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Author Topic: I'm pleading self defense  (Read 10695 times)

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Offline Flaco

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I'm pleading self defense
« on: March 04, 2016, 02:56:08 pm »
This evening I will administer to HCV the first of 168 doses of poison - My Harvoni arrived yesterday and I saw my doc today.  ;D

Yes, one could say that I am killing HCV with malice aforethought, and well yes I am - over 14 effing years of premeditation - but I call it justified.

I'm feeling blessed with such a great team on my side along with the amazing new drugs that weren't available last time I tried this.
Best Regards,

Diag 2001
Failed PEG-int/Riba 2002, 48 wks.
F4 compensated
VL 14.7 million
Alkaline Phosphatase(37-127 U/L): 12/23/15 216; 1/14/16 152; 1/29/16 103; 3/18/16 68; 4/1/16 70
SGPT (ALT) (15-78 U/L) 12/23/15 862; 1/15/16 753; 1/29/16 518; 3/18/16 48; 4/1/16 28
SGOT (AST) (9-44 U/L) 12/23/15 283; 1/15/16 226; 1/29/16 165; 3/18/16 24; 4/1/16 19
Start Harv 24 wks. 3/4/16
Undetected 2 weeks into Tx
Liver&metabolic nos. steadily improving since start TX
EOT 8/18/16

Offline Philadelphia

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2016, 03:08:38 pm »
Go get 'em, you natural born killer. :)
CURED SVR24  Class of 2015
Wk 12 post EOT 30.11.15: ALT 14 AST 22 GGT 22 VL UND
Week 19 07.08.15: ALT 17 AST 23 GGT 25
Week 12 18.06.15: ALT 21 AST 23 GGT 28
Week 8 25.05.15: ALT 23 AST 27 GGT 30 VL UND
Week 4 20.04.14: ALT 30 AST 36 VL 40
Treatment start 23.03.15: ALT 137 AST 185 VL 342,600
Cirrhosis Child-Pugh A, Genotype 1a - Viekira Pak + riba 24 weeks
Total failure interferon/ribavirin/boceprovir Mar 2013

Offline Flaco

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2016, 03:28:02 pm »
Heh heh thanks! And congrats on your... graduation!  :D
Best Regards,

Diag 2001
Failed PEG-int/Riba 2002, 48 wks.
F4 compensated
VL 14.7 million
Alkaline Phosphatase(37-127 U/L): 12/23/15 216; 1/14/16 152; 1/29/16 103; 3/18/16 68; 4/1/16 70
SGPT (ALT) (15-78 U/L) 12/23/15 862; 1/15/16 753; 1/29/16 518; 3/18/16 48; 4/1/16 28
SGOT (AST) (9-44 U/L) 12/23/15 283; 1/15/16 226; 1/29/16 165; 3/18/16 24; 4/1/16 19
Start Harv 24 wks. 3/4/16
Undetected 2 weeks into Tx
Liver&metabolic nos. steadily improving since start TX
EOT 8/18/16

Offline Philadelphia

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2016, 03:38:34 pm »
yeah, most graduation ceremonies I never turned up for - my degree, my post grad qualifications. I enjoyed this graduation - it's given me my life back. I see you have 24 weeks. I did 24. All your peers will finish before you and you'll STILL be in treatment mode, but it's worth every moment to clear this virus.
CURED SVR24  Class of 2015
Wk 12 post EOT 30.11.15: ALT 14 AST 22 GGT 22 VL UND
Week 19 07.08.15: ALT 17 AST 23 GGT 25
Week 12 18.06.15: ALT 21 AST 23 GGT 28
Week 8 25.05.15: ALT 23 AST 27 GGT 30 VL UND
Week 4 20.04.14: ALT 30 AST 36 VL 40
Treatment start 23.03.15: ALT 137 AST 185 VL 342,600
Cirrhosis Child-Pugh A, Genotype 1a - Viekira Pak + riba 24 weeks
Total failure interferon/ribavirin/boceprovir Mar 2013

Offline BillT

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2016, 04:53:51 pm »
Don't say anything.Tell them you want a lawyer. 8)

We're standing here with you.Don't make Philly come looking for you. :)
Contracted 1973 Military
Diagnosed 1980
Pegintron treatment 2004 unsucessful
Genotype 1b
FibroScan 10 (F2)
Start Viekira 10.17.2015

AST 40 ALT 69
VL 440k
10.31.2015/Week 2 Labs : AST 14/ALT 17
No VL done
10.14.2015/Week 4 labs : AST 14/ALT 14
12.11.2015/Week 8 Labs : AST 12/ALT 13
No VL done
01.05.2016/EOT labs : AST 15/ALT 13



Fibroscan 6Mo. Post Treatment 7.15.2016-5.3(F1)

Offline Flaco

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2016, 09:02:47 pm »
Welp, I just washed the first pill down my neck about five minutes ago. Only 167 left to go! :D

Philly, yeah it's an extra 3 months of Tx for an extra 4% chance of success. Worth it, I'd say. I've already endured 48 weeks of hell to no avail :o How bad could this be?

