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Author Topic: Generic Harvoni/Solvadi access via Australian buyers club--thoughts?  (Read 33923 times)

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Offline OpenSource

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Hi all! I recently discovered the FixHepC Buyers Club, a group of activists that helps people in many countries around the world access live-saving generic versions of Harvoni and Solvadi. Has anyone here had any experience with the Buyers Club who would like to speak about their experience? Here's their website: http://fixhepc.com/getting-treated/how-to-do-it/buyers-club.html They also have a Forum: http://fixhepc.com/forum

For background, this is how the Buyers Club works:
  • Some countries, including India and China, do not honor Gilead's Harvoni and Solvadi patents, so a number of licensed generics labs have sprung up in those countries. Australia allows the direct importation of these generics.
  • Because you need an Australian rx to get access to any rx that passes through Australia, they connect patients virtually with Australian doctors who can either give them an rx or honor their doctor's generics rx.
  • The FixHepC Buyers Club imports the generic drugs in bulk directly from these manufacturers to Australia.
  • They send the bulk drug to 3rd party labs to test purity, and compounding pharmacies to separate the drug into proper dosages.
  • They ship to countries that allow personal medication importation. Total cost: between $1,000 and $2,000 USD, depending on your treatment needs.

So basically they act as the middleman, connecting patients to a safe generics pipeline. And apparently this "parallel importation" is legal in Australia, and for the receiving countries that allow for personal medication importation.

Offline jakas

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Re: Generic Harvoni/Solvadi access via Australian buyers club--thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2015, 12:50:21 am »
" Some countries, including India and China, do not honor Gilead's Harvoni and Solvadi patents, so a number of licensed generics labs have sprung up in those countries. Australia allows the direct importation of these generics. "

Wrong here, China maybe but India is licenced by Gilead and BMS TO manufacture and resell to 90 countries.
India pays a royalty of $ 7 per bottle to Gilead. Bangladesh and China dont.
All Indian companies manufacturing Sovaldi and Harvoni in India are exporting ther meds to the US. Mylan, Cipla, Hetero, Natco, Dr Reddys are big firms in the US too.

In India Harvoni costs $ 1200 by DHL to the US.
Many have bought from the buyers club at FixhepC so its definately ok.

Search Gandhi Medicos Delhi incase you want to import directly from India
M/57 yrs.
Contracted (Unknown) 10-20-30 yrs back ??
Treatment Naive
Geno 1a&1b
VL  17+ million
ALT 200+, AST 170+
Fibroscan F4 ( 26+ kpa ) on 8th Dec. 2105
Started Tx 11th Dec.2015 ( 12 wks. Gilead Harvoni)
7/1/2016 :Viral Load|<25 UND.
23/1/2016: ALT 34 , AST 35, ALP 143
8 week NO labs done
EOT:03.03.2016 ( 84 pills eaten )
ALT 26, ALP 124, BIL .54
V/L <25 UND E.O.T.
4 weeks E.O.T. V/L UND::: SVR 4
SVR 12 and  SVR 24 on 16/8/16
Fibro 24.5kpa 23/05/16
SVR 63 05/17
Fibro 17.03.2020 kpa 6.3

Offline Gaj

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Re: Generic Harvoni/Solvadi access via Australian buyers club--thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2015, 07:09:22 am »
Hi Guys,

As someone who sourced their generic medications with the assistance of the FixHepC buyers club, I can perhaps help add a bit of clarification here hopefully without overstepping the boundaries regarding commenting on other sites.

The Buyers Club section of the site does not sell medications but can facilitate your purchase of generic medications, independent lab testing of the batch you import, capsulation as required and then shipment to you. It does this based on a letter of authority from you requesting that they act on your behalf plus an Australian Rx which can be arranged via a virtual consultation as noted. Your funds go into a trust account for disbursement to cover your costs as incurred by the club. To ensure that no Australian laws are broken they  can only ship to an Australian delivery address. The "importing in bulk" is just placement of a number of people's orders at the same time to allow you to access better pricing from the suppliers.

