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Author Topic: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal  (Read 9267 times)

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Offline Cal

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Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« on: October 04, 2015, 03:27:34 am »
Hi all,
Has anyone had, or knows closely anyone who has had their thyroid removed completely? I am facing this a few months after 12 week post EOT results. Bit concerned, any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks. Cal :)
HCV 30 years. Geno 1A.
Veikira Pak with ribas on Compassionate Access.
Brisbane. Australia. began 21.8.15.
17 weeks.  Previous non responder 2011.
V/L 9 million
2 week V/L 54
12 weeks V/L UND
No 17 week  EOT V/L
EOT Post 4 weeks UND.

Offline spitzbar

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Re: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2015, 01:13:59 pm »

..... DO NOT let them perform a Thyroidectomy nor Parathyroidectomy on a fully functioning non malignant thyroid...rather treat to eradication the offending goiters/goitres ... you'll be glad you did, mate ... and be thankful .. blessings

Offline Cal

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Re: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2015, 07:01:29 pm »
Spitz bar,
Thanks I think I'll get a second opinion. Cal :)
HCV 30 years. Geno 1A.
Veikira Pak with ribas on Compassionate Access.
Brisbane. Australia. began 21.8.15.
17 weeks.  Previous non responder 2011.
V/L 9 million
2 week V/L 54
12 weeks V/L UND
No 17 week  EOT V/L
EOT Post 4 weeks UND.

Offline GLCII

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Re: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2015, 05:02:53 pm »
Hi all,
Has anyone had, or knows closely anyone who has had their thyroid removed completely? I am facing this a few months after 12 week post EOT results. Bit concerned, any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks. Cal :)

They radiated mine, twice, back in 04 or 05, I can't remember exactly. The first dose of radiated iodine didn't kill it all the way and had to go back for a second round. They also asked if I would be going to Canada, within the following two weeks, since I live about 10 miles out. They said I would trip their radiation sensors trying to cross the bridge or going thru the tunnel and I would need some documentation showing I did radioactive iodine. I also had to stay about 5ft away from people for the first 5 days and couldn't sleep in the same bed with the wife during that time. My son also developed a rash after getting near me. Although I'm not sure if it was related.

Anyway, if there is a way to treat it, I would try that first. If they take it out, your stuck on a daily pill for life. I was doing the synthroid but never quite felt right on it. I switched to Armour, a natural form of thyroid med and feel alot better. It also took well over a year to get the dose adjusted right.

You might want to search the web and see if it can be treated with iodine substitutes, if it's hypo, like IThroid or other iodine substitutes. Regular salt is no longer iodized, as it once was. Even though I don't have a thyroid, we use pink Himalayan salt which naturally contains iodine and even tastes better on food.

Research it before having it removed. Once it's gone, it's like I said, you're on hormone pills everyday for life.

Good Luck.
Pre Tx (VL 12043488) ALT 52/ AST 39
Harvoni Start Date 03/12
2 Week in Tx Results HCV RNA Detected, less than 15 IU/mL. ALT 19 / AST 19
4 Weeks in Tx Results HCV RNA Not detected. ALT 21 / AST 18
12 Week in Tx Results HCV RNA Not detected. ALT 17 / AST 19
Post 12 Week EOT Tx ALT 19/ AST 19 (Undetected)
Post 24 Week EOT Tx ALT 19/ AST 15 (Undetected)

Offline Cal

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Re: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2015, 06:15:56 pm »
Thanks GLC,
The radiation sounds scary. However I am not sure if they can radiate it but will find out. I have 6 goitres, 2 have completely taken over the thyroid gland which is working perfectly still. It is pressing on my oesophegus so I choke and on my vocal chords and I have a raspy/sexy voice. Or a heavy smokers voice at best!
Because it's still working, even though it is sticking out of my neck, I am concerned about losing it. It is interferon damaged, I lost my adrenals as well, they are still there but stuffed and I am on hormone meds for life because of them. Cal ::)
HCV 30 years. Geno 1A.
Veikira Pak with ribas on Compassionate Access.
Brisbane. Australia. began 21.8.15.
17 weeks.  Previous non responder 2011.
V/L 9 million
2 week V/L 54
12 weeks V/L UND
No 17 week  EOT V/L
EOT Post 4 weeks UND.

Offline GLCII

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Re: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2015, 11:51:53 am »
Hi Cal

I'm sorry you have to go thru all that. 

Interferon was the reason of my thyroid problem as well. In the case of interferon, it's truley one of the cases where the cure is worse than the disease. I think the Inter/riba treatments caused more harm than good in alot of people. Hopefully they will find a way to treat it without removing it. It sounds like, in your case, they might have to surgically remove it.

I'm sure you probably read the page in the link below. But just in case.


Again, Good Luck with this.
Pre Tx (VL 12043488) ALT 52/ AST 39
Harvoni Start Date 03/12
2 Week in Tx Results HCV RNA Detected, less than 15 IU/mL. ALT 19 / AST 19
4 Weeks in Tx Results HCV RNA Not detected. ALT 21 / AST 18
12 Week in Tx Results HCV RNA Not detected. ALT 17 / AST 19
Post 12 Week EOT Tx ALT 19/ AST 19 (Undetected)
Post 24 Week EOT Tx ALT 19/ AST 15 (Undetected)

Offline Cal

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Re: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2015, 06:08:32 pm »
Thanks GLC,
For going to the trouble. I read the link. It was useful. I have been so focused on getting the drugs then txing that I haven't researched it very well yet. I am thinking of a second opinion though. Cal :)
HCV 30 years. Geno 1A.
Veikira Pak with ribas on Compassionate Access.
Brisbane. Australia. began 21.8.15.
17 weeks.  Previous non responder 2011.
V/L 9 million
2 week V/L 54
12 weeks V/L UND
No 17 week  EOT V/L
EOT Post 4 weeks UND.

Offline KimInTheForest

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Re: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2015, 06:20:05 pm »
Thanks GLC,
For going to the trouble. I read the link. It was useful. I have been so focused on getting the drugs then txing that I haven't researched it very well yet. I am thinking of a second opinion though. Cal :)

Second opinion never hurts, Cal. Especially in a decision as important as this. Good luck!

Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/

Offline Cal

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Re: Thyroidectomy. Gland removal.Cal
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2015, 08:33:59 pm »
Cheers Kim. Cal 8) 8)
HCV 30 years. Geno 1A.
Veikira Pak with ribas on Compassionate Access.
Brisbane. Australia. began 21.8.15.
17 weeks.  Previous non responder 2011.
V/L 9 million
2 week V/L 54
12 weeks V/L UND
No 17 week  EOT V/L
EOT Post 4 weeks UND.


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