Thanks, Bill. I appreciate it :)
Best Regards,

Diag 2001
Failed PEG-int/Riba 2002, 48 wks.
F4 compensated
VL 14.7 million
Alkaline Phosphatase(37-127 U/L): 12/23/15 216; 1/14/16 152; 1/29/16 103; 3/18/16 68; 4/1/16 70
SGPT (ALT) (15-78 U/L) 12/23/15 862; 1/15/16 753; 1/29/16 518; 3/18/16 48; 4/1/16 28
SGOT (AST) (9-44 U/L) 12/23/15 283; 1/15/16 226; 1/29/16 165; 3/18/16 24; 4/1/16 19
Start Harv 24 wks. 3/4/16
Undetected 2 weeks into Tx
Liver&metabolic nos. steadily improving since start TX
EOT 8/18/16

Offline Philadelphia

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2016, 09:53:10 pm »
Will not be bad at all.
And worth it. :)

It just seems to take forever.
CURED SVR24  Class of 2015
Wk 12 post EOT 30.11.15: ALT 14 AST 22 GGT 22 VL UND
Week 19 07.08.15: ALT 17 AST 23 GGT 25
Week 12 18.06.15: ALT 21 AST 23 GGT 28
Week 8 25.05.15: ALT 23 AST 27 GGT 30 VL UND
Week 4 20.04.14: ALT 30 AST 36 VL 40
Treatment start 23.03.15: ALT 137 AST 185 VL 342,600
Cirrhosis Child-Pugh A, Genotype 1a - Viekira Pak + riba 24 weeks
Total failure interferon/ribavirin/boceprovir Mar 2013

Offline Flaco

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2016, 11:54:58 am »
Two pills down my gullet and no sfx yet, except possibly a tad more fatigue. Hard to tell. I had that anyhow, so it's nothing remarkable. I'm sure my system isn't saturated with harvoni yet, so we'll see as time goes by...

I decided to take them in the evening, as that's what my doc said he'd do if it were him. I made the mistake of taking the first one right before bedtime, with plenty of water, of course. :B I made that mistake once.

From last night on I'm taking them with supper. I only had to get up to pee once last night and that wasn't until 5 this morning.
Best Regards,

Diag 2001
Failed PEG-int/Riba 2002, 48 wks.
F4 compensated
VL 14.7 million
Alkaline Phosphatase(37-127 U/L): 12/23/15 216; 1/14/16 152; 1/29/16 103; 3/18/16 68; 4/1/16 70
SGPT (ALT) (15-78 U/L) 12/23/15 862; 1/15/16 753; 1/29/16 518; 3/18/16 48; 4/1/16 28
SGOT (AST) (9-44 U/L) 12/23/15 283; 1/15/16 226; 1/29/16 165; 3/18/16 24; 4/1/16 19
Start Harv 24 wks. 3/4/16
Undetected 2 weeks into Tx
Liver&metabolic nos. steadily improving since start TX
EOT 8/18/16

Offline Flaco

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2016, 02:18:00 pm »
First major hurdle, or milestone, if you prefer. Now that I think about it I like milestone better. So now that that's straightened out, here we go:

Two week bloods - UNDETECTED!
All other hepatic and metabolic numbers In Range, except glucose (176 at the time of the test) and sodium sitting right on the lower limit. All this with a cirrhotic liver! The liver is truly amazing. :D

It's worth noting that I feel maybe a little better. I'm still weak and tired, but I've cut back to 9 hours or so of sleep at night, with NO after-breakfast nap. I've been able to force myself this week to do cardio exercise every day, which is the best thing I know to bring my blood sugar down (I don't take insulin).

