harvoni and have more energy than I've had in a long time. Remember to drink lots and lots of water it really helps with the headaches. I just got my 4th week blood work results with liver enzymes back to normal and viral load is negative. So stay positive . Joe

Offline chrls50

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Re: 4Th week on Harvoni
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2015, 08:13:00 am »
Thanks for the reply Joe.
That's awesome.
Going to do my 4wk blood work this morning so i will know i a few days.
I'm just ready to start feeling better.


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