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Author Topic: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(  (Read 19507 times)

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Offline andrew90

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5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« on: December 16, 2016, 10:07:55 am »
Initial Blood Work 6.5 mil viral load

Doctors office called today told me blood work still shows detected :( not what i want to hear... didn't ask much as she said i need to come in Monday to talk with doctor..

she said my viral load is 35.

guess thats promising if its actually 35.. and not like 35 million..

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline bluebird

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2016, 11:30:11 am »
Hi Andrew! In my experience 4 weeks blood test shows the drop from 8 mil to  <15, but still detected. My doc said it is normal to see detected when you have high viral load. Definitely big drop to <35  is a progress. Don't worry and don't jump into conclusions  too soon. You and I have gen3a which is little harder to treat, but it is still treatable. Let me know what your dr.said, his explanation. What are your ALT and AST numbers? Did you know if your blood test done by labcorp, you can register on their site and track all your blood tests yourself? In your case you could know all the numbers before Monday, and when you'll see your dr you will know what to ask about.... Just in case...
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 11:40:09 am by bluebird »
August 2016 before Oct 14/ 4 weeks/  8weeks/ 12week
Genotype 3a.
Viral load 8 million.                <15            N/A    notdet
Comp. cirrhosis
AST        261                          90              70         50
ALT        373                         220             138        89
HCV detected                 <15 detected      NOT DETECT

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2016, 12:33:22 pm »
its odd all my blood shows up on the Meridian website but not my viral load its like my doctor is hiding those from me!@ same with my Geno type test i could not view only he had it.

my AST originally was 189 as of September

my 5 week blood test shows AST in normal range of 34

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline bluebird

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2016, 04:03:11 pm »
Andrew, sometimes to see the rest of the test you need to download and save as PDF file on explorer. Download, open then scroll  down to the bottom and see if The test you were wondering about is there. My results usually show only the regular panel unless I downloaded it. iPad and iPhone normally don't show all results for me. Try it..I don't think your dr will request the lab not to show it to you.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 04:23:12 pm by bluebird »
August 2016 before Oct 14/ 4 weeks/  8weeks/ 12week
Genotype 3a.
Viral load 8 million.                <15            N/A    notdet
Comp. cirrhosis
AST        261                          90              70         50
ALT        373                         220             138        89
HCV detected                 <15 detected      NOT DETECT

Offline elias

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2016, 05:03:33 pm »
Hi Andrew:

My GIs office never posts results to portal until after the Dr had looked at them and after he discussed them with patient. Regardless if results are good or bad. my 4-week viral load was UNDETECTED. Yet were not posted until after a consult. So it not about hiding a "bad result"

From limited sample of those taking Epclusa here on Forum, almost half seem to have some low level residual vl at 4 week on-treatment test.  Seems more common with those starting with higher viral loads. Purpose of test is to assess  patient adherence. Not success of tx. A drop of more than 2 logs is considered desirable. In your case there was ~5 log drop. So I wouldn't worry about it

PS: It is possible that your bloods were done by different lab than the one doing the viral load testing. Which may be why the former did show up  but the latter did not
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 05:19:30 pm by elias »
Contracted HCV ~age 12
Diagnosed: September 2016 GT2b
F3 by Fibrosure: 0.66
Necroinflammat activity: A3 0.76
VL Sep. 12, 2016: 1.44 million/ Log: 6.157
AST:71/ ALT:114   Sept. 1, 2016 Before treatment
4 week after beginning  Epclusa:
AST 17/ALT 11
Began Epclusa:  October 22, 2016
End of Treatment [EOT]: January 13. 2017
SVR 12 April14-HCV Not Detected

Offline andrew j

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2016, 06:06:36 pm »
Hi Andrew,

Lots of people have a bit left at 4 weeks.

It's that general trend / huge drop they're looking for.

I had 18 left at 4 weeks (down from 1.1 million) (Harvoni).

There's nothing to worry about.

P.S. What's the duration of yr. Tx?

Offline Lynn K

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2016, 06:43:40 pm »
On treatment testing means little. The only test that matters is the 12 week post treatment test. We even has a couple of people here who were weakly detected at EOT test and week 4 post but went on to achieve SVR 12 and are now cured.