However, the forum part of the site has a "Pharma's Market" section where various manufacturers and distributors are listed and checked to allow those who cannot access an Australian delivery address to import premanufactured generics for themselves with some level of confidence.

There is now a third opportunity on the website called Redemption eTrials which is a group of large scale "real world" generics trials that Dr James Freeman has instigated that will be open to anyone in the world who's country allows legal import of medications. The intent of these trials is to present the initial data to EASL European conference 2016 with follow ups. They will require that you purchase the trial meds via the trial coordinators.

Hope this assists
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 09:20:25 am by Gaj »
Male - 61 years
Genotype 3a (since 1978?)
Diagnosed 2012
Treated 2013 PEG/Riba/Dac (Relapsed)
F4 - HCC#1 Resected 06/15 - #2 RFAblated 11/15
11/18/15 Commenced Generic Tx - Sof/Dac/Riba (24wks)
Pre Tx = ALT: 270  AST: 209  ALB: 31
05/05/16 = ALT: 34  AST: 32  ALB: 40  VL: Undetected (EOT)
06/16/16 = Relapsed
06/23/16 = ALT: 92  AST: 59  ALB: 40  VL: 290,770
01/12/17 3rd Tx - Zepatier + Sofosbuvir (16wks)
05/03/17 EOT und
06/22/17 SVR7 und
07/27/17 SVR12 UND!
10/26/17 SVR24 UND & Cured!!!

Offline OpenSource

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Re: Generic Harvoni/Solvadi access via Australian buyers club--thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2015, 07:48:08 pm »
Thank you for the clarification, Gaj.

@jakas: Actually, the licensing deal you are referring to was nulled by Indian courts. India does not recognize Gilead's patent on sofosbuvir as of the beginning of 2015. Here's a story on it from Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-01-15/how-indias-patent-office-destroyed-gileads-global-game-plan

Offline Dave3713

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I have gone to the hepfix.com site and it tell me the Australian buyers club is not longer shipping - does anyone know of another source?: Currently we are experiencing supply and shipping issues with product coming from Bangladesh so we are temporarily suspending the Buyer's Club pending resolution of these. One of these issues relates to the Australian government blocking all imports from Bangladesh, apparently as part of the war on terror. Access via the REDEMPTION eTrials remains open. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. No existing orders will be affected. - See more at: http://fixhepc.com/getting-treated/how-to-do-it/buyers-club.html#sthash.yjyySVVY.dpuf

Offline Gaj

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Hi Dave3717,

That announcement is only applicable to the 'Buyers Club' section of FixHepC. Per my post above the buyers club operated for those who could provide an Australian physical delivery address. So either residents or tourists who could nominate a hotel/residence within Australia for delivery during their visit. From 1st March 2016 all Australians with chronic HVC became eligible for gov't subsidised treatment under our Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme regardless of fibrosis staging so will hopefully be covered. For all others including potential tourists the following FixHepC options will continue as always to be available through the site.

Redemption eTrials which are sponsored by FixHepC. The trial coordinators can ship medications to most countries in the world: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02657694?term=redemption&rank=1
These trials allow access to affordable tested generic treatments along with the option of expert HCV related telehealth (Skype) support during Tx to supplement that provided by your normal medical provider. Your results will also add to a significant knowledge database on large scale open label DAA HCV treatments out in the general community.

