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Author Topic: Harvoni, just finished Harvoni, and flu shots  (Read 10511 times)

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Offline BDK

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Harvoni, just finished Harvoni, and flu shots
« on: October 06, 2015, 05:08:21 pm »
Hi all - I'm just finishing up Harvoni (TWO MORE DAYS, opps, sorry!).  Anyway, I asked my hep doc if it was OK to have a flu shot while taking Harvoni - he initially said yes, then said, maybe better to wait until you've finished Harvoni, since you only have a short time to go.  That's fine with me, but got me wondering if it's also OK to get it during my 12 week "waiting period" until my EOT 12 week blood test?  I don't see any reason why it would make a difference, but I overthink everything, having fought so hard to get the wonder drug.  Any thoughts?  Thanks, Barbara
Genotype 1a
Diagnosed 1992
Liver biopsy 1998 stage 0-1.
Peg inf + riba 1999, stopped at 25 weeks due to side effects-undetected then but reappeared within 3 months.
Liver biopsy 2006 - stage 0-1.
Fibroscan 2015 - stage 0-1.
VL >12 million.
AST, ALT high normal range.
7/17/15 Started Harvoni for 12 weeks.
8/4/15   VL 70, AST 19, ALT 11
9/17/15 VL Undetected (<12), AST 19, ALT 16
11/10/15 EOT +5 weeks VL Undetected (<12), AST 16, ALT 14
1/12/16 EOT + 14 weeks VL Undetected (<12)

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: Harvoni, just finished Harvoni, and flu shots
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2015, 07:50:21 pm »
Hi, Barbara -- congrats on the great lab numbers and almost finishing Tx.

Yes, you can get a flu shot. I got mine on 9/24 and finished Harvoni Tx on 9/30. Our RN moderator Lucinda Porter wrote, "I asked three well-known hepatologists if they recommend the flu shot to patients on current hepatitis C treatment, and they all said 'yes.'" That excerpt came from here:

9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85

Offline BDK

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Re: Harvoni, just finished Harvoni, and flu shots
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2015, 12:08:39 pm »
Thank you so much!
Genotype 1a
Diagnosed 1992
Liver biopsy 1998 stage 0-1.
Peg inf + riba 1999, stopped at 25 weeks due to side effects-undetected then but reappeared within 3 months.
Liver biopsy 2006 - stage 0-1.
Fibroscan 2015 - stage 0-1.
VL >12 million.
AST, ALT high normal range.
7/17/15 Started Harvoni for 12 weeks.
8/4/15   VL 70, AST 19, ALT 11
9/17/15 VL Undetected (<12), AST 19, ALT 16
11/10/15 EOT +5 weeks VL Undetected (<12), AST 16, ALT 14
1/12/16 EOT + 14 weeks VL Undetected (<12)

Offline Else

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Re: Harvoni, just finished Harvoni, and flu shots
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2015, 12:48:40 pm »
Wooo-hooo!  I've been thinking about you!  Big day tomorrow. 

Huge congratulations on your courage, perseverance and victory over the virus.  And for paying it forward to others.  You're a shining example of how it's done.   :D

Now I'm off to overthink my own flu shot.   :o    I'm fighting a bit of a tenacious cold right now and it was all I could do to finally take an Advil Cold & Sinus gelcap on the third day or so.  Glad I did, but I sure was hesitant.

My beloved raw garlic didn't work quite as well this time around.  Or maybe it did - maybe I would be sicker.  Heh.  I love garlic so no harm, no foul.

F/53 yr
diagnosed 1995
Genotype 1a
ALT: 58 AST: 39 ALK: 105
Viral load 4,201,950 IU/ml
Fibroscan 6.5 (F1-F2) Fibrosure 0.36 (F1-F2)
After 3 denials, finally approved!
Harvoni 12 wks - start date 9/15/15
4 wk labs 10/14/15
ALT: 12 AST: 16 ALK: 85
HCV Not Detected!!!
8 wk labs 11/10/15
ALT: 13  AST: 15  ALK: 77
12 wk (EOT!) labs 12/8/15
ALT: 11 AST: 15 ALK: 78
HCV Not Detected!!!
10wk posttx labs 2/11/16
ALT: 22 AST: 17 ALK: 61
HCV Not Detected!! SVR10!!!
SVR10 (99.7% Cured!!!)

Offline BDK

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Re: Harvoni, just finished Harvoni, and flu shots
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2015, 01:21:05 pm »
Thanks Else!  One more day to go, phew!  It's been a very easy 3 months for me, I am happy to say, but like you, I have been avoiding as much other medication as possible.  Occasional advil, my usual Synthroid and that's been it.  Luckily no colds so far, and no heartburn either.  Next blood test in 4 weeks.....How's Harvoni for you?
Genotype 1a
Diagnosed 1992
Liver biopsy 1998 stage 0-1.
Peg inf + riba 1999, stopped at 25 weeks due to side effects-undetected then but reappeared within 3 months.
Liver biopsy 2006 - stage 0-1.
Fibroscan 2015 - stage 0-1.
VL >12 million.
AST, ALT high normal range.
7/17/15 Started Harvoni for 12 weeks.
8/4/15   VL 70, AST 19, ALT 11
9/17/15 VL Undetected (<12), AST 19, ALT 16
11/10/15 EOT +5 weeks VL Undetected (<12), AST 16, ALT 14
1/12/16 EOT + 14 weeks VL Undetected (<12)

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: Harvoni, just finished Harvoni, and flu shots
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2015, 01:29:42 pm »
Barbara, enjoy that last orange diamond: one final day of the Harvoni High. -hope your post-Tx period is easy, too.
9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85

Offline Else

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Re: Harvoni, just finished Harvoni, and flu shots
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2015, 01:45:44 pm »
How's Harvoni for you?

Downright delightful!  But speaking of the 'Harvoni High', it turns out that the common cold takes the oomph right out of it.  No complaints, though.  Achy, tired with low-energy used to be my everyday state.  Now it's because I'm sick.  I take comfort in that.  A lot of comfort!  :)

One doesn't get on a bus with a high school cross-country team and walk away unscathed.  Those gear bags I helped stow?  Bio-hazards, each and every one.  And the bus sounded like a TB ward rolling down the highway so it's no great mystery where I pick up my bug.

Here's an interesting side-effect of my Harvoni experience so far: the whites of my eyes haven't been this white in 20 years. 
F/53 yr
diagnosed 1995
Genotype 1a
ALT: 58 AST: 39 ALK: 105
Viral load 4,201,950 IU/ml
Fibroscan 6.5 (F1-F2) Fibrosure 0.36 (F1-F2)
After 3 denials, finally approved!
Harvoni 12 wks - start date 9/15/15
4 wk labs 10/14/15
ALT: 12 AST: 16 ALK: 85
HCV Not Detected!!!
8 wk labs 11/10/15
ALT: 13  AST: 15  ALK: 77
12 wk (EOT!) labs 12/8/15
ALT: 11 AST: 15 ALK: 78
HCV Not Detected!!!
10wk posttx labs 2/11/16
ALT: 22 AST: 17 ALK: 61
HCV Not Detected!! SVR10!!!
SVR10 (99.7% Cured!!!)


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