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Welcome to the Hep Forums, a round-the-clock discussion area for people who have Fatty Liver Disease, Hepatitis B, C or a co-infection, their friends and family and others with questions about hepatitis and liver health. Check in frequently to read what others have to say, post your comments, and hopefully learn more about how you can reach your own health goals.

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Author Topic: Anyone already had liver transplant and started on Solvadi & Ribavirin?  (Read 5081 times)

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Offline Downnout

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I posted a similiar ? in another thread here.... I'm new to the site  and just figured out how to start a new topic.

I've had Hep-C since Vietnam. Agent orange and Hep-C led to my cirrosis and eventually a transplant in 2011. I'm looking for anyone who has been transplanted and has started Solvidi and Ribavirin, post transplant.

If so..... I have a few questions. I'm sure you're also on immunosuppresive drugs such as cyclosporin and myfortic or mycophenic sp?....acid.

My first question is.... Did your Dr. suggest cutting back on these drugs, because they make me feel so bad already. Everytime I get in the hot sun.... My legs goes to mush. I feel weak and tired, (sometimes I have night sweats and a host of other side effects from the immuno drugs) until I get back inside and rest a bit. It's odd because I can get on a exersise bike and ride and ride without getting very tired at all, inside in the cool.

Secondly, if you have started on this Hep-C med and have already been transplanted... What are your side effects?

All inputs are welcomed. Maybe someone even knows someone in this situation and may know of their symptons.

Here's the kicker.... I called Gilead sciences and was handed off to a Hep-C nurse specialist. I straight forwardly asked  her if any one in any of their trials had already been transplanted or knew of any cases of anyone taking the Hep-C meds from them and she said "NO!" That's why I'm looking for someone who's in the same situation.

Futhermore.... after hanging up with that Gilead nurse... In about 5 minutes she called me back and was asking me all kinds of questions... my address, number etc.

Beginning to think I'm the ginny pig and the first one who's doing this!

Please respond...either here or by email. Thanks... start on meds 06/06/15.


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