For those wishing to make contact directly with reliable suppliers there is the Pharmas Market section of the site but please read the following link prior to using that section: http://fixhepc.com/forum/daa-access/457-warning-to-online-buyers.html

For those located in the US, member Coach Mike from this site can provide you with additional specific information on importing, either via PM or you can contact him via email at: Curehcvnow@gmail.com
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 04:55:23 pm by Gaj »
Male - 61 years
Genotype 3a (since 1978?)
Diagnosed 2012
Treated 2013 PEG/Riba/Dac (Relapsed)
F4 - HCC#1 Resected 06/15 - #2 RFAblated 11/15
11/18/15 Commenced Generic Tx - Sof/Dac/Riba (24wks)
Pre Tx = ALT: 270  AST: 209  ALB: 31
05/05/16 = ALT: 34  AST: 32  ALB: 40  VL: Undetected (EOT)
06/16/16 = Relapsed
06/23/16 = ALT: 92  AST: 59  ALB: 40  VL: 290,770
01/12/17 3rd Tx - Zepatier + Sofosbuvir (16wks)
05/03/17 EOT und
06/22/17 SVR7 und
07/27/17 SVR12 UND!
10/26/17 SVR24 UND & Cured!!!

Offline Coach Mike

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Some interesting reading here.
Gaj has "hit the nail" on head in the above post.
FixHepC is still helping people in the U.S. to easily access high quality generic HCV medications through several methods. All the information one needs to import these products from trusted sources can be found at FixHepC.com or by booking an appointment with GP2U.com.
Delivered prices range from $860 to $2000 for a 12 week treatment.
Delivery: 3-5 days in most cases.
Coach Mike
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 06:20:24 am by Coach Mike »
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline laublair

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I completed my 12 wk generic harvoni from the Fix Hep C Buyer's Club in Australia one month ago.  My post 4 week blood test was ZERO virus.   I can't say enough good things about the Buyer's Club and Dr. James Freeman.  My Hero.
         I flew over there from the US to obtain my meds and bring them back myself.  At the time (last Nov 2015) they told me they would not ship to the US. 
exposed 1970    Dx  2001  HCV type 1a  Treatment Iferon/RIba 2002  relapsed   On generic harvoni from Australia  Nov 23, 2015   12 wk regimen   F2  recent fibroscan    Have not had blood test since 2009  Colorado, USA   Virus undetected at 4 wks and 4 wks post treatment

Offline Coach Mike

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What forced Gilead to make a deal in Australia.
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline KimInTheForest

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I completed my 12 wk generic harvoni from the Fix Hep C Buyer's Club in Australia one month ago.  My post 4 week blood test was ZERO virus.   I can't say enough good things about the Buyer's Club and Dr. James Freeman.  My Hero.
         I flew over there from the US to obtain my meds and bring them back myself.  At the time (last Nov 2015) they told me they would not ship to the US.

Congrats on your SVR4 laublair! :)

Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/

Offline Gaj

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Re: Generic Harvoni/Solvadi access via Australian buyers club--thoughts?
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2016, 03:59:24 pm »
Great news on your SVR4, Laublair!  :D

Looking forward to hearing of you achieving SVR12 very soon.
Male - 61 years
Genotype 3a (since 1978?)
Diagnosed 2012
Treated 2013 PEG/Riba/Dac (Relapsed)
F4 - HCC#1 Resected 06/15 - #2 RFAblated 11/15
11/18/15 Commenced Generic Tx - Sof/Dac/Riba (24wks)
Pre Tx = ALT: 270  AST: 209  ALB: 31
05/05/16 = ALT: 34  AST: 32  ALB: 40  VL: Undetected (EOT)
06/16/16 = Relapsed
06/23/16 = ALT: 92  AST: 59  ALB: 40  VL: 290,770
01/12/17 3rd Tx - Zepatier + Sofosbuvir (16wks)
05/03/17 EOT und
06/22/17 SVR7 und
07/27/17 SVR12 UND!
10/26/17 SVR24 UND & Cured!!!

Offline laublair

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Re: Generic Harvoni/Solvadi access via Australian buyers club--thoughts?
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2016, 04:34:13 pm »
Hi Coach Mike    I think Gilead sold the Chinese the generic formula to Harvoni.   They have 40 million infected.

The Aust. Buyer's Club import the powder from the Chinese , test it then put it in capsules.

