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Author Topic: Hepatitis C Focus: Nutrition and Exercise  (Read 7224 times)

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Offline Hep Editors

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Hepatitis C Focus: Nutrition and Exercise
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:41:10 pm »
Living with hep C may seem like a waiting game in which there is nothing you can do other than bide time until you go on treatment. In reality, you can take a lot of steps to lessen the damage the virus may do to your liver. It's all about how you treat your own body. Some quick tips:

-When limiting carbs, fructose is the most important sugar to skip. That's the one that’s most directly broken down by the liver.
-Look for a wide array of proteins in your diet. Protein is an essential building block your body needs to repair liver tissue that has been damaged.
-Try to cut out all processed foods. They're drenched in salt, and sodium can make a lot of liver disease symptoms worse.
-Avoid raw/undercooked shellfish, foraged mushrooms. Doctors say the potential complications are simply not worth the risk.
-Drink coffee. Several studies show it helps slow down liver disease progression.
-Exercise at least three times a week for half an hour or more, to boost immune function, mood and energy.

For more info: http://www.hepmag.com/articles/2957_11280.shtml

Offline raduzhok

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Re: Hepatitis C Focus: Nutrition and Exercise
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2015, 10:37:47 pm »
Thank you for this information because it's my main way of helping my body as much as I can.  On things like carbs and fructose, are whole grains okay, and also, is fruit okay? I started using stevia to sweeten foods.

A question about coffee. I can't drink caffeine, so is decaf coffee still good?

I also have heard that an acidic environment is not good, so alkaline is recommended. Does that mean, no tomato sauces, and what about fresh tomatoes, as in with sandwiches? These are the things I need help with. My doctor doesn't seem to think my diet is important. I disagree.

And I want more information about good supplements - like antioxidents, and foods that help decrease inflammation - like sweet potatoes, and stuff like that.

My medical group doesn't have a nutritionist. I saw people talking about liver clinics but we don't have any here. I do want to find a dietician. I need help putting together what's best for me. I struggle because I don't want to eat very much.

Will check out the link.


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