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Author Topic: It's horrible insurance companies basically kill you by treatment denials...  (Read 9133 times)

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Offline 11Points

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Have extreme pain issues, and I use a small amount of cannabis illegally to manage it.  I've ran the gambit of ??? opiates, from Tylenol 3's to Oxycontin 80's (x3) and besides never working, they always, and I mean always led me eventually straight back to IV heroin use.  On and off, I've been prescribed, over & under, anything and everything.  The only thing that takes the edge off my pain and allows me to cope with daily activities without being an asshatto the world is cannabis.  I currently find myself in Arkansas, and I cannot get my HCV treatment because I fail for THC.  How crappy is that.  30-45 days is a long time to go in constant pain.  I know putting off my hep treatment isn't a good idea, but geesh... it seems overwhelming.

Offline Salal

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I hope some US readers can help you out with your insurance question, but I have another question.  What is the cause of your chronic pain?  I ask because I suffer from chronic nerve pain in several parts of my peripheral nervous system, mainly hands and feet, but also a patch on the front of my lower left leg.  This kind of burning pain is called neuritis.  I take 2700 mg of Gabapentin each day, but I have always wondered if cannabis would help.  At this moment, in Canada, it isn't legal, except medicinally with a prescription.  But the new law is in the process of being passed. We're expecting it to be legal by July.

Offline 11Points

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Car accident about 20 years ago that I never sought treatment for.  I had my wisdom teeth out, got a Vicodin script, and my Momma ate them like candy... guess apples don't fall far because I got way hooked on opiates.  So yah, when I did try to get treatment for my chronic back/shoulder pain, no one would prescribe me anything.  Little bitty micro-doses of cannabis though sort me right out.  It's strange how they will let people suffer before they will "save face" on the cannabis issue.

I haven't smoke recently, I'm really considring trying to abstain, deal with the pain, get the treatment and be done with it...  but this disease is strange.  I know I have it, I know it can and probably will kill me horribly, but since I don't feel anything every day, it's out of mind.

Out of sight, out of mind.  I dunno.  Maybe my Momma shoulda spanked me harder, lol.  Or maybe I was dropped on my head ;)-

I need treatment, but they want clean urine. *shrugs* I'm so agains even the idea of someone putting laws "on my body" that even if I wasn't ingesting anything, I'd still tell them to go wank... but my life is literally on the line here... so torn apart from think about all this...


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