You will be fine don't sweat it

Good luck
Genotype 1a
1978 contracted, 1990 Dx
1995 Intron A failed
2001 Interferon Riba null response
2003 Pegintron Riba trial med null response
2008 F4 Cirrhosis Bx
2014 12 week Sov/Oly relapse
10/14 fibroscan 27 PLT 96
2014 24 weeks Harvoni 15 weeks Riba
5/4/15 EOT not detected, ALT 21, AST 20
4 week post not detected, ALT 26, AST 28
12 week post NOT DETECTED (07/27/15)
ALT 29, AST 27 PLT 92
24 week post NOT DETECTED! (10/19/15)
44 weeks (3/11/16)  fibroscan 33, PLT 111, HCV NOT DETECTED!

Offline FutureThinker

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2016, 07:16:38 pm »
Hey Andrew90 -- Do not panic!! I completed my Harvoni treatment in May and reached SVR12 in August.  I was still detected on my 4 week labs (30).  I know how you feel.  But not everyone gets those magic words UD early in the process.

Going from 6.5 mil to 35 is HUGE! They like to see at least a 2 log decrease, and you surpassed that, so do not worry.   The drugs are working. And --- like Lynn K says --- the "real" lab work is the one done 12 weeks POST treatment.  You have a ways to go on this journey, so sit back and take it easy.

Hope this helps ease your mind a bit -- FT
Treatment naive
Likely contracted mid-70s
Diagnosed 1a, 2011
Harvoni X 12 weeks, completed 5/17/16
Pre-treatment: VL 3 mil, AST 64, ALT 84
4 week labs: VL 30, AST 21, ALT 14
8 week labs: VL UD!!!, AST 22, ALT 16
12 week labs: VL UD, AST 23, ALT 14
2 wk EOT: VL UD
12 wk EOT: VL UD, AST 22, ALT 13 =  SVR 12! Yay! 
Last hep appointment: VL UD, AST 19, ALT 12 = SVR 39! I AM DONE!

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2016, 09:33:32 pm »
Thanks guys!

Blood test for viral load was released to the portal today so I guess your correct my doctor was probably reviewing first


EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline Philadelphia

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2016, 01:18:33 am »
I had a VL of 40 at 4 weeks.all gone by 8 weeks. Try not to panic. You are not the only one in this boat - those posting here went on to clear the virus.
CURED SVR24  Class of 2015
Wk 12 post EOT 30.11.15: ALT 14 AST 22 GGT 22 VL UND
Week 19 07.08.15: ALT 17 AST 23 GGT 25
Week 12 18.06.15: ALT 21 AST 23 GGT 28
Week 8 25.05.15: ALT 23 AST 27 GGT 30 VL UND
Week 4 20.04.14: ALT 30 AST 36 VL 40
Treatment start 23.03.15: ALT 137 AST 185 VL 342,600
Cirrhosis Child-Pugh A, Genotype 1a - Viekira Pak + riba 24 weeks
Total failure interferon/ribavirin/boceprovir Mar 2013

Offline Mw2324

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2016, 06:19:48 pm »
  Keep fighting you've got this!
30 yr. old female
Infected in 2006
Genotype 2b
Alt 28
Ast 30
Viral load 49,000
Started Epclusa on 9/9/16 -12 week treatment
4 week viral load undetected... ALT 19 AST 19
12 week eot viral load undetected...ALT16 AST 11

Offline dragonslayer

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2016, 07:46:42 pm »
Andrew, as you can see in my signature, I was even detected at 8 wks post treatment,  but went on to SVR12, 24, and 48...

Have faith..  This is one of the reasons I dont much like on treatment testing.

DX 2008
Started Harvoni 11/26/14 for 8 wks
Completed 8 wks Harvoni 01/20/15
EOT RNA Quant result:  Detected 29
7.5 wk post tx: Detected < LLOQ(12)
11 wk post tx: UNDETECTED SVR12
24 wk post tx: UNDETECTED SVR24; AST 26; ALT 22; ALP 73
48 wk post tx: UNDETECTED SVR48; AST 18; ALT 18; ALP 70
GT 1a
vl 2.4mil
2008 bpx: Stage&Grade 0
2013 bpx: Stage&Grade: 0-1
likely infected early '70s

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2016, 11:47:11 am »
Seen my doctor today

man is the guy a Debby downer.

at least im more optimistic as he is..he made it seam like im not Undetected at 5 weeks ohh no....

doesnt want to run 8 week blood only EOT so im hopeing im UD already and by then i will still be!
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 11:49:07 am by andrew90 »

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline andrew j

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2016, 03:29:43 pm »

If he was so worried, why didn't he order an 8-week blood test?!