(Like you did,  right?)   ha    That was amazing.
exposed 1970    Dx  2001  HCV type 1a  Treatment Iferon/RIba 2002  relapsed   On generic harvoni from Australia  Nov 23, 2015   12 wk regimen   F2  recent fibroscan    Have not had blood test since 2009  Colorado, USA   Virus undetected at 4 wks and 4 wks post treatment

Offline Hepafree

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Well this is my very first post on this forum and I joined because I wanted to share my experience in obtaining (compounded ) Harvoni from Australia. I was rejected by my health insurance here in NM for not being sick enough but buying out of pocket in US was simply unattainable for me.
While searching the web I read about an Australian man who has been helping people obtain it and after contacting him I took a risk because I had no idea if it was a scam.  I ordered meds from Australia, it took almost three weeks to get to US because had to send some medical records and pay for an initial consultation for script in Australia. After four weeks on Ledipasvir 90mg and Sofobuvir 400mg my viral load was undetectable. I only had to take it for 8 weeks. I spent nearly $2000 US to get this medication but so much better than the ridiculous price charged by Gilead. It comes in two capsules rather than a single tablet but that was only difference that I could tell.
So those who find themselves in the same position I would recommend Australia which was a godsend to deal with this situation.
I know nothing about a "buyers" club that people have mentioned because I made contact directly with Australia myself.
I'd be glad to go in to more detail if anyone needs that.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 05:14:43 pm by Lynn K »

Offline Coach Mike

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I have 8 weeks leftover. Maybe we can start a "Donors' Club"...
This is America. We shouldn't have to resort to these types of measures to receive proper health care.
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline okcchemistr

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I've been waiting 2 weeks on my wife's compounded Harvoni from Australia. I'm in Oklahoma. I hope it shows up soon.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 08:23:22 pm by okcchemistr »

Offline Hepafree

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I'm not sure who you bought it from in Australia but the person I bought it through sent a tracking number so I could check where it was along the way by both australian Post office and USPS. Did you receive that ?
It took a good three weeks but was exciting to see it getting closer and closer to me in the mail. Check with your seller about tracking info.

Offline Hepafree

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I should clarify that I did not buy from a "buyers club" in australia.
 I got a prescription online after sending my lab work to an Australian doc. Paid $150 for actual prescription and then a pharmacy working with doctor filled and shipped my prescription via an individual in Australia.
All very above board and helpful. Took only 8 week course of the Australian Harvoni equivalent and have had two check ups since,  with an undetectable viral load each time. So its the real stuff. It made me really tired and unmotivated for the 8 weeks I was taking it but now 5 weeks after finishing I'm walking at a good clip every day and have lots more energy.

Offline okcchemistr

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My experience and costs are about the same as yours. The lab report, prescription etc. Yes I got a tracking number and have been tracking it, but the route has recently become bizarre. The USPS is known for strange routing though. It went through customs in Chicago and has then been sent to two different California locations. I am in the Oklahoma City area, about 900 miles from  Chicago and 1,330miles from Los Angeles.  I was pleased to see that it took you three weeks to get yours so maybe I'll see it in the next week or so. Thanks for your comments.

Offline Coach Mike

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Your package should have come to you directly from Chicago. The FDA may be involved. You need to make some calls.

As far as Gilead and China goes, Chinese companies make the sofosbuvir and ledipasvir that Gilead uses to make Harvoni in another foreign country. Then, they pay their corporate taxes in Ireland.
Gilead....Helping America by outsourcing their entire production process and forcing Americans to pay the highest prices of any country.
I wonder if they use an American marketing company? If so, they are making some money....
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline okcchemistr

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It appears that the US Postal Service read the 7 in my zip code as a 9, thus the mistake of shipping my package to California. Soon, maybe soon....

Offline Lynn K

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Yeah I figured it was something more akin to error than FDA involvement.

With everything our govt misses that we wish they did not I doubt the FDA is aware or even has the capacity to be aware of your package.

