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Author Topic: Harvoni Rash - Day 4  (Read 6959 times)

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Offline Butterflykisses

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Harvoni Rash - Day 4
« on: July 23, 2015, 12:25:09 pm »

I am new to the forum.  Started Harvoni on 7/20/15, 12wk plan.  So blessed to start this miracle drug, however very disappointed that I am experiencing an itchy rash that comes and goes in different areas.  Is this normal?  Praying this gets better and not worse over time.  Oral Lichen planus, eczema & joint pain are just some of my symptoms of this nasty virus.  Notified my Dr. of the itching, they want to see me if this continues, fingers crossed this will not end my tx.  Other than major anxiety of starting this journey, the sides have been very manageable.  Drinking tons of water, sleeping ok, waking up every few hours but that me, lol.   

Good luck to all.

GT: 1a
2008: Interferon/Riba NR
VL: 851,413
7/20/15:  Started Harvoni (12 Weeks)
8/17/15:  4 week Lab VL Undetected
9/16/15:  8 week Lab VL Undetected, ast 20, alt 18
10/21/15:  EOT Lab VL Undetected, ast 15, alt 13
1/18/16:  14 Weeks Post VL Undectected, AST 21, ALT 15

Offline ricpark

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Re: Harvoni Rash - Day 4
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2015, 07:27:27 am »
Welcome, I have had the itchy rash come and go, but I had them before and in the 50 years of this virus full body Lichen Planus about 8 times and has not come back for about 10 years.
Good Luck
Chronic 50 years
Geo 1A Stage 3
VL 17.5 mill
non-Hopkins lymphoma cancer
after 4 weeks
AST 87 now 29
ALT 128 now 27
VL now undetected
after 12 wks
VL  undetected

Offline Trish1

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Re: Harvoni Rash - Day 4
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2015, 11:17:58 am »

In week two I developed a rash on my outer thighs, it lasted a week or so but now it is gone.  Hopefully, yours will clear itself too!

Age 51
Infected 1983
GT 1a
VL 5.1m 
Bx 2004 - Grd 1 Stg 1 
Tx naive
Metavir Score 5/26/15 - F0-F1
Started Harvoni 6/23/2015 (8 wks)
4wk (during tx) - detected <15
8 wk EOT - undetected
4 wk after tx - undetected - SVR4
12 wk after tx - undetected - SVR12

Offline Butterflykisses

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Re: Harvoni Rash - Day 4
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2015, 01:14:31 pm »
Week 2 and feeling good, the itchiness has somewhat subsided. I started using Aveeno unscented body products, it seems to be helping my sensitive skin issues.  Maybe it's just nerves, who knows, focusing on the positives and taking it one day at a time. 

Have a blessed day!

GT: 1a
2008: Interferon/Riba NR
VL: 851,413
7/20/15:  Started Harvoni (12 Weeks)
8/17/15:  4 week Lab VL Undetected
9/16/15:  8 week Lab VL Undetected, ast 20, alt 18
10/21/15:  EOT Lab VL Undetected, ast 15, alt 13
1/18/16:  14 Weeks Post VL Undectected, AST 21, ALT 15

Offline KimInTheForest

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Re: Harvoni Rash - Day 4
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 01:30:01 pm »
Week 2 and feeling good, the itchiness has somewhat subsided. I started using Aveeno unscented body products, it seems to be helping my sensitive skin issues.  Maybe it's just nerves, who knows, focusing on the positives and taking it one day at a time. 

Welcome to the forums and to the treatment journey, butterflykisses. and good luck with the rash. sounds like you are getting it under control. just remember - it will all be worth it in the end to be rid of hepatitis c.

Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/

Offline Butterflykisses

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Re: Harvoni Rash - Day 4
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2015, 02:37:26 pm »
Thank you for the encouragement KimInTheForest.  Congratulations on your “End of Treatment” I know it’s a rough journey.  Sending prayers your way for your final lab results.  Keep us posted.

GT: 1a
2008: Interferon/Riba NR
VL: 851,413
7/20/15:  Started Harvoni (12 Weeks)
8/17/15:  4 week Lab VL Undetected
9/16/15:  8 week Lab VL Undetected, ast 20, alt 18
10/21/15:  EOT Lab VL Undetected, ast 15, alt 13
1/18/16:  14 Weeks Post VL Undectected, AST 21, ALT 15


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