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2016, 03:42:11 pm »
dont think my doctor has ever seen anyone still Detected after the 4 week tests.

im his first Epclusa

im not impressed with this doctor and god forbid i require additional treatment i will definitely find a new doctor familiar with Hep C treatments

he actually said something along the lines of "i guess we will continue treatment as your numbers did drop but we really want to see undetected by 4 weeks"

like the fuck u stop my treatment...

i really wanted the 8 week to ease my own mind. but i guess my EOT is January 25th so its not much further.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 03:49:10 pm by andrew90 »

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline Mw2324

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2016, 04:14:56 pm »
   I also have a doctor who isn't the best. I'm curious as to whether or not he's ever had a patient on treatment before? It's not unusual to be detected after 4 weeks, as you can see from others. You are undetected by now, most likely.  I don't think these doctors are as well rehearsed as they should be. It is possible to order lab tests online and pay out of pocket instead of going through your doctor and insurance  but you are going to have to read the results yourself and the viral load test is quite expensive.  I ordered my own liver panel in March because I didn't have insurance.  My doctor seemed to be amazed by this,  not sure why. But that is an option if you are that worried. You are almost done and then maybe you can change doctors if you feel you need to. In the meantime, don't be discouraged!
30 yr. old female
Infected in 2006
Genotype 2b
Alt 28
Ast 30
Viral load 49,000
Started Epclusa on 9/9/16 -12 week treatment
4 week viral load undetected... ALT 19 AST 19
12 week eot viral load undetected...ALT16 AST 11

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2016, 04:28:24 pm »
i am assuming he has done a "few" Haarvoni treatments.

he told me Epclusa is a new one for him.

definitely an option to do my own test. but yes it runs a bit of $ so i think i can hang on until the 12th week of treatment. im positive i feel much better then i actually did day 1 of treatment. hopefully its because the virus is being eradicated and will continue to be!

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline Mw2324

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2016, 04:30:50 pm »
Yes I probably wouldn't pay for it either since you are close to the end. I'm sure you'll feel even better after  treatment.  I've been done for almost 3 weeks now.
30 yr. old female
Infected in 2006
Genotype 2b
Alt 28
Ast 30
Viral load 49,000
Started Epclusa on 9/9/16 -12 week treatment
4 week viral load undetected... ALT 19 AST 19
12 week eot viral load undetected...ALT16 AST 11

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2016, 04:58:54 pm »
now this tops them all...

BRIOVARX called "that's my specialty pharmacy"

denied my 3rd and final bottle of Epclusa because apparently my insurance "Amerihealth" has a "2 fill limit" for a drug that requires 3....


EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline Mw2324

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2016, 05:00:43 pm »
Briova was also my pharmacy.  I'd call the insurance company directly.
30 yr. old female
Infected in 2006
Genotype 2b
Alt 28
Ast 30
Viral load 49,000
Started Epclusa on 9/9/16 -12 week treatment
4 week viral load undetected... ALT 19 AST 19
12 week eot viral load undetected...ALT16 AST 11

Offline Lynn K

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2016, 05:23:27 pm »
I really wouldn't spend my own money on any on treatment testing.  On treatment testing means little to nothing and only causes concern for the patient as it has in your case.  The only test with any real meaning is the 12 week post treatment test all other tests are just noise in the machine
Genotype 1a
1978 contracted, 1990 Dx
1995 Intron A failed
2001 Interferon Riba null response
2003 Pegintron Riba trial med null response
2008 F4 Cirrhosis Bx
2014 12 week Sov/Oly relapse
10/14 fibroscan 27 PLT 96
2014 24 weeks Harvoni 15 weeks Riba
5/4/15 EOT not detected, ALT 21, AST 20
4 week post not detected, ALT 26, AST 28
12 week post NOT DETECTED (07/27/15)
ALT 29, AST 27 PLT 92
24 week post NOT DETECTED! (10/19/15)
44 weeks (3/11/16)  fibroscan 33, PLT 111, HCV NOT DETECTED!

Offline andrew j

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2016, 05:50:57 pm »
You are going to be able to get that third bottle of meds, aren't you?