I say I feel a little better and maybe. This is really not giving my liver all the credit it's due for the outstanding job it has done in only two weeks! Two weeks - a flyspeck of an instant on my HepC/ liver disease timescape. I am actually blown away by this new development!
Best Regards,

Diag 2001
Failed PEG-int/Riba 2002, 48 wks.
F4 compensated
VL 14.7 million
Alkaline Phosphatase(37-127 U/L): 12/23/15 216; 1/14/16 152; 1/29/16 103; 3/18/16 68; 4/1/16 70
SGPT (ALT) (15-78 U/L) 12/23/15 862; 1/15/16 753; 1/29/16 518; 3/18/16 48; 4/1/16 28
SGOT (AST) (9-44 U/L) 12/23/15 283; 1/15/16 226; 1/29/16 165; 3/18/16 24; 4/1/16 19
Start Harv 24 wks. 3/4/16
Undetected 2 weeks into Tx
Liver&metabolic nos. steadily improving since start TX
EOT 8/18/16

Offline slats1056

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2016, 02:48:19 pm »
 Flaco, Looks good and sounds good! It should only keep getting better. Good luck and smooth sailing. The human body is truly amazing!
73 non ab 98 hep c refused pegint/riba
6-15 Gen.1b 1/2 MIL ALT72 AST37 No cirrhosis
7-15  Harvoni 12 weeks
12-30-15 EOT+12 VIRAL LOAD NON DET  SVR12            8-9-18 HCV LOAD 1.02IU/ml AST22  ALT30 RELAPSE?
9-18-18 confirmed gt 1b relapse
10-16-18 approved 16 weeks Mavyret

Offline lporterrn

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2016, 02:49:35 pm »
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Philadelphia

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2016, 06:16:37 pm »
Well done your liver! Keep up the great work. :)
CURED SVR24  Class of 2015
Wk 12 post EOT 30.11.15: ALT 14 AST 22 GGT 22 VL UND
Week 19 07.08.15: ALT 17 AST 23 GGT 25
Week 12 18.06.15: ALT 21 AST 23 GGT 28
Week 8 25.05.15: ALT 23 AST 27 GGT 30 VL UND
Week 4 20.04.14: ALT 30 AST 36 VL 40
Treatment start 23.03.15: ALT 137 AST 185 VL 342,600
Cirrhosis Child-Pugh A, Genotype 1a - Viekira Pak + riba 24 weeks
Total failure interferon/ribavirin/boceprovir Mar 2013

Offline HazelAustralia

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2016, 06:37:39 pm »
Wow Flaco!
I'm so glad to hear your news - amazing!
Female age 53
Contracted in the 1980's
Genotype 1A
VL 314k

Started treatment with Veikira Pak and Ribaviron on Thursday 17th December 2015
NOT DETECTED, End of Treatment, 16th March 2016

Offline Tomcat

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2016, 10:54:33 pm »
Me too but with Dac/Sof.

May these wonderful drugs go forth and conquer!!!!

Good luck on your journey and here's to a happy healthy future

HIV/HCV G3 Coinfection diagnosed March 2014
Started Dak/ Sof Treatment March 2016
09/03     AST 147  ALT 261
03/05     AST 21    ALT 24
28/06     AST 21    ALT 19
Viral Load - Undetected

Offline Flaco

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2016, 04:15:27 pm »
Wow, thanks, y'all.  ;D
Good on ya, Tomcat, and back at ya!  8)
Best wishes all around and your all's support is very appreciated.  :)
Best Regards,

Diag 2001
Failed PEG-int/Riba 2002, 48 wks.
F4 compensated
VL 14.7 million
Alkaline Phosphatase(37-127 U/L): 12/23/15 216; 1/14/16 152; 1/29/16 103; 3/18/16 68; 4/1/16 70
SGPT (ALT) (15-78 U/L) 12/23/15 862; 1/15/16 753; 1/29/16 518; 3/18/16 48; 4/1/16 28
SGOT (AST) (9-44 U/L) 12/23/15 283; 1/15/16 226; 1/29/16 165; 3/18/16 24; 4/1/16 19
Start Harv 24 wks. 3/4/16
Undetected 2 weeks into Tx
Liver&metabolic nos. steadily improving since start TX
EOT 8/18/16

Offline beto

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2016, 04:58:25 pm »
dude- that's a lot of dead critters in 2 weeks. Holy moley! You are correct Flaco, compared to all of those years we are walking around with HCV in the drivers seat 2 weeks is nothing.  Who'd have believed it back in the day when we all thought we were toast?
HCV/nonA,nonB acute phase 1975
HCV detected active 1990
HCV persistent chronic diagnosis 1995
1995 liver enzymes mild elevations
1996 Biopsy F2 fibrosis
treatment naive geno 1-A
2000-to early 2015 Viral load 150, 000 to 800, 000
recent liver enzymes before treatment alt/ast 59to209,  Fibroscan F4,cirrhosis
start tx Harvoni 7/11/2015
6.5 week-UD-ast/alt 25/25
9wk-UD-ast18 alt23
10/3/15 completed tx
11/5/15 new fibroscan f0-f1 amazed
6wk EOT UD ast/alt 20/20
25wk-SVR! 19/18

