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Author Topic: Week 8 on Mavyret and body changes  (Read 13055 times)

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Offline Shellae

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Week 8 on Mavyret and body changes
« on: May 12, 2019, 10:07:20 am »
I am on my 8th and final week of Mavyret. Here are some changes my system is going through. In about the 4th week, I started noticing the numbness in my feet and calves was lessening. They had been numb, and even had a long period (8years) of almost no movement beyond slight wiggling in my toes. I can now slightly grasp objects with my toes. The cramping in my legs and feet seems to have disappeared. There is still some numbness, but isolated now to the feet bottoms! Alongside this, my ankles and feet tops were breaking out in either rashes(maybe histamine rash?), or inflamed blood vessels. This happened 3 times and lasted a few days. Somewhat itchy and inflamed. This also happened when the numbness paralysis first took hold. It is like I am healing and going through the symptoms backwards. My digestion is shaping up, and even had some baby back ribs last night with no real consequences, just one little burp. My first red meat in a very long time. I don't want to get into the habit of eating red meat, but it tasted so good! I can eat a little more bread now too, and am sticking to multi-grains and sprouted breads. The discomfort in the region of my liver is all the way gone. I had a respiratory problem that resembled asthma, and mornings were a fight with accumulated mucous and coughing up plugs, shortness of breath, and occasional asthma-like attacks....I thought I was developing COPD. It's literally gone. I had these symptoms for over 20 years! The allergies are almost nil too! At first I thought I was imagining this, but I'm not. I can breath. My skin is much clearer too. I'm still tired and sleep a lot, my thyroid levels are still on the low side (no meds), and my BP still fluctuates a lot (some meds). Emotionally I feel like I am calming down...like after an adrenaline rush, but well into the leveling out phase. 

Offline andrew j

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Re: Week 8 on Mavyret and body changes
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2019, 07:40:38 pm »
All pretty normal by the looks of it.

Offline Sage

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Re: Week 8 on Mavyret and body changes
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2019, 09:52:45 pm »
What great news! I hope life continues to improve for you. I hope to start Mavyret in a few weeks if my insurance goes through. Your story adds hope.
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Offline Shellae

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Re: Week 8 on Mavyret and body changes
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2019, 09:41:01 am »
Hi Sage. Good luck to you on your recovery journey. I still have no idea if all these seemingly separate issues relate to the hepc, but am enjoying the freedom from them.
Can't wait for the blood draw at 3 months post meds to see if it has indeed not resurrected its ugliness. I had no idea I was sick until maybe 4 months ago, and was apprehensive all the way thru the insurance process, and the med process thinking it would not work for me. I felt as if a force had me held down for over 30 years struggling with the virus and not knowing why I felt so off...sometimes really sick and bedridden for weeks at a time.
 I really felt like my mind was going, and that too is slowly passing. I have some good people around me for the emotional rollycoaster stuff.
The people up here are awesome and dedicated to keeping their experience flow reaching us newly diagnosed. I am really gratefully appreciative toward them. Hope all goes well for you.


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