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Author Topic: Cirrhosis Symptoms  (Read 7512 times)

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Offline Hep Editors

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Cirrhosis Symptoms
« on: September 15, 2015, 12:18:00 pm »
From our Hep Lesson "Complications of Hepatitis C" http://www.hepmag.com/articles/2956_20528.shtml

Cirrhosis has two phases, compensated and decompensated. Compensated cirrhosis means that the liver is still functioning relatively well. At this stage, the early symptoms may still be vague and some people may be unaware that they have cirrhosis. The symptoms of compensated cirrhosis include:

    -Appetite loss
    -Confusion or difficulty thinking
    -Dark, cola-colored urine
    -Easy bruising and abnormal bleeding
    -Edema in the feet and legs (swelling from fluid build-up)
    -Fatigue (feeling tired)
    -Impotence, shrinking of the testicles, and breast swelling in men
    -Itchy skin (pruritus)
    -Jaundice (yellowing in the skin, mucous membranes, or eyes)
    -Muscle cramping
    -Pale or clay-colored stools
    -Redness on the palms of the hands
    -Spider veins (small red spidery veins on the skin)
    -Weight loss

Offline Lynn K

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Re: Cirrhosis Symptoms
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2015, 02:41:06 am »
I guess I have a few
    -Easy bruising and abnormal bleeding
    -Edema in the feet and legs (swelling from fluid build-up)
    -Fatigue (feeling tired)
    -Muscle cramping
    -Spider veins (small red spidery veins on the skin)

I don't see esophageal varicies and ascities. I have had varicies banded and have a small amount of ascities but am still considered compensated.

OK read the article says those are decompensation symptoms but yet I am considered to be compensated maybe just barely
« Last Edit: September 16, 2015, 10:00:56 pm by Lynn K »
Genotype 1a
1978 contracted, 1990 Dx
1995 Intron A failed
2001 Interferon Riba null response
2003 Pegintron Riba trial med null response
2008 F4 Cirrhosis Bx
2014 12 week Sov/Oly relapse
10/14 fibroscan 27 PLT 96
2014 24 weeks Harvoni 15 weeks Riba
5/4/15 EOT not detected, ALT 21, AST 20
4 week post not detected, ALT 26, AST 28
12 week post NOT DETECTED (07/27/15)
ALT 29, AST 27 PLT 92
24 week post NOT DETECTED! (10/19/15)
44 weeks (3/11/16)  fibroscan 33, PLT 111, HCV NOT DETECTED!

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: Cirrhosis Symptoms
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2015, 05:42:24 am »
Thanks, editors. I found the list helpful because I'm trying to figure out whether to believe the FibroScan F4 or the FibroSure F2. When I go down the list of symptoms, they DON'T apply. To be more accurate, the only two that do apply have different causes in my case:
-easy bruising because I've been on a blood thinner for >15 years
-edema in the legs, except that mine is lymphedema in one leg from too many lymph nodes being removed during surgery before pathology reported back that no cancer was found in the removed parts, which saved the other leg from lymphedema

Anyway, I plan to bring the article with me when I see the hep expert in January.
9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85


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