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2016, 05:53:32 pm »
ill find out after all these calls... this is too much lol...

one lady is looking at my initial Prior Authorization to make sure it stated 12 weeks otherwise they require authorization so im sure this can be fixed....

makes me hate people even more...  Prior Authorization they sent my doctors this evening was for some random Injectable drug.. not even Epclusa.. what is happening to this world.

** gotta call them in the morning Prior Auth dep closed 10 min ago :(

because i dont believe anyone i called again

this awesome lady Beth did everything she could and we figured out apparently the initial Prior Authorization is only good for 2 refills so apparently i just need another PA sent in tomorrow morning when my doctors office opens and it should be fine.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 06:58:38 pm by andrew90 »

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline elias

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2016, 07:51:49 pm »
Hi Andrew:

I read of maybe two other such snafus with that "third bottle" here on the Forum. They were resolved quickly enough so that they didnt have to skip a single pill.

Could it be that the specialty pharmacy mistook two refills for two  bottles?

You actually only need two refills. The first bottle wasnt a refill. The 2nd and 3rd both are..My first bottle of Epclusa has "two refills remain" on the label. That might have thrown them? Who knows...

Whatever the  conundrum here, it should all be resolved really fast. Just get them the paperwork theyre asking for, even if it was dumb mistake on their part

I made sure to get those refills well in advance, anticipating bureaucratic mess-ups. My specialty pharmacy worked closely with the insurance secretary to facilitate this. Saving me the anguish you had to go through

Let us know when you clear that all up. and how they were able to make so stupid an error

« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 07:56:30 pm by elias »
Contracted HCV ~age 12
Diagnosed: September 2016 GT2b
F3 by Fibrosure: 0.66
Necroinflammat activity: A3 0.76
VL Sep. 12, 2016: 1.44 million/ Log: 6.157
AST:71/ ALT:114   Sept. 1, 2016 Before treatment
4 week after beginning  Epclusa:
AST 17/ALT 11
Began Epclusa:  October 22, 2016
End of Treatment [EOT]: January 13. 2017
SVR 12 April14-HCV Not Detected

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2016, 07:52:37 pm »
Andrew, glad to hear awesome Beth figured out the snafu. -just wanted to say your huge drop in AST is great news -- it means your liver is already healing. -Gnatty
9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2016, 08:24:25 pm »
Luckily i have 8 days left and i was ordering in advance because of holidays glad i did because last min problem would have been very annoying.

the say "2 fills" includes first bottle.

im just hoping this is fixed quick in the am and doesn't require anymore nonsense. scary when the lady on the phone says your insurance will only cover 2 fills a life time and for you to to get another 28 pills you will have to out of pocket which i do not have...

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline elias

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2016, 08:36:56 pm »
To the best of my knowledge, there is no accepted protocol for only 2 28-pill bottles of  Epclusa.

With Harvoni there is in very specific circumstances, such as low initial vl and i think also low fibrosis. This was tested out and established in trials.

It has not (yet) with Epclusa. So it would really off for them-whether insurance or pharmacy to assume that

In any case. It's good u have those eight days of slack. Hopefully, will be resolved very much sooner
Contracted HCV ~age 12
Diagnosed: September 2016 GT2b
F3 by Fibrosure: 0.66
Necroinflammat activity: A3 0.76
VL Sep. 12, 2016: 1.44 million/ Log: 6.157
AST:71/ ALT:114   Sept. 1, 2016 Before treatment
4 week after beginning  Epclusa:
AST 17/ALT 11
Began Epclusa:  October 22, 2016
End of Treatment [EOT]: January 13. 2017
SVR 12 April14-HCV Not Detected

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2016, 08:48:03 pm »
Andrew, if it isn't fixed easily in the a.m., contact the Patient Advocate Foundation's Hepatitis C CareLine (800-532-5274 or www.hepatitisc.pafcareline.org). They have worked wonders for others here on the Hep Forums. -Gnatty
9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85

Offline kimlav

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2016, 09:28:12 am »
Hi Andrew,

What a drag that these mixups are occurring. Epclusa is clearly to be taken for 12 weeks for everyone which is 3 bottles no matter what. And, the first bottle is the initial one and refills are then x 2 so anyone telling you differently is just trying to be difficult. Wow, I know Canada's health care isn't perfect but that kind of shit doesn't happen here that I know of. No one normally loses their home and savings over becoming ill. Nor did I ever not take my kids to the doctor because of cost etc. 

