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Author Topic: Last Harvoni tonight!!! - and I'm catching a cold/flu. GRRR1  (Read 6073 times)

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Offline Morphin

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Last Harvoni tonight!!! - and I'm catching a cold/flu. GRRR1
« on: August 31, 2015, 03:21:09 pm »
With full credit to Jeff Buckley:

My Ode to Harvoni

This is our last goodbye
I hate to feel the love between us die
But it's over
Just hear this and then i'll go
You gave me more to live for
More than you'll ever know

And to Hep C

This is our last embrace
Must I dream and always see your face
Why can't we overcome this wall
Well, maybe it's just because i didn't know you at all

So after 8 weeks, of relatively smooth sailing, I will be taking my last Harvoni pill in 7 hours!  ;D  I can't believe how fast the time went by.

Overall, side effects were minimal, other health maladies would worsen the sides, however.  Slight headache every morning(took pill before bed), but glass of lemon water cleared that up for the day(also have a touch of sinus/allergy). Week 2 had a bout of food poisoning, came close to vomiting up the pill, but managed to keep it down.  Week 5 had a Meningitis vaccine which caused a bit more aches and soreness than usual.  Also, I have HIV; Hip soreness is an issue for long term carriers(14 years). Harvoni made it a bit worse, but nothing that Yoga, walking and some bicycling didn't clear out the kinks.

Today, felt absolutely great, until 2 hours ago - then WHAM, achy and a bit feverish. So of course, I have to finish treatment with a bang right?   :P.  Hoping it's a 24 hour thing.  Not going to take anything for it, unless it gets bad, and ride it out.

Literally from the first pill on, I felt great - brain fog was gone immediately and some days I felt absolutely hyper/ecstatic(like this morning)! I was UND at 4 weeks and right now, am absolutely convinced that Hep C is GONE!! (If fate has other ideas, I'll cross that bridge when the time comes - but I honestly feel I'm cured).

As for Post-TX, I have a Gastro appt on Sep. 9.  Then I'm going on an winter RV/dry camping trip to Cali/Az desert for 4 months, leaving Nov 2nd.  Was hoping to have my 12 week SVR by then, but original pill shipment took forever.  Anyhow, I'm going to request an 8 week test(Dr said 2 1/2 months is fine previously, so a couple weeks shouldn't matter too much) and then enjoy my trip, whatever may come. Embracing my New Normal every day and get final cure confirmation next March.

Anyhow, wanted to share(thanks for listening)  and THANK all the forum members again for sharing all of your knowledge, providing support and encouragement, and mostly, for never giving up.

Peace to all, Best of Luck to those still in treatment and those awaiting their 4 wk, 12 wk, 24 wk results. For those that relapsed, I'm focusing my energies so that the world will bring you light, love, hope and health.

Morphin(g) to the New Normal
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 03:29:22 pm by Morphin »
Age 48
Infected 2001
GT 1a
VL 2.36m 
Tx naive
Started Harvoni 7/7/2015 (8 wks)
W4 - Undetected
W4 AST 33 (66 before TX)
W4 ALT 26 (41 before TX)

Offline KimInTheForest

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Re: Last Harvoni tonight!!! - and I'm catching a cold/flu. GRRR1
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 04:33:35 pm »
Congrats Morphin on finishing treatment! And enjoy your winter RV/dry camping trip in Cali/AZ. Sounds fabulous to me! Good luck with the rest of your labs.

kim :)

Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/


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