Offline Flaco

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2016, 10:15:28 pm »
It's pure-dee nutz, and absolute craziness is what it is, but I'll take it <grin>

May have to start calling me Gordo before this is all over - my appetite has improved and I smooth packed some food away tonight! ;D Within reason, of course. sshhh...
Best Regards,

Diag 2001
Failed PEG-int/Riba 2002, 48 wks.
F4 compensated
VL 14.7 million
Alkaline Phosphatase(37-127 U/L): 12/23/15 216; 1/14/16 152; 1/29/16 103; 3/18/16 68; 4/1/16 70
SGPT (ALT) (15-78 U/L) 12/23/15 862; 1/15/16 753; 1/29/16 518; 3/18/16 48; 4/1/16 28
SGOT (AST) (9-44 U/L) 12/23/15 283; 1/15/16 226; 1/29/16 165; 3/18/16 24; 4/1/16 19
Start Harv 24 wks. 3/4/16
Undetected 2 weeks into Tx
Liver&metabolic nos. steadily improving since start TX
EOT 8/18/16

Offline beto

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2016, 12:57:20 am »
since week 2 I have been eating everything in sight.  Has not ceased eot 25 weeks.  Good sign.  And yes I did gain a few.
HCV/nonA,nonB acute phase 1975
HCV detected active 1990
HCV persistent chronic diagnosis 1995
1995 liver enzymes mild elevations
1996 Biopsy F2 fibrosis
treatment naive geno 1-A
2000-to early 2015 Viral load 150, 000 to 800, 000
recent liver enzymes before treatment alt/ast 59to209,  Fibroscan F4,cirrhosis
start tx Harvoni 7/11/2015
6.5 week-UD-ast/alt 25/25
9wk-UD-ast18 alt23
10/3/15 completed tx
11/5/15 new fibroscan f0-f1 amazed
6wk EOT UD ast/alt 20/20
25wk-SVR! 19/18

Offline Tomcat

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2016, 01:01:51 am »
Don't tell me I'm going to get fat now?
I love my slim figure
HIV/HCV G3 Coinfection diagnosed March 2014
Started Dak/ Sof Treatment March 2016
09/03     AST 147  ALT 261
03/05     AST 21    ALT 24
28/06     AST 21    ALT 19
Viral Load - Undetected

Offline Flaco

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Re: I'm pleading self defense
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2016, 09:10:46 am »
Beto, yeah I'm three weeks-and-a-day in and the reality of my first in-Tx bloods is sinking in since I got that glowing health report on Friday. I was eating mostly vegetable matter with just enough lean meat to sustain me (~2 oz. per day or so). This, after learning about the protein>ammonia>encephalopathy connection. Bland, of course, as I was fearing excess sodium. Only vegetable fats, because you have to have some fat. In other words, everything I could think of to be kind to my liver. The only thing that saved my sanity is chile peppers.  ;)

Looks like I can enjoy some food now, within reason. Since Friday I've had some tortilla chips and salsa a couple of times. Amazing how fine such a simple everyday thing can be!

Hey Tomcat, I hear ya. Can't do any better than a healthy and toned slim. 8) But at 6'0" / 130 pounds I'm sorta beyond slim. I call what I now am "concentration camp svelte." :o I could make Twiggy in her glory days weep ??? (showing my age)! I've taken to wearing 31 waist Levi's (luckily I don't throw much of anything away and still had some of those from when I was real sick before) and those are getting too big! Punching new holes in my belts... I could gain 30 lbs. or more and still be slim. ;D
Best Regards,

Diag 2001
Failed PEG-int/Riba 2002, 48 wks.
F4 compensated
VL 14.7 million
Alkaline Phosphatase(37-127 U/L): 12/23/15 216; 1/14/16 152; 1/29/16 103; 3/18/16 68; 4/1/16 70
SGPT (ALT) (15-78 U/L) 12/23/15 862; 1/15/16 753; 1/29/16 518; 3/18/16 48; 4/1/16 28
SGOT (AST) (9-44 U/L) 12/23/15 283; 1/15/16 226; 1/29/16 165; 3/18/16 24; 4/1/16 19
Start Harv 24 wks. 3/4/16
Undetected 2 weeks into Tx
Liver&metabolic nos. steadily improving since start TX
EOT 8/18/16


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