I took Harvoni for 8 weeks and I was detected at EOT like quite a few others here. So for sure I would have been detected at 4 weeks (wasn't tested). It did bother me though and at 4.5 weeks EOT, I was undetected and have remained so now past the 24 EOT.  You will be too.

Good luck with the third and necessary final bottle.


52 year old female
Geno 1a
Contracted in the 80's
Tx naive
vl 657,000 in Nov/15
No liver damage
ALT prior to tx: 107, 91 - 41 at 2 wks, 38 at 4 wks
AST prior to tx: 59,72 - 45 at 2 wks, 37 at 4 wks
started 8 wks Harvoni on Jan 21/16
EOT vl <12 detected
4.5 wk EOT vl - target not detected! RNA Not detected!
12 wk EOT vl - target not detected! (Will never get tired of typing that)
24 wk EOT vl -  not detected

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2016, 09:46:38 am »
thankfully it was resolved quickly i should have my next bottle coming soon unless they halt it for some reason lol

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline KimInTheForest

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2016, 10:45:17 am »
thankfully it was resolved quickly i should have my next bottle coming soon unless they halt it for some reason lol

Great news, Andrew! :)

Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2017, 09:32:14 am »
Taking my last Epclusa pill tomorrow morning.

getting EOT blood done as well as i was still detected at 5 weeks.... REALLY hoping for undetected this time ;)

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2017, 10:23:52 am »
I'm really hoping so, too, Andrew. -also hoping you'll have plenty of good things going on between the blood draw and when the results are ready, so that the wait won't seem as long. -Gnatty
9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85

Offline Mw2324

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2017, 10:35:21 am »
I'm sure you'll be fine.  Best of luck ☺
30 yr. old female
Infected in 2006
Genotype 2b
Alt 28
Ast 30
Viral load 49,000
Started Epclusa on 9/9/16 -12 week treatment
4 week viral load undetected... ALT 19 AST 19
12 week eot viral load undetected...ALT16 AST 11

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2017, 06:22:17 pm »
Thanks guys,

took my last pill today!

12 weeks of Epclusa finished!

going for blood work tomorrow afternoon,

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline andrew90

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2017, 03:59:08 pm »
UNDETECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EOT

EOT Blood Testing 1/25/17

Five week blood testing 12/8/16
Viral Load: 35(IU/mL)
AST: 34

Started Epclusa 10/2/16

Genotype 3a

Fibrosis: F2/3
ALT: 459
AST: 189
Viral Load: 6415894 (iU)/mL

Offline Mw2324

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2017, 04:18:54 pm »
30 yr. old female
Infected in 2006
Genotype 2b
Alt 28
Ast 30
Viral load 49,000
Started Epclusa on 9/9/16 -12 week treatment
4 week viral load undetected... ALT 19 AST 19
12 week eot viral load undetected...ALT16 AST 11

Offline gnatcatcher

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2017, 04:50:13 pm »
Wonderful! -- all the sweeter after not having completely cleared at 5 weeks.
9/29/71 transfusions
HCV genotype 1a
7/09/15-9/30/15 Harvoni

Before treatment:
Viral Load 9,490,582
FibroScan 19.5 kPa [F4]
ALT 262
AST 217
ALP 183

Most recent:
FibroScan 7.6 kPa [F1-2]
ALT 15
AST 20
ALP 85

Offline Rosie13

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2017, 11:06:43 pm »
Andrew, I just read this whole thread & I was getting angry reading about your Dr. & his response to your 5 wk.labs...I was so happy seeing your AST number ...that told me you were really getting cured! Now we can celebrate the real thing! Hope you have a some good times relaxing after all the  stuff you went through.rosie
Labs August 15,2015
Genotype 1b
AST 112 U/L
ALT 181 U/L
HCV 192,000 IU/mL
Fibroscan F2-3
Started Harvoni Sept. 5, 2015
4wk. labs Oct. 2,2015
AST 21 U/L
ALT 27 U/L
8wk. labs Nov.5,2015
AST 16 U/L
ALT 19 U/L
12 wks.post tx.feb.11,2016
24 wks. post tx. may 16,2016
UNDETECTED Fibroscan  F-0!!!!!

Offline Mike

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Re: 5 Week Epclusa Blood Work - Still Detected ;(
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2017, 10:42:59 pm »
Congrats, Andrew!

Best wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014


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