Not that I totally trust the government just don't think they have the capability to do the kinds of things some are afraid they think the government wants to do 
Genotype 1a
1978 contracted, 1990 Dx
1995 Intron A failed
2001 Interferon Riba null response
2003 Pegintron Riba trial med null response
2008 F4 Cirrhosis Bx
2014 12 week Sov/Oly relapse
10/14 fibroscan 27 PLT 96
2014 24 weeks Harvoni 15 weeks Riba
5/4/15 EOT not detected, ALT 21, AST 20
4 week post not detected, ALT 26, AST 28
12 week post NOT DETECTED (07/27/15)
ALT 29, AST 27 PLT 92
24 week post NOT DETECTED! (10/19/15)
44 weeks (3/11/16)  fibroscan 33, PLT 111, HCV NOT DETECTED!

Offline okcchemistr

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I have been advised that my package will arrive today. It's back on the tracking radar.

Offline hummingbird57

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My generic Harvoni was purchased from Australia through the assistance of Greg Jefferys.  From emailing my current labs/copy of ID with genotype to Australian doctor, prescription forwarded by the doctor to West Lindfield Pharmacy, and following its path through tracking number provided from Australia to NY and then to my doorstep with Greg Jefferys checking in with me to assure that all went smoothly.       

Gilead is already starting to throw up some barriers to eliminate access - I decided to act now -  I emailed Greg on 6/17 - received 7/1. 

My GI prescribed in May and I have been denied twice - treatment request determined not "Medically Necessary or Appropriate". 

Australia is providing treatment to all.  I'm so grateful.  I made a donation - "paid it forward" - for someone who can't afford the treatment. 
Genotype 1a
contracted 1975/ dx 2003
treatment naive
Harvoni tx - started 7/3/16
Treatment completed - 9/24/16
EOT - 10/6/2016 - HCV Undetected!!!!!!!

Offline KimInTheForest

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My generic Harvoni was purchased from Australia through the assistance of Greg Jefferys.  From emailing my current labs/copy of ID with genotype to Australian doctor, prescription forwarded by the doctor to West Lindfield Pharmacy, and following its path through tracking number provided from Australia to NY and then to my doorstep with Greg Jefferys checking in with me to assure that all went smoothly.       

Gilead is already starting to throw up some barriers to eliminate access - I decided to act now -  I emailed Greg on 6/17 - received 7/1. 

My GI prescribed in May and I have been denied twice - treatment request determined not "Medically Necessary or Appropriate". 

Australia is providing treatment to all.  I'm so grateful.  I made a donation - "paid it forward" - for someone who can't afford the treatment.

Fantastic hummingbird! I'm so glad you were able to get your medication!

And okcchemistr, I hope yours arrived as well by now.

Good luck to both of you!
kim :)
Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/

Offline Coach Mike

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Coach Mike
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline okcchemistr

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Fantastic hummingbird! I'm so glad you were able to get your medication!

And okcchemistr, I hope yours arrived as well by now.

Good luck to both of you!
kim :)

Yes, received my wife's Australian Harvoni on June 22 and she's been on it for about 10 days now. My kindest thanks to Greg Jefferies.


Offline KimInTheForest

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Yes, received my wife's Australian Harvoni on June 22 and she's been on it for about 10 days now. My kindest thanks to Greg Jefferies.


Fantastic that Greg is helping so many people this way. Best of luck to your wife! :)

Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/

Offline Flutterby

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So glad you found a path.

Outrageous that these medicines aren't available to, and affordable for, everyone - everywhere!

early 80s; dx 2006
Tx started 07/07/2016
12wks - Daclatasvir/Sovaldi

Offline okcchemistr

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For sure. I'll be taking the $2,000 I paid for generic Harvoni as a medical expense on my taxes this year. We pensioners in the USA are forced to pay taxes on the Social Security funds we receive for which taxes were already paid.  >:(
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 11:07:33 am by okcchemistr »


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